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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

miyours's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Friday, 1 August 2014; Saturday, 2 August 2014; Sunday, 3 August 2014 Hi. anyone near Hull for fun weekend give shout xxx


Male here in Worksop free tonite
Inbox me with details
Can meet upimg src="imagesadultemoticons029.gif"


Am in hull Friday nite if you fancy meeting up for fun


Am a hour away what and where is on tonight


Hi send me ur details x


Can you inbox be so i can send u my details

RE:miyours's Quick Meet

in hotel in hull for a few days


you near the station in town centre.

RE:miyours's Quick Meet

Anybody with you on Saturday ?

Meet up for Sunday

Hey I'm free on Sunday and would to meet
So can you let me know where and time please

RE:miyours's Quick Meet

Event dates: Friday, 1 August 2014; Saturday, 2 August 2014; Sunday, 3 August 2014 Hi. anyone near Hull for fun weekend give shout xxx
hi, im free sat or sun and will be in hull. just let me know. x

RE:miyours's Quick Meet

Send me your details it's quicker


I can do Sunday to if interested inbox me the detailed and il be there

I'm in hull

Do let me know if u still fancy meeting someone up in hull. I'm free all day