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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

rinkuaaa's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Sunday, 2 November 2014 Anybody wants to meet us for further planing then give me there detail and contract info.

RE:rinkuaaa's Quick Meet

Event dates: Sunday, 2 November 20**** Anybody wants to meet us for further planing then give me there detail and contract info.

RE:rinkuaaa's Quick Meet

we are interested...check our profile and revert back,,,


hello dear we r a cpl from odisha m-32 f-30 , we want a good cpl for some sex fun in our life ,we both r doing job if u interested meet us please contact. we r go to visit kolkata on 7th november


hello dear we r a cpl from odisha m-32**** , we want a good cpl for some sex fun in our life ,we both r doing job if u interested meet us please contact. we r go to visit kolkata on 7th november[quote

rinkuaaa's Quick Meet

Can I join with you?

rinkuaaa's Quick Meet

Can I join with you?

RE:rinkuaaa's Quick Meet

We are interested to meet. We are married couple. Interested for soft swap.


any ladies o gals wanna get theirimg src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" licked n banged??? thn do reply me,em hungry for it...waiting for replies...img src="imagesadultemoticons004.gif"

RE:rinkuaaa's Quick Meet

i would like to join u.. chack my profile and contact me pls..