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This half-naked fella seems to be having a bit of a 'doh' moment. Can you create an amusing and fitting caption to match his pic?


"Damn I knew I should have worn the Pink one" :(

Caption this

Now then...tie - check, briefcase - check, what else have I missed?...

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Bugger were did I out my keys.

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Oh my god,
Again he start growing for another session.

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Oh my god..... How good is she !!!img src="imagesadultemoticons011.gif"

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This half-naked fella seems to be having a bit of a 'doh' moment. Can you create an amusing and fitting caption to match his pic?

Does my cock look small in this ?

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Viagra? I thought they were paracetemol

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who`d of thought putting a hole in a bag could be so much fun,,, mmmmmm

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This half-naked fella seems to be having a bit of a 'doh' moment. Can you create an amusing and fitting caption to match his pic?
oh i shaved off my cock as well ,

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Caution: veet should not be used in sensitive areas.

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"I thought a double Windsor had a knott at both ends"

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"I thought a double Windsor had a knott at both ends"

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This half-naked fella seems to be having a bit of a 'doh' moment. Can you create an amusing and fitting caption to match his pic?

"Sorry, too early again"

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"Ooops,I thought the WRVS met next door"

Caption .

Surely youre not going to arrest me over something so small .


Should have gone to Specsavers

as ken dod used to say

where's my shirt?

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You mean this isn't what you meant when you said "just remember to wear a tie to the job interview"?