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Divorced..for being too horny!

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A couple from Mumbai have been divorced after the husband sought to escape his now ex-wife's 'excessive and insatiable' need for sex.

She attempted to give him libido-enhancing drugs and threatened to sleep with other men if he shouldn't fully quench her never-ending thirst for nookie. The fella was absolutely exhausted from all that thrusting and even suffered appendicitis due to lack of rest!

We wonder just how many other married men (or women!) out there wish they had this problem though?

If you want to check out the full story, search: 'man divorces wife over appetite for sex'.

I know his pain

One of my girlfriends used to make me have sex constantly. Fun at first but very very the end she accused me of having an affair because I went floppy after making her organs six times.. I couldn't last the pace. I broke it off.

This guy did the right thing

Many women try to abuse of their men in private.. trying to feel dominant on his man. I think his wife crossed the guy's limit. She would do better having more than one partner..

RE:Divorced..for being too horny!

img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" Whats her name?? she sounds great and exciting.. maybe she needs a woman to satisfy her?? Im keen to know...

RE:RE:Divorced..for being too horny!

I'm not sure what her name is, the story is all over the internet though. She probably has a fanclub by now so you might be able to find out that way ;)

RE:RE:RE:Divorced..for being too horny!

or it goes the other way and your partner ends up complaining that they arnt a sex toy after years of fantastic bed funimg src="imagesadultemoticons007.gif"