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What Makes A Man, That Man?

12:58 pm Wednesday, 29th September, 2021

What makes a man? Certainly not age.
Although, fitness and age combined add up to appeal.

What really makes a man in our world of sexual predelictions, is first and foremost; respect, total discretion and loyalty.

Respect for women is something I see go far too often go out the door in the boy's club. I abhor the loose and bravado chat too many men of all ages use when in the presence of their mates. This is not just young males, but any age.

This brings into play why Discretion in far too many instances is a missing piece in many male's true code.

Hence Loyalty here, can be the man's defining character trait.
To be loyal to a woman, be it a once only hookup, or a long term relationship, or even an acrimonious breakup, requires a man to never denigrate a woman's name by being unable to keep his lips sealed about things he should never open them for.

To me; these are the building blocks of any man.

3:11 pm Saturday, 16th October, 2021

Lots of feeling in your story Babe you appear to have a very genuine loyal character, be good if more read your Blog.  💋💋

Blog Introduction

Discreet, loyal, fit and fun. I love life, adore women who are true to themselves.

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