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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

funsexicouple's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Thursday, 28 August 2014 Looking for slim bi fem couples to meet on evening 28 August. Would love to meet for drinks to see how things develop for some soft swinging.


Hi where do you want to meet as we might be free
B & M

RE:funsexicouple's Quick Meet

hi im brian ,i do have a very beautiful gf who enjoys getting sensual with a woman though dossnt seem to want to play at the moment ,but seeing your profile am sure she would be interested in meeting up with u ,we live in tenterden so if u are interested please do get back , brian x

RE:RE:funsexicouple's Quick Meet

Sorry Brian but we don't think we would be right for you two

RE:funsexicouple's Quick Meet

Hi Guys,

We are free if you fancy an eve out ??? where would you like to meet ? A AND S

RE:RE:funsexicouple's Quick Meet

Hi, Nice to know you are free but we are staying at Dartford Hilton overnight and not going out from there. You are more than welcome to meet if you have the time to travel but it's a big ask. xx

Event cancelled

Event cancelled