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Competition Winners

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Hey everyone,

Sorry it's taken a bit longer than it should have been to bring you the results of the competition today. It really has been hard to pick one winner, in fact we had that many great entries it was hard to rule out any of them! I was trying to do so myself but had to ask for help from some of the other Siteadmins, they struggled also.

We have however decided on a worthy winner but have also chosen some runners-up who will receive a prize also as we're that pleased with the effort put in.

I'll post the first place entry for you today and will share the rest of the entries throughout the coming weeks so keep your eyes peeled for them!

Our winner is: Johnbig0

He will be getting the Lovehoney products along with 2 weeks of VIP membership.

Our runners up are:

who will all be receiving 1 week's VIP membership.

Congratulations to the prize winners and thanks to everyone who entered. If your entry isn't a winner, remember it was very hard to narrow down the entries at all and we had lots of great effort!

I'll be in touch with the winners to find out when they would like their membership added to their accounts.

For Johnbig0's entry, watch the forums today, I'll be posting it in separate parts as it's pretty long!

Thanks guys and hope to see you all in future competitions x

Second place

How do we claim our freebie x

RE:Second place

Hiya, you should have a message from me in your inbox, just send me over a quick message about when you want your membership instating. x