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A timely delivery at just the right time!

4:20 pm Monday, 4th October, 2021

This story starts out as a pretty ordinary situation. I had been ordering quite a bit of stuff consistently through different online vendors. Through the first few months of Spring, I didn't pay much attention to who was dropping the packages off. But as the weather got warmer, and I was spending more time with my door open, and being outside on occasion. I got a chance to see who the delivery person was, that worked for the company, that was dropping off my orders. She was a fairly ordinary looking woman. I guessed her age to be mid to late forties. With what I thought was a relatively ordinary build. One day when I was finishing up cleaning out some flower beds, I heard a vehicle pulling up my driveway. Which is quite steep, and very tight to maneuver in. You have to pull into the turn around, just to get out. If you have a large vehicle. So as it pulled up to the garage, and set into reverse. I caught glimpse of who the driver was. It was this same delivery girl. Once she was parked, and rummaging through the back end of her truck. I stopped my work, and headed over to the edge of the driveway to meet her half way. When she stepped out of the truck with my package, we exchanged pleasantries and some brief small talk. She commented on how beautiful the setting was for my house. And how she always feared and enjoyed a delivery to my house. I asked her, if it was because of the driveway, or if it was because she might find some strange creepy guy living here, way back in the woods. She smiled, and said it was the driveway. Then she sarcastically said, your not all that creepy. I playfully replied, geez thanks. She smiled, said have a great day, and headed for her truck. I took one long glance at her backside as she walked away, thinking, not bad! And off she went, waving as she pulled away. I thought nothing more about it, and went back to my yard work. As the weeks went by, with each new package dropped off, we would chat a bit more and more. Finally one day, I bashfully asked her, her name. She told me her name is Lisa. We spent quite a bit of time talking that day, as she said she was ahead of schedule. She asked me how long I had been living here. And did I build this house. Just small talk, but I noticed her fidgeting with her hands, and her hair as she spoke. Then she asked me why there were no packages for my wife being delivered to the house. To which I replied, because I am not married, or in a relationship currently. She smiled and said, a nice looking guy like you doesn't have a girl in his life. I told her that I really didn't have much time to date right now. She smiled and said that, that was a shame, and that I would probably be a pretty good catch. At which point she politely said she had to get going. When she started to pull out of the driveway, she had this devilish little smile on her face, and she waved good bye, quite enthusiastically. I really didn't think to much about it. As I thought I might just be reading something into it, that wasn't really there. Over the next couple of months of regular deliveries, we talked more and more, and for a bit longer period each time. Getting more and more friendly, and even somewhat flirty. But once again, I thought nothing of it. Then one warm Summer day. I was down in my basement, hitting the weights pretty hard. I had left the front door open to let the breeze blow through the house. I had just finished my last set, when I heard a knock on the door. I ran up stairs to see who was at the door. It was Lisa dropping off yet another order. As I had been working out, I was in a beat up old tank top, and shorts. When I opened the door to take the package, Lisa remarked, did I catch you at a bad time. I told her no, that I had just finished my work out. To which she replied, I see that! Then she said, you look all pumped and rock hard. Which I knew was her trying to tease me. I just smiled, and said, if you only knew. She gave me that same little devilish smile, and said "I bet". We bantered back and forth for another couple of minutes, the sexual tension getting thicker and thicker. And then suddenly she said, well I got to get going, I'm behind. I fired off one last comment. "I don't think your behind, will ever get you in trouble". She said, you're so naughty. Well, see ya later, have a great day! And off she went. My mind was racing, thinking about how sexy this somewhat plain looking woman was becoming to me. I pushed it to the back of my mind, thinking I was just fantasizing about something, that's not going to happen. This was going to be a strictly business relationship. It had been almost roughly a month since I ordered something online. It was almost the end of August when I was expecting my order to arrive. It was a really warm day, and I was down in my basement again, hitting the iron. I had all the doors and windows open to help cool off the house, as I have no AC. I was right in the middle of a set when I heard a knock at the door. I said, I'll be there in just a second. A voice replied, it's Lisa, I have your order. I told her I'd be right up. She said, I can bring it to you. I said, okay, I'm in the basement working out. I heard the door open, and heard footsteps on the floor. She asked where the basement steps were. I told her to follow my voice. I looked towards the steps, and saw her coming down the stairs. When she got all the way down stairs, she exclaimed, Oh My! You do have quite the gym down here, don't you. I have a complete commercial gym set up in my basement. She just looked around the room and commented on how much equipment there was. She said she had always wanted to workout more seriously, but was intimidated by the whole gym environment attitude. I explained that I have had this stuff pretty much my whole adult life. Then she looked at me rather impishly, and said. I bet you can use this for other stuff to, huh?! I said that it has been used for other types of workouts. Then she got this real wanton look on her face, and she flat out, blatantly asked me if I would train her. I asked her if she wanted a traditional workout, or otherwise. She looked at me, and said, you know exactly what I want. Will you please train me!? I told her to give me her phone number, and we could arrange for her to come over for some serious sessions. She quickly gave me her number and told me when she would be available to talk, and set something up.

9:28 pm Monday, 11th October, 2021


2:26 am Tuesday, 12th October, 2021

So far, so good. Let us know about your sessions, please.

2:20 am Wednesday, 13th October, 2021

Please continue!! I’d love to hear more! 

11:20 am Wednesday, 13th October, 2021

I will be continuing the story in a while. I have to get my life to slow down a bit. So that I can tell you the next series of events that took place in this relationship. Keep looking, as I hope to have time this weekend to come in here and write.

6:59 am Sunday, 17th October, 2021

Can’t wait fir it to be continued

7:45 pm Tuesday, 19th October, 2021

Can't wait to read what happened next

1:22 pm Thursday, 25th November, 2021

I look forward to the next part of this story!

2:50 am Tuesday, 30th November, 2021

More and i dont even need a picture to paint a picture of how sexy she looked. When s women is into you it is great feeling for both parties

12:31 am Friday, 10th December, 2021

Awesome reading this blog, lucky Lisa 😊hope all is still going good and training her well. 😋Who wouldn’t run down to the basement, to find a guy like yourself. Quality 👍

1:23 am Wednesday, 5th January, 2022


4:09 am Monday, 17th January, 2022

A nd   And 
Your just gonna stop there 
Ouch ! 

8:25 am Sunday, 23rd January, 2022

It’s good reading your blog 😘😘

10:14 pm Wednesday, 26th January, 2022

I'm dying to know what happened!

3:28 am Monday, 31st January, 2022

Very intense and I can’t wait for part 2 🙂

10:53 pm Wednesday, 9th February, 2022

Wow such a great experience you had there but you have to hit the nail we curious to know how it ended maybe we could learn some styles 😎😎

11:55 am Sunday, 27th February, 2022

please continue story

11:37 am Saturday, 5th March, 2022

will u train me too?

3:01 am Friday, 11th March, 2022

I would love for you to train me!

2:02 pm Monday, 14th March, 2022

Super fantasy!  Looking forward to a second part of this story... I'm wondering about the reps 😘

11:31 pm Thursday, 17th March, 2022

wow say more about these

11:45 pm Friday, 25th March, 2022


6:21 pm Wednesday, 13th April, 2022


6:22 pm Wednesday, 13th April, 2022


4:51 pm Friday, 15th April, 2022

You have a wonderful knack for storytelling, and an innate ability for delayed gratification... I'm breathlessly awaiting part #2 👄

8:45 pm Friday, 15th April, 2022

Something interesting about you

9:33 am Saturday, 16th April, 2022

anyone DTF ?

5:31 am Friday, 29th April, 2022

Anyone in need of a sub to own them?

5:25 pm Saturday, 7th May, 2022


7:57 pm Sunday, 8th May, 2022

Would anyone like to be my sub or play reverse role?

6:59 pm Friday, 13th May, 2022

I need a good and submissive man to explore my sexual life with

3:41 pm Thursday, 9th June, 2022

Im looking forward to the second part of this story.

6:44 pm Sunday, 19th June, 2022

Interesting story

6:04 pm Thursday, 8th September, 2022

Don’t leave me hanging 
What happened next
Please work me out

9:36 pm Tuesday, 27th September, 2022

Oh wow the tease at the end??? Okay ya go me waiting!

Blog Introduction

Just curious, as well as dubious about this site.  So we'll see how this goes.

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