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Movie night slowly rough?

6:25 pm Friday, 29th October, 2021

The argument started the moment the movie ended.“Not buying it,” Leigh said, standing to stretch her legs.“What aren’t you buying?” Her husband Bryce caressed the back of her calf as she picked up the three empty glasses of wine and the bottle.“You didn’t like the movie? It’s a classic thriller.” Ethan took the empty bottle and glasses from her and carried them to the bar.“It was a good movie,” Leigh said. “Good acting. Good script. Huge gaping plot hole you could drive a dump truck through.” Ethan arched an eyebrow at her as he leaned back against the bar. Her husband’s best friend since college, Ethan was a regular fixture in their lives. He’d been the best man in their wedding and had suffered good-naturedly through more than a dozen of her attempts to fix him up with friends of hers. She hated playing matchmaker, but anytime one of her single friends got a look at the six-foot tall former professional soccer player, they all begged for an introduction. “What’s the huge gaping plot-hole?” Bryce asked as his hand slid further up the back of her dress. She gave him a playful dirty look. Her black-haired, blue-eyed, too-handsome-for-his-own-good husband hit on her constantly when Ethan hung out with them, Bryce’s not-so-subtle way of saying, “Look how fun being married is. Aren’t you sad you’re still single?”Leigh swatted at his hand. “So the one guy convinces the other guy that they can swap wives in the night, right? ‘Here, we’ll sneak into each other’s houses and while our wives are asleep, we’ll initiate sex. And in the dark with them barely awake, they won’t realize it’s not their husbands fucking them.’ That’s the plot point, right?” Leigh asked. “What? We have sex all the time when one or both of us is barely awake,” Bryce said, pulling Leigh down into his lap. “We did last night.”Ethan rolled his eyes, and Leigh winked at him.“True,” she said, remembering waking up with Bryce’s erection pressing against her back. She’d pushed back against him, and he’d slid inside her. Without even exchanging a single word, they’d fucked for a few minutes before Bryce pulled out of her and fell back asleep. She’d followed him into dreamland only seconds later. “But I knew it was you obviously. If it had been some other man in the dark, I would have known. That’s the plot hole. A woman would know if the man fucking her is or is not her husband even in the dark and half-asleep. That husband should have known he was getting played by his neighbor.” Leigh got off her Bryce’s lap. She took the DVD out of the player and turned off the television. “You only say that because you know I’m the only man who’s going to be fucking you in the middle of the night. If it was some other guy in our bed, and you were sleepy enough, you wouldn’t be able to tell him from me.”“Oh, I could tell,” Leigh said, crossing her arms over her chest. “Trust me.”“My cock is pretty amazing,” Bryce said with a humble sigh. “I guess you’re right.”“I think it could work,” Ethan said, coming back to the sitting area holding a glass of wine. “You’d have to even the playing field though. No talking. Total darkness. Cock in pussy alone.”“He’s got a point, Babe. You know it’s me because of my voice.” He took Leigh by the wrist and pulled her back down onto his lap. “If you were blindfolded or something and two different guys fucked you without a word, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.”“I could tell,” she said. “And I can prove it.”“How?” Ethan asked, raising the wine glass to his lips.“Just like Bryce said—blindfold me, don’t make noise, and fuck me.” She looked at her husband who only laughed a little.Ethan lowered the wine glass before he even took a drink of it. “You mean now?” Ethan asked.“Why not?” Bryce ran his hand from Leigh’s ankle to her hip. “She dissed your favorite movie. You don’t want to prove her wrong?” “Dude, she’s your wife.”“You didn’t tell him?” Leigh asked.“I thought he knew,” Bryce said.“Thought I knew what?” Ethan asked. “Oh, we’re kinky as fuck, Ethan,” Leigh said.“I knew he was. I didn’t know you were,” Ethan said to Leigh.“We have threesomes at least once a month,” Leigh explained as Bryce kissed her under her ear. “Usually it’s me and one of my girlfriends with him, but sometimes it’s another guy. I’m never blindfolded though, and I always know who’s fucking me. This could be interesting.”“Want to?” Bryce looked up at Ethan. “Do I want to fuck your wife?” Ethan looked at Bryce and then back at her. “You don’t even have to ask.” “I’ll get the stuff,” Leigh said, scrambling off Bryce’s lap. “Are we in here or the bedroom? Preference, Ethan?” He still wore a look of “Did I just win the lottery?” “In here, I guess. I think I’d feel even weirder doing this in your bedroom,” Ethan said.“Suit yourself,” Leigh said and headed to the bedroom. She opened the trunk under the window and found the heaviest of their blindfolds. From the nightstand, she grabbed a box of condoms and the bottle of lubricant. In front of the mirror she paused long enough to tuck a stray tendril of red hair back into place and to adjust the straps of her pale yellow sundress she’d been running around in all day. Ethan always said he wouldn’t get married until he found a redhead as sweet as her. Why should Bryce have all the luck? Leigh shimmied out of her panties and left them on the bedroom floor. Oh Ethan. A wide grin spread across Leigh’s face. Would he still think she was “sweet” after tonight?She returned to the den where Bryce and Ethan had already moved the coffee table out of the way. Bryce laid a blanket on the floor over the Oriental rug. They’d learned the hard way not to fuck on that rug without something between her back and the rough pile. “Put on some music,” Bryce said to her. “It’ll mask any stray sounds.”“I don’t know if our speakers can get loud enough to mask your breathing, Darling,” Leigh said as she queued up some instrumental blues on her stereo.“I get loud,” Bryce said to Ethan who only laughed. “But I can keep it quiet tonight. It’s just part of the challenge.” “Here. Take this.” Leigh gave the blindfold to Ethan. “Can you tie it on me?” “Yeah, of course. Are you sure about this?” he asked as she turned her back to him. He placed the blindfold, a thick black sash, over her eyes and tied it with a firm knot. The world went dark. She saw nothing at all, not even a sliver of light from above or below the blindfold. “Bryce?” she asked.“Go for it, babe.”Leigh reached behind her and found Ethan’s hands. She pulled them around her body and placed them on her breasts. She heard Ethan’s breath catch in his throat. With the blindfold covering her eyes, her other senses heightened, grew more acute. She felt Ethan’s heart pounding as she pressed her back into his chest. “Touch me anywhere,” she whispered. “Bryce likes to watch.”She shivered as she felt Ethan’s lips on her shoulder. He squeezed her breasts gently. The heat of his hands through the cotton caused her nipples to harden against his palms. “Don’t be nervous,” she said as she took his right wrist in her hand and guided him lower. “I’ve wanted this with you for a long time. I even told Bryce.”“You did?” Ethan whispered back as he slid his hand under her dress. She spread her legs and leaned back further into him. Ethan slid his hand between her thighs and carefully caressed her clitoris.“I did,” she said as she pushed her hips against his hand. “He’s fucked a few of my friends. Only fair I get one of his.”“Only fair,” Ethan agreed, pushing a finger into her. Leigh turned her head up and back and Ethan kissed her. Their mouths met, their tongues mingled, and all the while he fucked her with his finger. “You wouldn’t believe how many times you’ve been in my fantasies.” Ethan pushed a second finger into her wetness.“Oh, I can believe it,” she teased. “Shall we?” Bryce’s voice cut through the darkness and the haze of her desire.“Definitely,” she whispered against Ethan’s lips.She felt Bryce’s hands on her waist as he guided her a few steps forward to the end of the blanket. Carefully he brought her down to the floor. She stretched out on her back. Bryce gave her the tube of lubricant. She raised her dress to her waist and spread a thin layer of lube over her vulva. “You both are just standing there watching me do this, aren’t you?” she asked.“Of course not,” Bryce said.“We totally are,” Ethan said.“Thought so.” Leigh closed the bottle and sat it aside. Her heart raced in anticipation. “We should make this game a little more interesting,” Bryce said as Leigh opened her legs even wider. “How so?” she asked.“If Leigh can tell who’s fucking her, she picks the next movie. If she guesses wrong, we do. For the next year.”“Sounds fair,” Leigh said. “Hope you boys like old Hollywood musicals.”“I hate musicals, Dude. We have got to win this game,” Ethan said.The room went silent but for the sound of the music playing in the background. Leigh strained her ears to hear any hints about what was happening in the room.She sensed someone kneeling between her thighs and heard the metal jingling of a belt-buckle opening. Then she heard the foil of a condom package ripping. With each little sound she grew more and more aroused, more and more nervous. She really wanted to win this damn game. The tip of a cock started to nudge against her vaginal lips. She reached down, spread her folds, and sighed as someone entered her in one smooth, slow stroke. The thrust was sure and steady. Must be Bryce then. Ethan would be more tentative as they’d never even kissed before tonight much less fucked.Yes, she knew these thrusts...long, heavy, steady thrusts. Her husband’s thrusts—loving, possessive…rough and tender at the same time. Usually by now he’d have one of her breasts in his mouth and her clitoris between his fingers as he brought her to orgasm again and again. But the rules were already set—just penis in vagina and thrusting. She had to know the man by the feel and movement of his cock in her alone. After a few minutes with the first man inside her, Leigh started to ache for an orgasm. But instead, the man pulled out of her. She sensed him moving away from her.“Want to take a guess?” came Bryce’s voice. “Was that me or Ethan?” “I think I need a comparison,” she said. “Just to be sure I can tell the difference.” Bryce laughed, and she grinned at the ceiling and thanked God for giving her a husband as sexually adventurous as she was.Once more she sensed a presence between her thighs, once more she heard pants opening, foil ripping. The floor creaked. Leigh sensed hands on either side of her shoulders. Again someone entered her—more carefully this time. She moaned at the pleasure of the penetration as either Ethan or Bryce, she didn’t care who as long as he didn’t stop, started slamming his hips into hers. She grabbed her legs behind the knees and held herself open wider. Bryce had fucked her like this many times—hard, fast, ramming into her like he’d die if he didn’t fuck her into the ground in the next five minutes. But it could have been Ethan. He’d confessed just minutes ago that she’d been in many of his sexual fantasies. Perhaps this was him, his pent-up longing for her manifesting in this brutal pounding. She gasped in surprise as she felt another presence right next to her.“Can you tell yet?” came Bryce’s breathless voice.“Is it me or Bryce?” Ethan asked, his voice equally strained.“Maybe she needs more to go on,” Bryce said.Leigh shivered as fingers slipped up her arm and pulled the strap of her sundress down her left arm and then her right. A few loosened buttons later and her bare breasts spilled out of her dress. A mouth, hot and hungry, latched onto her left nipple. But if that mouth belonged to the man inside her, she couldn’t tell. Another mouth found her right nipple and sucked it hard. She arched up off the floor as pleasure coursed from her breasts to a spot deep inside her hips. Still the cock inside worked her to a wet frenzy. She could feel her own fluid leaking out and onto the blanket beneath her.A hand slid between her stomach and the male stomach above her. Two fingers found her swollen clitoris and teased it. The teasing turned to torture as those same fingers pinched and tugged it gently as the thrusts into turned from fast and frenzied to long, deep strokes that she felt all the way against her cervix. “Who is it, Babe?” Bryce taunted, his voice seeming to come from over her and next to her at the same time. “Who’s fucking you right now?”“You both are,” she said knowing the cock inside her didn’t belong to the fingers on her clitoris. “Not quite...” her husband whispered. “But it’s the best idea I’ve heard all night.”The man inside her, Ethan or Bryce, pulled out of her. Someone pushed her onto her side. “You know what to do, Leigh,” Bryce said, his voice quiet and commanding. She loved him most in his dominant moods when he took control of her body and used it like his own personal sex-toy. She did know what to do. She and her husband had anal sex at least once a week. While lying on her side, she pulled her knee up and into her chest as Bryce worked his lube-covered fingers into her, opening her up enough to take him inside her. As she lay in position, she heard movement, footsteps, and men changing position. Did this mean it was Ethan who now spooned up against her and started to push into her ass? Or was it a trick and once more was it Bryce behind her? Inch by inch, whoever it was pushed into her as her body strained to accommodate him. Once inside her, the man wrapped an arm over her chest and rolled them both onto their backs. Hands grasped her breasts and pulled her nipples. Someone took her knees in his hands and shoved them wide. Again the kneeling and the penetration. Leigh shuddered as the second cock entered her, this time shoving itself deep into her vagina. Mute with ecstasy, Leigh could only breathe as the two men worked in tandem, fucking her with hard but careful thrusts. She’d experienced double penetration before. Bryce often put a vibrator in her vagina while he fucked her ass, but never before had she had two men in her at the same time. She’d never felt so filled before, filled almost to bursting. She felt everything, every nerve fired, every muscle tightened and contracted and stretched to take them both. Fingers found her clitoris again and teased it. She came hard, jerking in the arms that held her. But the men, neither of them, were done with her. They continued to thrust into her. Each thrust in left her gasping. Each time they pulled out, she moaned. Her hands grasped at the shoulders above her as the chest beneath her back rose and fell and rose again. It was too much. Sensation overwhelmed her. She came a second time and the cry that escaped her lips sounded pained even to her. The man in her vagina pulled out. The man beneath her rolled her back onto her side and slid out of her as well.She thought they’d finished with her but two hands grabbed her hips and brought her up onto her hands and knees. She heard more foil ripping and in seconds the cock entered her vagina again from behind. Limp from her two orgasms, Leigh could do nothing but take it as the cock slammed into her. Hands gathered her breasts and held them as the man inside her rode out his own orgasm with a few final brutal thrusts. Once more she was moved. This time she was made to straddle someone’s hips. She placed her hands on his chest to steady herself while his penis slid between her wet slit and pressed into her. The two hands on her hips ground her against the hips beneath her. When she felt a presence standing before her, she raised her hands. She felt the smooth skin of a flat male stomach under her palms as the cock pushed between her lips. It nudged her throat and she opened her mouth even wider to receive it. One hand cradled the back of her neck. Fingers brushed against her cheek. If her mouth hadn’t been otherwise occupied, she would have smiled.She rocked her hips harder against the man beneath her. His hands dug into her skin as he worked her on his cock until he pushed up and into her once before going still under her. The cock in her mouth pumped a few more times before she tasted semen, warm and salty, inside her mouth. He pulled out and she swallowed. Four hands put her onto her back. She tugged her dress up and buttoned the front. She smoothed her skirt down and rolled into a sitting position. “I guess we win, Ethan,” Bryce said.Leigh reached up behind her head and untied the blindfold.“It was you first Bryce,” she said. “Then Ethan. Then Ethan again. You were in my ass, Bryce, while Ethan fucked my pussy. Bryce finished off while I was on my hands and knees. Ethan was under me while I was on top. It was your cock, my handsome husband, that was just in my mouth.” She raised her hand and wiped off her wet lips. Bryce and Ethan, both sitting side by side on the couch, looked at each other and then at her.“If you knew, why didn’t you guess,” Bryce said.“I didn’t want to win too soon.” She grinned at them both. “Then you might have stopped.” “How did you know?” Bryce asked.“I knew it was you the first time,” Leigh said, “because I could smell your soap. I buy the soap so of course I knew it was you. When you were in my mouth, I could feel your wedding ring when you touched my face. The rest were educated guesses. Was I right?”Ethan nodded. “You got it. I guess we’re stuck watching fucking musicals for the next year,” he sighed, then smiled at Bryce.“I hate musicals.” He dropped his head back and Leigh only laughed at her poor tortured husband.“Well, how about this idea...” Leigh asked as she crawled across the floor and rested her head in Bryce’s lap. She reached out and took Ethan’s hand in hers.“What?” Bryce prompted. She looked up at her husband and smiled.“Next time we have movie night, we just skip the movie.”

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I am Alpha, A Daddy, A Dominant, A Master

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