10:38 am Thursday, 2nd October, 2014
Did you hear about the woman who recently had to go to A & E with a vibrator stuck in a pretty painful place? Where exactly was that place? Her urethra, yes that minuscule hole that ladies pee out of. This unfortunate gal done the impossible and somehow managed to get a mini vibrator lodged inside. Ouch! The doctors claimed they could feel it vibrating from inside her bladder as they examined her pelvic area, she must have been bursting for a wee after all that!
12:08 pm Thursday, 2nd October, 2014
Urethra is also not a vase..Heard of some poor chap that decided on Valentines day to insert a flower by the stem into his urethra. Lovely surprise and all that, however the fine hairs and there particular growth pattern prevented the flower from being removed, Ouch and rather silly!! |
9:52 am Monday, 6th October, 2014
RE:Urethra is also not a vase..Haha that's kinky, romantic and silly all in one! x |