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LOVE & LIES-Chapter 1-Saturday -20:00I am sitting in my bedroom reading the last chapter of the Alch

8:01 pm Tuesday, 8th June, 2021

-Chapter 1-
Saturday -20:00

I am sitting in my bedroom reading the last chapter of the Alchemist, my elder sister India recommended the book to me and lent me her copy. I have not been able to put it down since I opened it. I am determined to finish this chapter before I sleep.
When my phone vibrates indicating a new message, I pause in my reading and pick the phone up.
The text is from an unknown number and it reads, ‘’Hey Summer, do you know where your boyfriend is right now?’’
Confused, I stare at the message as far as I am concerned Keith is watching soccer with his friends tonight.
I reply, ‘’who are you and what’s this about?’’
Then I put my phone down and continue reading, moments later my phone vibrates, I pick it up and read the message.
‘’Keith lied to you, he isn’t watching soccer with his friend, he is with another woman.’’
My heart racing, I text back, ‘’thanks for the information,’’ then I wait for a few minutes and my phone vibrates soon.
‘’You can come to Blue plate Restaurant right now and see the kind of man you are dating.’’

Keith and I have been dating for seven years, his mother and mine are best friends and they have been since I can remember. We started dating shortly after I finished high school, I was 15 then and he was 17. I have always loved Keith even though our relationship hasn’t been perfect. During the course of our relationship, Keith has lied and cheated on me several times.
The last time he cheated, I was ready to leave him but he feel down to his knees, cried and begged for forgiveness, like the fool that I was, I forgave him and took him back- he promised he would never cheat on me again and I believed him.

Getting out of bed, I get dressed into a pair of blue jeans and a hoodie over a white tank top. Slipping my feet into a pair of boots, I hurry out of my room, if what this person has said is true then I am so done with Keith, I will not take any more of his cheating.
‘’Where are you going?’’ My mother asks. She and my father are cuddled up on the couch watching TV.
‘’I am going to see Keith, I will be back soon.’’
‘’Alright baby, take care of yourself and drive safely.’’
Yanking the front door open, I walk out to the parking lot then I get into my car and drive out of the yard.
When I arrive at Blue Plate restaurant, I pull the hoodie over my head and step out of my car. Walking through the entrance I spot the man I have given seven years to sitting there, making out with some light skinned girl, his back is turned to me so he can’t see me. Standing there, my heart starts pounding harder than ever in my life, I want to cry but I am in such a rage, I just want to kill them both. I wait for two minutes before finally confronting him.
‘’So this is what soccer with the boys looks like?’’ I ask hitting my fist on the table.
They instantly pull apart from each other and Keith looks up at me.
‘’Baby girl!’’ he exclaims shockingly, he obviously didn’t expect to see me here.
‘’I am done with you and this time for good.’’
‘’Babe, it’s not what you think it is.’’
I laugh, ‘’oh, what does it look like?’’
‘’I am sorry babe, let’s go somewhere private and talk about this.’’
‘’I am done, it’s over between us.’’
‘’Let’s not decide anything right now.’’
‘’There’s nothing to talk about, it’s over.’’
With that, I turn and walk out of the restaurant, he runs after me but I don’t stop, instead I quickly get into my car and drive off.
I pull up in front of the house a couple of minutes later and as I step out of the car, my phone rings, I don’t have to stare at my phone to know who is calling, Keith is a jerk, I will not allow him to fool me this time around. Upset, I block and blacklist his number then I walk into the house, my parents are still watching TV in the living room.
‘’You are back?’’ mum asks.
‘’Everything okay?’’
‘’Yes,’’ I lie.
‘’How is Keith?’’
My mother loves Keith, she thinks he is the perfect man for me, in her eyes Keith does no wrong.
‘’He is fine.’’
‘’That boy loves you a lot, don’t ruin what you guys share.’’
‘’Goodnight mum,’’ I reply and rush towards my room before she responds.
Once in my room, I plant my face into my pillow and scream. Afterwards I pour myself a glass of red wine and drink it in one shot. I don’t want to cry over Keith this time around I don’t have any more tears left for him. He can go to hell for all I care.
After mopping around for a few minutes I decide to call the only person capable of cheering me up- my elder sister India. India is a year older than me but we have acted like twins our whole lives. She is my best friend and confidant, India runs her own lifestyle magazine company- she and her husband live in Livingstone- they have been married a year and a half now.

I dial her number and she picks up on the first ring.
‘’Sister Girl,’’ she says, I can hear her breathing hard on the other end of the line.
‘’Did I call at a bad time?’’
‘’You mean the heavy breathing, you called at an awkward time, Christopher and I were just having sex.’’
‘’Oh no, I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you, I will call back in the morning.’’
She laughs, ‘’calm down, I was just working out, Christopher is actually working in his study.’’
‘’Thank God.’’
‘’What’s up?’’
‘’I just broke up with Keith.’’
‘’Finally!’’ she exclaims, ‘’what did he do this time around?’’
‘’Same old story, he cheated and this time I caught him red handed, someone actually alerted me.’’
‘’Keith is a jerk, you deserve better.’’
‘’Thank you.’’
‘’I hope you don’t go back to him this time around.’’
‘’I won’t.’’
‘’I am serious Summer- move on and forget him, you deserve better.’’
‘’ Have you told mum about this?’’
‘’Not yet, I will do so tomorrow.’’
‘’Also don’t allow her to convince you to get back with him, you have given Keith so many chances to prove himself worthy of you but he has failed a number of times. If you get back with him I will personally come and drag you out of that relationship.’’
I laugh, ‘’and I know you can do that, I don’t doubt your capabilities.’’
She laughs too, ‘’I love you too much to allow you to waste your best years with a man like Keith.
‘’How is Christopher?’’ I ask trying to change the topic.
‘’He is fine but let’s not talk about him right now, how are you holding up? And please don’t lie to me, I know you love that jerk and--,’’
‘’I do love Keith and I was hoping he had changed, my heart is bruised but I am not crying anymore over him, I am tired.’’
‘’It will get better with time, you will eventually forget him and find someone loyal, I wish I was there with you right now but my thoughts are with you, I hope you know you can call me anytime you need someone to talk to.’’
‘’Thank you.’’
‘’So I am gonna send you some money and I want you go shopping tomorrow and do your hair if you must. Just spoil yourself and forget about Keith, pick yourself up and be ready to mingle, you never know what you might find.’’
‘’Isn’t it too early to be thinking about being in another relationship?’’
‘’Forget what society says, this is about you and what you want.’’
‘’I hear you and thank you for the money in advance.’’
‘’You are welcome.’’
We talk for a few more minutes about other stuff before calling it a night.
A minute after I hung up, a notification comes from the bank- India has sent me some heartbreak allowance.
I smile as I text her, ‘’Thank you twin, you are the best.’’
‘’I have your back anytime.’’
‘’I love you.’’
‘’I love you too.’’

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