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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

apple35's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Thursday, 7 August 2014 Hi
I have some free time on Thursday 7th - someone or a few of you can take advantage of me x

RE:apple35's Quick Meet

so sweet apple were when get in touch deven

RE:apple35's Quick Meet

Hi Apple, I am interested, please advise of timing and where. Look forward to hear from you. Thanks.

Quick meet

I am also free, would love to meet up

RE:apple35's Quick Meet

Love 2 meet up


I would love to attend Tell me where and The time please ...

RE:apple35's Quick Meet

I'm free if you fancy getting a student ;) xx

Hi Apple 35

Would love to take advantage of your so so hot body. But you have seven attending already so that is a little more than a few, so one more maybe overload ! But will they all turn up ? I am free all day and eve and will be there if you can squeeze me in ! xx

sexy day

i like teaseing and pleasing the lady finding her hotspots and fantasies playing lots and letting the lady tease and please also i find a lady dressed in lingeree more sexy than a naked lady but thats the italian in me hope you like to play text and tease soon thanks tony


Are we all going for one lady I think she should manage us in different time periods to us all happy agree img src="imagesadultemoticons028.gif"

Party! :-)

Let me know where?

RE:apple35's Quick Meet

hi apple im def interested please send details x

Wow Apple

Hey beauty - see what a response a shapely Arabian princess receives! Personally I'd love to have you all to myself .... first time at least! If I'm one of the lucky one's I can't wait to meet you, ever hopeful Gx

RE:apple35's Quick Meet

I'm free :-)

RE:RE:apple35's Quick Meet

Guess nothing came of this ?