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Spooky Sex

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Have you ever heard of spectrophilia? For those who find the concept of ghosts unbelievable enough then you're going to laugh off this one. Spectrophilia is the sexual attraction to ghosts and the act of sexual relations with these spiritual entities.

As unfathomable as many people may think it is, there's actually been many cases of spectrophilia reported throughout history and even by some well-known celebrities like Kesha, Eve and Lucy Lui!

Do you find the whole idea of sex with ghosts as a load of sexual blather or are you a believer? Perhaps you even know someone who has supposedly had a paranormal tryst?

spiritual sex

Well there are recorded cases of sexual entities using the living for sex, incubussucubus, and i know I've had some unexplainably horny dreams where by you feel everything so intensely and wake so rigid, so who knows??? Spirit sex, yup i could see how it could happen ??????

Spooky sex

Well, let's face it, we've all been in situations where you haven't a ghost of a chance...hehe...

Mind you, any girl who pays attention to my ghoulies is on to a winner...I'll get me coat...xx