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2. A story about Lisa and Leo and about the bet.

1:43 pm Sunday, 7th November, 2021

"Natasha and Ken will not come to us this Saturday." Linda announced as she sat in the passenger seat on Monday morning. "Why? I saw Ken yesterday and he was happy and full of expectations. So, was I." "It seems that everything worked out for you two." Linda remarked ironically. “And the girls, as always, broke the harmony. Last night Natasha called me and talked about our very strange ideas about swinging and that it is unacceptable to do such things with friends. I apologized for leaving her without an orgasm, I was just too exhausted after a hard day. And Ken looked so devoted to her and ready to fulfill her every wish. Everything was great, she had nothing to worry about, and next time everything will go much smoother and more fun. They just have to come to us next Saturday at 7pm, she is naked under the dress, and Ken is in women's clothes. Natasha literally exploded, uttered a lot of rude words, said that she did not want to deal with us. And HOW COULD I EVEN OFFER THEM SUCH A THING!!! And hung up!"

"You're right, my dear." I tried to cool down my wife. "These are your boobs and your rules. If she doesn't want to follow the rules, then she has nothing to do here. And so it will be. And I like to be your one and only."

We drove in silence for a while. "I miss Natasha already." Linda groaned. "Why didn't you help me get it right? What do we do now?" "Just leave them alone. Natasha, too, will start to miss you and will back down. I'm sure she will do it." "And my parents again offered to take Barbara and Brent next weekend and go with them to Wonderland." "We'll take this opportunity, trust me."

We fell silent. I drove carefully. "Just curious," I said, "which of our friends has group sex?" "Lisa and Leo." "Hard to believe. Lisa is such a lady." "However, they do date with other couples. And I've seen at least two of her male friends with benefits. She is a hot wife in all her glory." "Sometimes I have lunch with Leo, he never mentioned anything like that." "Because you never showed any interest in it." "Do you want me to talk to Leo and set up a date with them?" "Perhaps." "Will you do what I tell you to do if I succeed?" "Perhaps."

That same morning, I called Leo and asked him to have lunch together and discuss something personal. This was not unusual, and he immediately agreed. After we placed the orders, I told him the following: "Linda recently lost a bet to me. We must go with friends to a restaurant where she stays naked under her dress all evening. We want to invite you and Lisa. Linda will think that both of you don't know about the bet, but I don't think it's fair to use you blindly. So, if you choose to go, don't show that you know what's going on. What do you think?" "This is the most amazing invitation I have received in recent years!" Leo exclaimed with enthusiasm. "I must talk to Lisa. I think we will accept it."

A couple of hours later, Leo called back and said that they were accepting the invitation for Saturday night, and Lisa suggested The Desire Lodge. I made a restaurant reservation for 7pm on Saturday and informed Linda about the work done. "I told them that you lost the bet, and you will be naked under your dress all evening." I spoke. "Nonsense," she snorted. But I knew she would love the idea.


For the dinner Linda had makeup on, she was wearing a black, tight, short dress, with a deep neckline and high heels, and nothing else. I was wearing the same lemon V-neck sweater, blue jeans, suede loafers, no socks.

Without a doubt, the Desire Lodge was a nice restaurant. Dimly lit by discreet inset lighting, deep red cherry wood bar and tabletops crossed with clean white linens, candles on each table. We stopped by the hostess welcome station.

A blonde in a crisp white dress shirt, came out to meet us. "Good evening, table for two?" she asked. "We are Stevens, we’re meeting some people," I said. “The rest of your party is already here. Please follow me." The hostess turned and walked into the dim restaurant. When we neared the table, close enough to see it, she stopped and gestured toward it. "Have a lovely evening," she said, and disappeared back into the darkness.

Lisa and Leo sat across from each other, Leo with his back to us. We walked over, all smiles. "Good evening," Linda said. She was walking on heels with ease and grace, the roundness of her body swayed provocatively. Lisa and Leo smiled standing up. Leo turned around and stood up. We greeted each other with joy. Leo gave up his chair to Linda and sat across from her.

Lisa wore red plunging dress, with dark brown stockings, and high heels. She is a very attractive, often smiling, tall, dark-haired lady. Leo, slightly bald, very neat, fit man. He was wearing a white shirt under a black leather jacket and ripped blue jeans, probably designer ones.

When we were all seated, Leo caught the attention of our waiter, who turned out to be a big, muscular guy, and we ordered red wine.

"What do you think of our waiter?" Linda asked. "Would you like to screw him?" "Linda!" Liza blurted out. "He is absolutely gorgeous!" "Linda, you be quiet!" Lisa hissed. The waiter had been walking away from us when Linda had made her outrageous comment. Leo chuckled, so did I.

The conversation has turned to sex. Linda constantly rocked her bust during the conversation, and this evening she talked a lot. Leo and Lisa stared at her.

A waiter appeared with a bottle of red, carefully filled four glasses and handed us one at a time. He looked at Lisa and Linda with meaning. Linda modestly lowered her eyes and rocked her bust. As the wine began to flow, we ordered our meals and Leo began to recount funny moments, happened in restaurants, everyone was laughing.

The waiter brought the meals and another bottle of red. He served the meals, uncorked the bottle, filled our glasses, then left the bottle and vanished back into the restaurant. We started eating.

Well, then Linda decided to tell us a story. She is good at storytelling. "It was in Mexico, I lost a bet to Archie and had to come to the restaurant naked under my dress. First we went out onto the veranda." "Were there people around?" - asked Lisa. "Not much, but enough to be watched." Linda continued and stood up. "Then I was told to lift my dress." She took the edge of her dress with one hand and lifted it a couple of inches towards her butt, then stopped. "That far?" Lisa awed. "Until my ass was exposed. "What happened next?" "He had me reach back and feel myself." Linda showed what she did. "What did Archie do?" "I'll tell you the rest in the ladies' room." Lisa got up and they went out giggling.

Leo and I chatted as we sipped our wine. He was going to change his black Jaguar, and we began to carefully study possible candidates for a replacement. About 20 minutes passed before we remembered about our wives. Leo gasped as he recalled the hot looks the handsome, muscular waiter was throwing at the women.

Finally, the ladies appeared. They walked embracing, before reaching our table a meter, stopped in front of us and looked at us expectantly. Lisa was without stockings. Silence. "Ask us." - said Linda. Silence. "Show us your pussies!" I finally got it. They both took the front edges of their dresses and slowly began to raise them. They had the same intimate hairstyles.

The whole company looked very aroused. I had a raging erection. "What do you think about coming to us tonight?" - said Lisa. Linda looked at me, I nodded in agreement. "We are pleased to accept your invitation." - said Linda.

We asked for the bills, paid them, added a tip and left The Desire Lodge.

Outside, in the parking lot, Linda and Leo headed to his Jaguar, and Lisa joined me. By the time Lisa and I got in the car, the Jaguar roared off into the night.

Lisa turned her face to me. I pulled her to me and began to kiss on the lips. She leaned towards me. I put my hand into the cut of her neckline, found her right breast. It all fit in the palm of my hand. The nipple turned out to be unexpectedly large, I slightly pinched it with the phalanges of my fingers, and began to stroke the breast and pull on the nipple. My tongue danced in her mouth. She began to moan; after a minute her body began to shake. I continued to kiss and caress her breast, she continued to shake and make moaning sounds. This went on for at least 15 minutes. Finally, someone knocked on the window. The old woman asked for spare change. I gave her a ten, she thanked and left. We set off.

The garage door remained open, the Jaguar was already parked there. We drove in, Lisa closed the garage door. We entered the house. It was much larger than ours and looked richer. The passage to the basement was lit, we went downstairs.

We saw Leo, he was standing naked, his hands were handcuffed from behind. He was blindfolded and gagged. Linda stood in front of him, wearing shiny black bikini panties, black high heels. She held a whip in her hands. She looked gorgeous. In the corner, on the small table, was a box with Lisa's and Leo's S&M stuff. When we entered, Linda gestured for us to strip naked. We took off our clothes. She handcuffed us from behind and put us in line with Leo. Then she blindfolded us.

Then she began to walk around the line. When she walked in front, she flicked the end of the handle on pussy or cock. When she walked behind us, she whipped each of us. The pain was burning. She circled over and over and over ...

Then somebody kneel in front of me and I heard "Suck." I had a powerful boner. Someone almost swallowed my cock whole without touching me with their hands. I guessed by the smell that it was Lisa. I thought I would come immediately. It was amazing, she sucked cock like a pro. Other sounds of oral sex were heard nearby. Linda must be sucking Leo.

I had a powerful erection and felt that a little more and I will finish. As if hearing me, Linda ordered everybody to stop, the boys have a work to do. Lisa took off my handcuffs and blindfolds, gave me a condom, and taking my hand, brought me to the ping-pong table, and lay on it with her chest.

Linda lay with her chest on the opposite side of the table. Leo has already inserted his cock in her and started pumping. Hard. I put on condom and shoved my cock into Lisa's pussy and plunged abruptly into her slippery moisture. Lisa yelped. I started pumping. I wanted to shag Lisa as hard as possible. I glanced over at Linda as I shafted Lisa. Her eyes were closed, she moaned. Lisa began to breathe heavily. I saw that it turns her on a lot. I really increase my pace trying to come as quickly as possible. I was nervous, this was my first time doing another woman in front of my wife. Abruptly, my cock twitched and released a steady, slow stream of semen into the condom.

I pulled away from Lisa and looked at Linda. Linda shivered, her fleshy breasts trembling as she gasped loudly and came.

We all tried to come to our senses for a while, then the owners invited us up to the master bedroom. It turned out to be twice our size, but it didn't look empty. In the middle there was a huge sexodrome: a super king-sized bed. Must be custom made.

Lisa and Linda climbed onto the bed and took position 69, Linda at the bottom, Lisa at the top. Lisa looked at us. "You two, do the same."

Leo lay on his back and relaxed. I climbed on top of him, groped Leo's cock and swallowed it as he gorged on mine at the same instant. I started sucking Leo intently. Leo worked my cock and balls with his mouth. I didn't have much experience with this, but I tried to imitate the guys from the porn movies. Bobbing my head up and down quickly, I got completely aroused. Suddenly I felt my cock slip out of his mouth and then gasped as he opened his mouth wide and clamped both of my balls into his warm, wet mouth. Then he released my balls from his mouth. His hands grabbed my buttocks.

My cock began to twitch uncontrollably. I exploded. Leo coughed, but swallowed. And then a stream of hot salty, almost yeast-like semen gushed into my mouth. I swallowed two good mouthfuls before I felt Leo's tension eased.

I looked at the ladies. Linda let out a loud moan when she herself came. Lisa did not lag behind, her body was shaking too, but she limited her noise with suppressed heavy moans.

Then we lay down on the bed and talked for about half an hour. We all wanted to sleep, we went with Linda to the bathroom and took a shower. Then Leo in a flower robe went down to the basement with us, Linda and I got dressed, Leo opened the garage door, Lisa also went downstairs. Nude. We said goodbye, thanked the owners and left.


I woke up late Sunday. As I checked my phone, I noticed a missed call from Ken at 7 pm yesterday. A serious suspicion flashed in my head. I turned on my laptop and went into the front yard camera archives. Yes, my guess was correct, at 18:56 pm Natasha's bronze C-HR entered our driveway. The tall blonde and Natasha got out of the car, went up the porch and rang the bell. They waited for about a minute. Then the tall blonde took the phone out of her purse and began to call. Natasha said something, they returned to the car and drove away.

I called Ken. He answered immediately. I told him that yesterday I missed his call, we were in a restaurant with Linda, and then we went for a drive. Have spent time together. Ken said the call didn't really matter. Yesterday he and Natasha went to a gay bar, it was very exciting. And they made new friends. I needed details, he said that this was not a telephone conversation, he would tell about it later. I suggested that maybe we will meet next weekend, but he said that this is impossible: there will be a huge archery competitionin two weeks , in which he has a serious chance of winning. The next weekend, he goes to the training camp. And then he goes to the competition. So, maybe in 3 weeks. I wished him to win the main prize and conveyed my regards to Natasha.

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Curious, Respectful and Discrete Friends with Benefits.

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