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Red and Black A Story Part 1

3:25 pm Tuesday, 1st June, 2021

The bedding provided no comfort to her as he pulled her up over the edge by her hair commanding her to crawl again. She couldn't feel the soft pillow like top under her hands and knees, they were red and stinging from crawling from the living room to the bedroom sometimes being pulled across the carpet and bruised by the hardwood floors. He had manhandled her forcing her to go where he wanted. She obeyed as quickly as she could sometimes stumbling trying to catch up to his fast pace as he took around each room before moving to the next. He knew her heart pounded like it was going to explode from her chest. He knew she needed to be lorded over. He knew her yearnings to feel his hands on her and the ache that only he could satisfy. He knew so much about her needs and now here on his bed on her hands and knees the journey with him was truly about to begin. Deep his voice had become even more commanding than she had expected.. "Stay". Such a simple word but it held so much force over her that she dared not move. Her eyes followed him as He moved to a cabinet in the far edge of the room, his footsteps heavy a slight rustling as he picked and choose from inside. She didn’t think her heart could beat any faster or feel her body tremble worse. Her eyes turned to saucers as she saw him turn with a wooden rod and two long whips.. in her glance it seemed as if time had stood still, the image burned into her mind of her Master standing there his muscles bulging in his dark clothes, the two whips in one hand and the rod in the other. She could see the whips clearly long tendrils of thick red and black leather stretching past his knees. The red one had a thick handle with copper rivets. The black one shiny and light. Her heart raced as she saw under his hand that his brand had been placed on each handle the same brand that lay tattooed on the inside of her thigh. She shivered her body trembling her heat soaking already dripping small trails of honey down her legs. She turned her head back quickly hoping he had not noticed her gaze as his footsteps sounded the second hand and time resumed.

I strode over to my kajira as she knelt on all fours before me, her musky scent reached my nostrils infusing me with such delight. I walked to the side of the bed and swung each of the whips the full length.. swinging them in a sideways eight pattern listening to how the strands whistled in air next to her.. then placing them on the bed before her under her eyes. I watched delighted as her chest rose and fell quickly her eyes darting to me and the uncontrollable whimper that escaped her beautiful lips. My hand slide down her back my fingers feeling her tremble beneath me as slipped the remaining pieces of silk from her body. Slowly my fingers worked over her skin raising goose bumps as i touched her lightly sliding down the back of her thigh then firmly coming between her legs.. my hand cupping her soaking heat her reaction a thrust of her hips downwards into my palm as a loud moan deep and throaty came from deep within her. I smiled admiring and lovingly at the pleasure she gives me as i pressed hard rubbing down slightly against her my hand coming away soaked. Moving slightly to the right i am back next to her head.. sucking my fingers slowly i look at her while i enjoy her taste. Her quick lusty gaze peers out from under her draping blonde hair. Taking the red suede flogger hefting its balanced handle i take a moment to feel its weight in my hand. It feels good. I step on the bed placing her head between my knees.. the leather swirls in the air and carcasses her back as i work it down from her shoulders. I hear her breath come in gasps and moans her body arching and moving as each touch brings a different sensation. The light slap then thudding of the weight of the strand working back and forth across her gorgeous body. Rolling my wrist the leather tendrils arc 360 degrees and come firmly down on her left cheek her body bucks beneath me as she screams out loudly.. her cry penetrating me feeding me.. lifting me. soft and hard working back and forth from her ass to her shoulders i keep her in the dark as to when the next stinging strike will touch her. I roll my wrist again with a true aim the ends wrap between her legs caressing her heat and stinging her lips and clit.. Her sudden yell and moan mix together in a symphony as she suddenly falls down on her face kissing my boot her tears of joy as I hear a soft thank you Master. Reaching down grabbing her hair I pull her head back between my knees.

My trust in him is complete although I will admit when I saw the whips and rod I was scared yet excited as well. He strode over to me placing taking a whip in one hand and swinging it in the air making it whistle incredibly close to me.. I didn’t want to feel it on my body but yet deep within me I ached to feel its sweet sting.. I knew I needed to feel his touch through the leather caressing me. I looked down as he placed each whip and the rod under my face my hair slipped down over the sides like blinders.. they were all i could see then i felt his hand, shivers ran through my body the cold air making bumps raise on my skin. So lightly he touched me so lovingly he caresses me.. ohh how I need him... His hand came up suddenly between my legs I yelped and couldn’t help but thrust down into his hand.. my shameless need driving me hard against his palm. I heard him move as his hand left me.. not knowing what was going to happen next a sucking noise reached my ears and peering through my strands of hair I saw him licking my juices from his hand.. my breath short and quick. he drew and placed the fire for him in my eyes. His hand reached out taking the red whip.. suddenly he was standing above me putting my head between his legs and brushing my hair over my shoulders. calming his presence was as he stood there.. I heard it first then felt a movement of air then as soft light sting followed by another on the other shoulder. again but this time it was harder like someone thumping on your chest. the rhythm repeated sting and thump.. my body losing itself, my mind dancing with the beat mindless that i am uncontrollably moaning. Suddenly a bright STING on my ass.. I yell loudly feeling it smart bringing me back.. then the rhythm is there again drawing me in slowly enticing me to follow it.. up over my ass and lower back working back and forth i feel my body heat and warm.. OH MY GODDDD the STING against my pussy is unbelievable pleasure and pain almost making me cum right there.. my arms weak i fall to his feet.. kissing and thanking him.. I don’t know why I’m crying its not from pain.. but the tears roll down my cheeks as he takes my hair and pulls me back up to his knees.

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