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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

Sanju1998's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Saturday, 8 November 2014 We will be in A Mumbai Hotel close to international airport on Sat Nov 8, 8pm onwards. It's our first time so would like to plan it well. Thanks.

RE:Sanju19****'s Quick Meet


Looking for single. Male?

any plan in pune plz tel me

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RE:Sanju1998's Quick Meet

hello can I join with u couple for fun

RE:Sanju1998's Quick Meet

Would love to join you guys... But I hope you screen the people! Do let me know!

RE:RE:Sanju1998's Quick Meet

hey..i would love to make myself availabel..won't say much about myself drop in a pm..we can really have a lot of fun and ecstasy;)

RE:Sanju1998's Quick Meet

Hi we are cpls from Mumbai and would like to meet you
Please share your number

RE:Sanju1998's Quick Meet

But in which hotel send me the address

RE:RE:Sanju1998's Quick Meet

Sure Maya. Let me know if you are keen to join us

would love to join

Hey, have you people finalized yet? do let me know if you are looking for couples only or guys too. Also, what's the plan of screening?


Strictly no single males. Only couple pls. FYI. We will be in Mariott Juhu from Sat 8 evening. Interested couples pls email pics and details