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A random encounter turns into an oral event.

3:37 pm Thursday, 3rd June, 2021

It was hot on the beach.

Liz sat under her beach umbrella, a cold drink in one hand an an erotic novel in the other. She was fond of erotic novels, although she was subliminally aware that they might be creating unrealistic expectations, the ones which had kept her single for too long. This one was about a younger woman who met an older man, greying, distinguished, but still fit and active, and quite potent. The woman was discovering the delights of experience, and a particularly steamy passage was making Liz even hotter than the temperature. 'I wish,' Liz thought. 'Real middle-aged men are balding and paunchy, and can't keep it up anymore'. Liz was a cynic.

The sun was glaring off the white pages, so she put the book down to rest her eyes, took a sip of her drink, and gazed down the beach. To her surprise saw a man walking in her direction, feet washed in the waves, who seemed to be the very embodiment of the love interest in the novel. His hair was salt-and-pepper and he had a goatee of the same, but his belly was trim, she could see the muscles working in his legs as he walked, and his stride was purposeful and strong. He was wearing a light coloured, short-sleeved shirt which was unbuttoned, and not tight, but form-fitting shorts. He had an odd tan. His forearms and calves were very dark, almost brown, but his chest was pale. Liz wondered briefly whether his ass was even paler. She thought he must spend a lot of time out of doors. Her eyes lingered on the package in his shorts. He was no slouch there, and she could feel an odd sort of tingle starting between her legs.

He was gazing out at the water with an introspective look as he walked, lifting a hand to shield his eyes from the sun, and she could tell that he was physically vigorous. She estimated he might be twice her age, but she found him quite attractive. He glanced over at her and she realized that she had been staring, and that he knew she was staring. As he came up the beach and got closer his eyes appraised her frankly, and she began to get a little self-conscious. Liz was what you might call zäftig. She had full, generous breasts and a rounder than usual ass, and her legs, while shapely, were a little shorter and thicker than average. The amount of time she spent on a treadmill and doing leg lifts to shape her behind was a testimony to the fact that she was aware of the risk of putting on more weight than she wanted. The man seemed to be effortlessly, naturally slim by comparison.

As he crossed in front of her he gave her a quick nod and a smile, and before she knew it, she blurted out "Hi. How are you?" The man stopped and smiled wider. He had what Liz always called 'kind eyes', in that his eyes smiled when his mouth did, and he got little crinkles in the corners. His smile made her breath catch in her throat, just a little, and that tingle between her legs abruptly got stronger. "Hello," he replied. "Nice day to catch a few rays. And maybe catch up on a little reading." He changed direction and walked until he was standing in front of her. Unable to stop herself, she glanced at the bump in his shorts again, even though he was looking right at her and could not possibly have missed it. "May I sit?" he asked. "Sure," Liz replied. "The sun's a little bright on the page and my eyes could use a break." He held out his hand, saying "John". She shook it. "Liz," she replied. "What's the book about?" John asked. Liz was immediately embarrassed. The novel was erotica, and she had just come to a part where the hero was pulling the protagonist's panties off and throwing her on the bed roughly. "Just a fiction, nothing serious," she replied, feeling the heat of her blush and snapping the book closed.

John sat beside her in the sand, knees drawn up, and forearms resting on his knees. He looked up and down the beach, saying "I love it here. I come here whenever I'm on holidays." He glanced over at her, and Liz saw that he was having a hard time keeping his eyes off her body, as well. "I guess I take it for granted," she said. I've got a condo just there." She pointed to a high-rise development not too far off the beach. "Nice," said John. "You must know a good place to get a drink, and maybe a snack," he said. "I'm parched." "Sure I do," Liz replied, standing up. "I'll take you there, if you like." John was still sitting down, and Liz could see his gaze travel unashamedly from her knees up her body before coming to rest on her face. His look was unabashedly desirous. "Sounds good," he said, standing up.

Liz led the way to a local watering hole with a glass-enclosed patio. She was wearing a one-piece swimsuit with a beach kimono over her shoulders, and she knew that the dress code was forgiving. As they approached she could see John's reflection in the window. There was a reason he let her lead, aside from the fact that she knew where she was going. His eyes were devouring her from behind, lingering especially on her ass as the kimono exposed it in the breeze, and the look on his face was pure lust. That tingling between Liz's legs became a sweet ache. It had been months since her last encounter, and she had found the guy immature and clueless. He had been incredibly well hung, and seemed to think that letting her see his large cock comprised foreplay, because the sex had been abrupt and quickly over. She had gotten no satisfaction out of it. But seeing a mature man appreciate her this way was very arousing.

They found a table and ordered a couple of cold drinks, and a charcuterie to share. As they ate Liz noticed John watching her eat, and staring at her lips as she talked. She smiled. Her one concession to vanity was what she called her 'street walker red' lipstick. She had full, red lips, which had once prompted a somewhat tipsy guy at a house party to call to her loudly across a room "I want to kiss those lips all the way from here!" She knew they were her best feature and John was obviously entranced, yet didn't make himself boorish about it. He was discrete in his admiration. The conversation was enjoyable. John was intelligent and knowledgeable, and like most such men stated his opinions in a confident way without being aggressive or pushy, and he seemed to be genuinely interested in what Liz had to say. He asked her about her business, and although he didn't know anything about the field, made smart, common-sense observations and asked good questions that showed he was paying attention. Not al all like the men her age whose conversation seems to be limited to staring at her rack and making wisecracks about her ass.

At one point John smiled and sat back, saying "I have to tell you, part of me is wondering what a gorgeous young lady like you is dong sitting in a bar with a fossil like me." He grinned to take the sting out of the words. "And I find myself wondering what a smart and mature man like you is doing sitting with a youngster like me who knows so much less about the world," Liz replied. John leaned conspiratorially close, and in a low voice said "It's the lips," he whispered, " As soon as I saw those lips of yours I had the overwhelming urge to kiss them." Liz laughed. "I get that a lot." She leaned toward him, suddenly aroused. "Why don't you, then." John leaned forward and as their lips brushed together, ever so lightly, an electric shock travelled through her and she could FEEL her nipples standing up. Embarrassed by people walking by going to a table, Liz tried to pull away, but John's hand went behind her head and he pulled her closer. Their mouths opened, and as their tongues sought one another out, that ache in Liz's groin became a throb and a need. She became so sensitive that she was acutely aware of even the strip of swimsuit cloth rubbing itself against her pussy, and part of her wanted it to be John's tongue.

"You said you live nearby", John said. "I'd love to see your apartment." Liz felt a little shaky. The thought of taking him her condo made her knees weak. He motioned to the server and paid the bill, automatically and without negotiation. Liz thought she could get used to that. When they left the restaurant this time, he took her hand and their fingers intertwined. It was like her nerves were in overdrive. Even just holding his hand was a turn-on, and the feel of his touch was so erotic. 'I'm about to get fucked,' Liz told herself. 'Please let him be good at it.' She was not only comfortable with a hookup with a man old enough to be her father, she was surprised to herself anticipating it eagerly.

When they got to her condo and entered the door, John wasted no time. Liz was about to ask him if he wanted a coffee, but he forestalled her by turning her around and pushing her against a wall, pushing himself up against her. He kissed her deeply, open mouthed, and she responded. She could feel the strength in his body as he held her there, pinned. She could not have gotten away if she tried, and she discovered that she liked it. He grasped her wrists, pushing them above her head and pinning them against the wall. His grip was strong, even a bit painful, and to her surprise the pain caused a tingle all over her body and released a flood of vaginal juices. Liz had never had many lovers, and every encounter had been pretty much straight-up normal love-making. She had never really been impressed or inspired although is had always been nice enough, and deep down had started to wonder if she just had a low libido. Being manhandled like this unleashed a hurricane of desire. She sought his mouth eagerly, and every time their tongues met an electric shock travelled through her body and down into her groin.

This was a whole new experience.

Liz lifted one leg and wrapped it behind John's knee, grinding her pelvis into his, and she could feel the hard rod of his cock pressing against her, but too far forward. Much too far forward. She needed it lower and more between her legs, and the desire for it to be there was like a hunger after a long, long fast. She could feel the crotch of her swimsuit getting damp, and she knew if John looked, he would see a wet spot soaking right through the fabric. "Take me to the bedroom," he said huskily. "I want you naked." He lowered her arms and stepped back, but kept a strong grip on one wrist. Liz looked down at it and the sense of being controlled almost made her gasp. She loved it. This had been a missing ingredient all along, and she had never known it. As she led him to the bedroom he shifted his grip to his other hand and moved behind her. Suddenly, she felt a sharp sting on her ass as he gave her a firm smack on the behind. Far from being offensive, it almost made her climax right there. Every time Liz thought she was as horny and needful as she was going to get, John showed her she was wrong.

They went straight to the foot of the bed, and she stood looking down at it with John behind her. He released his grip on her wrists, and his hands travelled to the front of her body. His fingers found her nipples through the bathing suit and and another hot surge went through her, going up to the back of her head, then down to the tips of her toes, and firing right into her groin. Her knees became seriously weak, and just as she thought she might collapse he spun her around, pulled off her kimono, dropping it to the floor, and stripped off her swimsuit, pushing her back on the bed. He pulled her hips to the edge of the bed and looked down at her. She loved how easily he took control and pushed her around. His gaze travelled all over her body and his expression was, well, predatory. Liz suddenly felt vulnerable, and the feeling ratcheted up her lust even more, when she thought it could go no higher.

John gripped her knees and pushed her legs abruptly apart, and that by itself made her moan low in her throat. She felt completely open to him, and was. He knelt by the side of the bed, wrapping his arms around her ankles and thighs from below, capturing them in a bent position. She felt the tip of his tongue begin to make circles around her clit, and she arched her back, gasping at the sudden shock of pleasure. He licked her clit and pussy, drinking in her juices, tongue-fucking her, and nibbling her clit with lips hardened by stretching them over his teeth. She knew she could not last long, and she began to grind her hips against his face convulsively. Her breath came in gasps, and she found herself uttering "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck" over and over. Her hands moved down and griped the back of John's head. In a very few minutes John settled down to sliding his tongue firmly up and down over her clit, over and over as she ground her pussy more and more frantically against his face. His grip on her thighs was like iron, and she loved it.

The tension built and built, until suddenly, with a loud 'Oh FUUUUCK!' Liz came.

The sensation was indescribable. Her whole body felt electric. She sensed every part of it at once, and time seemed to stop. Her vision became blurry and every muscle in her body spasmed uncontrollably. She nearly lost consciousness. Meanwhile, John continue to work, expanding and sustaining the orgasm by moaning onto her clit and giving small shakes of his head, causing more spasms of pleasure.

Just as the sensations were starting to subside, John stood up, leaned forward, and thrust his cock into her pussy. Wave after wave of a different kind of aching pleasure swept through her as he thrust into her, hard trusts separated by short pauses, harder and deeper each time. Every thrust of his pelvis was greeted with a gasp and an 'Oh fuck!' until Liz felt herself building toward another climax. John licked the thumb of his right hand and began stroking her clit with it, gently at first but harder and faster as he fucked her harder and faster, and minutes after her first orgasm, she had a second. This one was different. Deeper, and more internal, like her organs were being re-arranged. Once again, she felt herself drifting on the edge of losing consciousness and John, still thrusting even as she climaxed, showed no signs of slowing down. Eventually she had to place her hand against his chest, saying "Please, I need a rest. Please stop." He grinned down at her, still hard, still inside her her but no longer thrusting, and not yet having cum himself. "No problem," he replied. "There's something else I want you to do for me."

For a few minutes he stayed inside her, caressing her gently on her belly and thighs, as she came down from the heights. Her eyes were closed, and she basked in the feelings. Eventually as her breathing calmed, and she opened her eyes and smiled at him, he withdrew and stepped back.

John pulled the covers back from the pillows and threw them together against the headboard, them climbed on the bed and sat back against them, hands clasped behind his head and ankles crossed. Liz rolled over onto her tummy and looked at him. He said nothing, but gave her a wide smile. She looked up at his cock for the first time, really noticing it. It had drooped a little. She saw that he had been cut, and she was glad about that. Something about an uncut man always reminded her of a turtle coming out of it's shell, and she found it off-putting. It was a good solid cock, maybe six or six or seven inches. Not huge but bigger than average. Liz knew what was supposed to happen next. She shimmied forward and reached out, taking it in her hand and pumping it gently. It was still wet with her pussy juices. It immediately sprung back to life, growing hard but not much larger, and Liz found herself thinking that it was a nice manageable size. 'Big enough for satisfaction, but small enough to fit nicely in my ass without pain, and all the way into my mouth without gagging' she thought.

Liz crawled up the bed until she reached John and began kissing him, while her hand went up and down more firmly, and his breathing began to get heavier. He placed his hand behind her head, pushing it down, and she obliged by throwing her arm across him and leaning on his belly. She pursed her lips and kissed the tip of his cock, pushing down so that it pushed into her mouth past resistance, keeping her lips pursed. She heard him gasp and moan, and something about that flipped a switch in Liz's brain. She had given dutiful blowjobs before, as part of being a decent lover, but had never really enjoyed them and had always withdrawn at the final moment to avoid semen in her mouth. She somehow found it distasteful. But at the sound of John's moan she suddenly became hungry for his cock, as if his pleasure were her pleasure, and it was. Her mouth plunged down on him, taking him in entire, and his loud groan of pleasure inflamed her even more.

Liz got up on her knees, getting serious about the task. She ran her tongue around the tip of his cock, then continued to caress it that way as she took it in deeper. She pulled the cock toward his belly and ran her pursed lips up and down the nerve channel in the middle of the bottom surface. From time to time she took one of his balls in her mouth, despite the fact that he was not shaved, and discovered that she liked it anyway. She alternated these techniques until she felt John begin to tremble, and when he said "Oh god, that's incredible," she became full-on aroused again, and felt herself lubricating. The situation was intensified when John, despite his trembling and moaning, reached out with his left hand between her legs and began masturbating her. Her moans with her mouth around his cock made him pant and moan louder, which made her more aroused, and she moaned louder. The taste of his cock, mixed with the remnants of her pussy juices, was an a addictive nectar. The feel of his cock in her mouth, especially when she took him all the way in and could feel his pubic hair brushing her nose, was like a chemical fire in her brain. His finger on her clit was causing spasms of pleasure that somehow connected to her mouth, making the blowjob a sensual orgasmic pleasure too. John had been thrusting, just slightly, into her mouth as she came down on him, but as he approached orgasm he lost coordination, and his hips spasmed and trembled in place as he gasped.

After a few minutes they came, together.

Liz heard him give a long 'uuuuuhhh' and felt his body clench below her. Suddenly she felt the spurting. She could feel the semen tube along the bottom surface of his cock pulsing as the cum jetted into her mouth in a series of powerful spurts. No pulling away this time. Liz swallowed the cum greedily, and as she did so she had a third orgasm herself courtesy of John's finger. It was gentler, more controlled, a series of vaginal contractions that went gently through her to the top of her head and tips of her toes, and it did not distract her from pleasuring John. She found the cum delicious, creamy, a little salty with a faintly bitter aftertaste, a unique flavour that she found she loved. John had arched up, and as the last spurt entered her mouth he collapsed, and some of the precious fluid spilled down her chin. She scooped it up with her finger and licked it clean. She applied the same treatment to John's cock, cleaning up all the cum she could find, secretly enjoying when the cleanup of his now-sensitive cock caused an aftershock and a twitch. 'Turnabout is fair play,' she grinned to herself, thinking about the aftershocks he had given HER not long ago.

Spent, John slid down until he was prone. Liz laid beside him, placing her head on his chest, and he wrapped his arm around her.

They fell asleep.

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