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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

funtime646's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Sunday, 21 September 2014 Lets Meet in My Hotel Suite in Makati, have coffee Drinks and get to know more, and schedule a great function on the days to come

RE: funtime646's Quick Meet

count me in ;)

Singel Males are limited to 1 Only for the Party

Dear Single Males, it seems we are not having enough Ladies to be entertained by you all,I erg you all to find a female Partner withing 24 Hours, otherwise you will be denied participation. I am sorry to need to take this major.

Thanks for your understanding

Single Males Alert

i am going to remove you all from attendance due to the previous reasons, you may post in may attend subjecy to have a female or couple companion or sponsors

Thanks for understanding

Event cancelled

Event cancelled