At first when we talked about this lifestyle I was on the fence, still kinda am since we havent really gone on an adventure yet with anyone.
Now we are getting messages from people that I wouldn't think where in this kind of lifestyle and its making me even more curious. The ideas running through my head.....
Are you as curious as I am?
11:26 pm Wednesday, 2nd June, 2021
You guys busy next monday |
2:50 am Tuesday, 29th June, 2021
i'm game |
12:30 am Sunday, 22nd August, 2021
Yes we are, im so down to have fun |
3:17 am Friday, 27th August, 2021
We're on the same wife looks at this webpage, browses through pics and comments and her heads blow up...and says...i need to have a few drinks before i do something like this, although ahelikes the idea but still shy |