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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

WE guy looking for couple

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Date start: 25.09.2014 Date END: 27.09.2014 Looking for a couple for threesome or as hubby watches . Can be a cuckold coulpe.

3 sum

Hi we need you gf needs big hard cock hope you can help

RE:3 sum

Hello there I'm really interested in joining you for a 3 some obviously this isn't me in profile pic I've got to be careful due to my job.can we exchange photos?

RE:3 sum

Hi if yo u both like to meet up Friday am or pm in peterborough

RE:3 sum

Hi we need you gf needs big hard cock hope you can help
Anytime bring your gf to me

RE:WE guy looking for couple

Hi we would love to meet up for fun please email us and ill send some pics for hou to see any one else see this and think you can help please mail us she needs lots of big cock

RE:WE guy looking for couple

Hi we would love to meet up for fun please email us and ill send some pics for hou to see any one else see this and think you can help please mail us she needs lots of big cock