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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

Tainmou's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Sunday, 28 September 2014 Spanking session anyone?
I'm up for most things, just ask.
Preferably Berks way but depends what is on offer ;-)

quick meet

I am going to Andover dressed, willing to give or receive spanking, can bring some paddles and dildos. Would love to meet there or on way home
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RE:Tainmou's Quick Meet

What time you free

RE:quick meet

Sounds interesting Terris, what outfit are you going in? Those toys sound perfect. Where are you going in Andover and what time?

RE:RE:Tainmou's Quick Meet

Depends what kind of meet you are after Danno?

Quick meet Basingstoke

The line where everyone goes away happy i like what your into