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Home > Forums > Clubs & Venues (The Social Scene)

Gangbang Party

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Date start: 28.09.2014 Date END: 28.09.2014 My partner loves older men (ideally 40+). She is a lovely 26 year old who is highly sexed and highly accomplished at giving pleasure. We are arranging a gangbang party in Hampshire at a hotel. If you are interested please email us for further details. Also, if any women are interested in joining in, please feel free to volunteer by email as well. There will be a modest charge for men who attend - just £55 for 2 hours...numbers will of course be limited.

RE:Gangbang Party

I'm 21 yrs I take in please send me a details

RE:Gangbang Party

I'm 21 yrs I take in please send me a details

RE:Gangbang Party

Date start: 28.09.2014 Date END: 28.09.2014 My partner loves older men (ideally 40+). She is a lovely 26 year old who is highly sexed and highly accomplished at giving pleasure. We are arranging a gangbang party in Hampshire at a hotel. If you are interested please email us for further details. Also, if any women are interested in joining in, please feel free to volunteer by email as well. There will be a modest charge for men who attend - numbers will of course be limited.

RE:RE:Gangbang Party

I would like to come help out

RE:Gangbang Party

Let me know if your looking for numbers?? Cheers

re gang bang

my partner and I may be interested in this and she would join in . If interested by all means get back to us

RE:Gangbang Party

intrested.hotel name please

RE:Gangbang Party

really like to attend, drop me a message with details or contact etc

RE:Gangbang Party

can a couple join?

RE:Gangbang Party

Hi, are couples invited?

Re gangbang party

Can I have details please as I would love to join in thanks xx

can i have more in fo how to get in touc with you


RE:Gangbang Party

hi more info plese ,place and how to contact you. im deff. interested

Gang bang party

Would love to take part. Please can you send me details. Thanksimg src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif"

Gang bang Party to many cooks mess up the stew

Latino god lover very experienced in the art of sexual pleasure making love gang sounds fun but to many cooks ruin the stew dieses run ram pied some you can' get red of it'd be fun but no thinks just he same one on one yes I'm up for that, but not into herpes or anything f the sort thanks for the invite, but I'll pass.

RE:Gangbang Party


I'm 42 and keen to join the fun. Count me in, please and let me have more details.

Chris img src="imagesadultemoticons007.gif"

gang bank party

details please.i would like to join in

RE:Gangbang Party

Very tempting :) If you need another male, clean and safe, do let me know.

RE:Gangbang Party

I certainly qualify in the "+40s" bit and I would very much like to join you for the party.
Please end me details, and I look forward to seeing, and her in particular!

RE:Gangbang Party

Let me know if you are interested in to keep a similar party in my city, Barcelona.

RE:Gangbang Party

Hi let me no when next one is please

RE:Gangbang Party

Hoi when the next oneimg src="imagesadultemoticons008.gif"

RE:Gangbang Party

Hoi when the next oneimg src="imagesadultemoticons008.gif"

Where is the info?

I've had no post on party .So can only assume it's another wind up