After my wife of 13 yrs had 2 strokes. She developed damentia stopped eatting and passed away. She was 42 yrs my senior. And the best thing that happened to me. The sex was off the chain. So all I desire at this time is to have a couple of female fuck buddies. Because I have had very little sexual contact with a woman since she passed away. I found my self attracted to older women an black women. I love giving oral to these women an watching them orgasm. I want orgasm till they do. And im crazy about huge tits an nipples. Im 55 an not getting younger so I have a sex bucket list to fill an hope I can find several horny playmates to play with. I want to see the longest time we can fuck is. Is it a 1 hr 2 or 12 or more. If your horny female from Georgia. I live in Lithia Springs cum over an lets be young again and see just how much we can enjoy each other.
10:49 am Monday, 2nd August, 2021
good morning |
9:01 am Tuesday, 10th August, 2021
Y’all be wildin’ in here for real |
8:02 am Thursday, 12th August, 2021
aww |
8:02 am Thursday, 12th August, 2021
aww |
7:01 am Sunday, 9th January, 2022
How long do you think you can go |
2:57 pm Wednesday, 12th January, 2022
Hello |
2:07 pm Monday, 31st January, 2022
im very sorry about your wife but am here to make you happy and gain back your sweet memories |
2:00 pm Sunday, 13th March, 2022
Hello |
Seeking older women 60+ for fwb nsa. Prefer black or white women who are not treated sexually the way they desire.