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These people were hospitalised because of sex!

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Did you hear about the woman who recently had to go to A & E with a vibrator stuck in a pretty painful place? Where exactly was that place? Her urethra, yes that minuscule hole that ladies pee out of. This unfortunate gal done the impossible and somehow managed to get a mini vibrator lodged inside. Ouch! The doctors claimed they could feel it vibrating from inside her bladder as they examined her pelvic area, she must have been bursting for a wee after all that!

A businessman in China was getting a cheeky blow job from his secretary sat in his car which was parked in their company carpark. They were really getting into things when a van rammed his vehicle from behind and the force of the collision caused the secretary to bite down..hard..

This next story makes us want to go all Mr T and shout "you crazy fool!" A machinist who clearly didn't have enough work to do would habitually wait for his colleagues to leave for lunch and then pleasure himself by holding his wang against one of the running machine belts. One fateful day he leaned in a bit too close at the point of climax and trapped his crown jewels between the pulley-wheel and drive-belt which launched him into the air and tore off one of his testes. He then, (somehow not realising he'd lost a ball) tried to put everything back together using a massive staple gun. As can be expected, he soon had to head to hospital and get help as his scrotum swelled to epic proportions and was oozing puss. Sorry if you're eating right now!

Urethra is also not a vase..

Heard of some poor chap that decided on Valentines day to insert a flower by the stem into his urethra. Lovely surprise and all that, however the fine hairs and there particular growth pattern prevented the flower from being removed, Ouch and rather silly!!

RE:Urethra is also not a vase..

Haha that's kinky, romantic and silly all in one! x