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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

rusty87's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Wednesday, 30 July 2014 Meeting

RE:rusty87's Quick Meet

Hey i would love too but working in scotland until the 4th if you arrange another evening in the near future after the 5th i would drive anywhere to see that beautiful body of yours

RE:rusty87's Quick Meet

I can meet up, just tell me where and what time, love oral giving first!img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons014.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons016.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons004.gif"

RE:rusty87's Quick Meet



rusty i'd love to meet up with ya , give me a shout eh x

RE:Quick meet up to...drop me some more details. .

Event cancelled

Event cancelled