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1. A story about Natasha and Ken and about the condition.

6:54 pm Monday, 1st November, 2021

"Are you satisfied with our sex life?" Linda asked as I drove her to work on Monday morning. "Yes, of course." I answered. We just had morning quickie and had an enjoyable session at night when Barbara and Brent went to bed. "Will you be interested in having sex with another couple?" "You mean some kind of spouse sharing?" "It can be spouse sharing, or it can be something else." "I didn't have much thought about it. Do you mean anyone?" "Yes, Natasha and Ken." "NATASHA and KEN??? OUR BEST FRIENDS???" "Yes, Natasha and Ken. Remember, on Thursday I went to the parents' meeting. Natasha was there too. After the meeting, we both went to have coffee in this nice place next to the rink. I was a little hot, so I took off my jacket and stayed in a white turtleneck, no bra. The turtleneck was a little thin, almost transparent."

Linda has big breasts, and they don't sag a bit. No implants, and she has two children! Sometimes she goes braless and still looks perfect. I believe she would get the men to eat out of her hands if she wanted to.

"They seem to leave Natasha speechless." Linda went on. "I asked her if she wants to look at my breasts. She said yes. So, we headed for the bathroom. It was a little half-bath. I locked the door and took off my turtleneck. She looked at me in a daze. I walked up to her, took hold of her head and pulled it towards my left breast. She took the nipple in her mouth and began to suck. She sucked and sucked, in the end I pulled her head away and told her to strip naked. She made it. She has beautiful breasts and ass. And freshly waxed pubes. I let her get dressed and put her panties and tights in her purse. She made it. I asked her if my breasts were better than hers, she said yes, and Ken thinks so too. We were lucky that no one was waiting when we got out of the bathroom."

"So, both Natasha and Ken are partial to your breasts and probably want to have sex with you." I spoke. "Natasha is as submissive as Ken." Linda remarked. "Ken isn't submissive." "He is submissive, believe me, if you only heard Natasha's stories. I promised not to tell anyone, but he does something." "Of course, I trust you, but it sounds a little strange... But why do you think they can be interested in group sex?" "Because Natasha told me for a long time that some of our mutual friends are doing this. I showed no interest and she never brought up the topic again." "Are you so incurious?" "I figured it out myself. Your wife is not blind and stupid." “Then who am I? I suspected nothing and saw nothing." "You are a family man who is devoted to your wife."

"By the way, yesterday Natasha invited the two of us to dine at their house on Saturday. My parents are picking up Barbara and Brent for the weekend, so I said we would most likely come." "Do you want us to go and invite them to have sex together?" "I want us to go and let them take the first step. And if they do this, then we will set our conditions." "Just going to dinner with them is good, if this topic comes up, I would not be caught off guard." "That's all I wanted to hear from you."

All this week I was pondering new possibilities. I felt refreshed and worked out in the gym every day after work. We had sex with Linda every night. Linda visited a hairdressing salon and a nail salon. She said that the very anticipation of the dinner is tortuous.


For dinner, Linda wore a beige tight-fitting dress that accentuated her breasts and high heels. I was wearing a lemon V-neck sweater, blue jeans, suede loafers, no socks. Natasha greeted us in a deep navy-blue sleeveless dress with a deep cut revealing her bust, with a hem high enough to show that her dark stockings were above the thigh. Her chest is not big, but she skillfully emphasizes it. She has wide hips, and when she stands, there is always a gap between her legs. Very sexy. Ken is tall, a little plump and very young looking. Ken was wearing a blue dress jacket over a loose dark smart t-shirt, black chinos, and light blue suede loafers.

Natasha kissed Linda gently on the lips, following the kiss with a hug. Ken pulled me into a bear hug. Ken extended his hand toward the table. He pulled out a chair for my wife and sat across from her.

Natasha and Ken made a great dinner, and we all drank a healthy amount of wine. But, surprisingly, the conversation was not easy, we didn't have that much to talk about this evening, even the women did not gossip. Ken remembered insanely funny moments from his last business trip, the ladies laughed politely, just a little. I wasn’t silent, but I didn’t talk too much either.

After lunch Natasha started a CD with slow music. I asked Natasha to dance. I hugged her to me, her back was tense. I complimented her attire, her movements, stroked her back gently, she still didn't seem relaxed. Ken and Linda danced next to us, Ken joked, Linda laughed. For the next dance, we switched partners. While dancing with Linda, I asked her if she still thinks our hosts want to do this with us. She said yes.

Then we drank coffee, ate some dessert, drank some more. It was getting late; dinner was coming to an end. It was time to thank Natasha and Ken and head home. I went to the toilet. There I imagined Natasha undressing in front of Linda in another toilet and became rock hard.

When I came back Linda was standing in a flirty pose in front of the hosts, holding her large reticule in her hands. I put my arm around her back and patted her hip a couple of times. It seemed to me that despair flashed in Natasha's eyes. I waited six seconds and announced that we have an idea that they are interested in swinging with us. Linda twitched slightly, Natasha and Ken looked at each other for several seconds. Ken finally said that they are interested in this. "We will agree to this, but on condition that both of you do what we tell you." I slowly said. Natasha and Ken looked at each other again, then looked at Linda and together said, "Okay."

I told them to strip naked. Natasha and Ken looked at each other again. You first, Natasha said.

Linda walked over to Ken to help. She had this smirk on her face, that I know very well. Ken took off his jacket, then t-shirt, loafers, and socks. We all watched. After a little pause he started unzipping his pants and took them off. We still watched. After another little pause he took off his panties. He had no hair below the waist, although his chest was very hairy. His penis looked so cute. I promised myself to suck this lovely cock someday.

Linda took a plastic handcuff from her purse and bound his hands behind his back. Then she took everything off the small table and told Ken to lie on his stomach on top of it. Ken looked at Natasha, Natasha looked very interested. He laid down on top of table with Linda's help.

Linda nodded to Natasha. Natasha got up and took off her clothes except her stockings. She was nude in 30 seconds! Then Linda cuffed Natasha's hands behind her back and quickly kissed her in lips.

I walked over to Ken and pulled the belt out of my jeans. Then I whipped him with a belt. "Did you like it?" "Yes," he said. "Count. Say 'One'," "One" he counted. Then I whipped him 9 times more. Hard. He counted them all. Then I put my hand on his cock. It was hard. I was amused.

Then I took off my sweater and loafers and started unzipping my pants. I looked at the ladies, Natasha looked like it was all a good joke. "Should I?" I asked. Natasha shook her head slightly "Yes"! She was smiling. Linda pulled the lubricant and condoms out of her purse and handed them to me. I undressed, knelt behind Ken, covered my finger with lubricant and pushed it into his rear hole. I heard him breathing heavily. Then I put on condom, lubricated my cock and pushed it right against his rear hole. He was holding his breath. The head entered. Suddenly he was breathing hard. He started pushing his rear up against me. Gradually, we caught the rhythm, the process became more and more enjoyable.

Ken was looking at the ladies. I looked around. Linda, who was still dressed, had her arm around Natasha with her hand resting on Natasha's hip. Linda had lifted her hand to finger Natasha's nipple, Natasha, who was looking directly at us, looked very excited. Linda turned Natasha's head and kissed her on the lips, and Natasha looked as if she had lost her balance from fainting. Then Linda led her out of the room.

I put my hand on Ken's cock. The cock was very hard, ready to cum. "You like it, don't you, Ken?" "Yes," he said. I pulled my cock out of him and slapped his ass very hard several times. He gave a short yell. I impaled him again, and continued pumping, checking his erection from time to time. Once he became very hard, I repeated slaps and resumed pumping. Ken came suddenly as his ass spasmed on my cock, pushing me over the edge as well. He shot his load on the carpet. I pulled out, took off the condom, helped Ken to knee, and told him to put my cock in his mouth. He did it. I told him to keep sucking. When I was about to cum, I told him to swallow. I finished in ecstasy. He swallowed everything and licked my cock clean and looked into my face. I helped him to his feet and kissed him on the lips.

Then I led him to a door to master bedroom where we saw Linda and Natasha. Linda was in nothing but a bra. Natasha on all fours was licking Linda's pussy, turning away from us. Both of them looked very aroused. Finally, Linda pulled away. "Nice work, slut," she said, grinning at us. "Now you are going to get a spanking." Linda slipped a pillow under Natasha's stomach so that her rear were propped up, took a little leather belt from the bed, and whipped her. She did it over and over. I was growing hard, so was Ken. I stood behind Ken, hugging him, and stroking his cock as he watched. After ten whips, Linda removed the handcuffs from Natasha and ordered her to lie on her back. Natasha changed her position, Linda knelt over her. Natasha put her hands on Linda's ass and pressed her face tightly to Linda's pussy. Linda was silent for a while, soon breathing heavily and moaning. And then I shoved my cock up Ken's ass! I was still stroking his cock. All three came at the same time!

I removed the handcuffs from Ken and pushed him towards the bed. Linda hugged Ken, kissed him on the lips and climbed out of bed. Linda gathered her clothes, we went into the living room, where we got dressed. When we returned to the bedroom to say goodbye, Ken and Natasha hugged passionately, merging into a kiss. Linda said that next Saturday we are expecting a return visit. We left.

It so happened that we only met four weeks later.

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Curious, Respectful and Discrete Friends with Benefits.

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