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story of gorgeous Anwesha

8:25 am Monday, 17th May, 2021

Anwesa the name itself means invention quest and love ...... well i am not sure about the first two but love well i am truly in it . Anwesha was standing outside KFC waiting for her turn to grab her favorite bucket , the tight t shirt and the really short shorts made her look like the goddess Aphrodite , i was truly mesmerized by her smile and her voice was like a beautiful melody , i walked towards her not knowing what is around me it was as if she was the north pole of a magnet and I the south pole an attraction was bound to happen . A guy came out of the restaurant knocking out the bucket from her hand the pieces were scattered on the floor and there was a strain of growing sadness on her face , i turned into the restaurant went straight to the counter picked up the big bucket and left the cash and did not care for people shouting around and walked straight towards the angel and said Here you can have these i am vegetarian , she looked up at me and then at the big bucket her eyes lit up and she grabbed the bucket and walked away with her friend I kept looking at her watching her walk away nothing was more satisfying then seeing the joy in her eyes , i had always heard that when one truly desires something and it falls out of the grasp of your hand the emotion is beyond explanation the pain is explicit but at the same time if it reappears in your hand not to leave forever the joy and happiness is like a dream come true seeing such expression on her face itself was a dream come true It is told that if you truly desire something the universe will conspire to get you at all the cost and the same thing happened for me the big mall was a place for shopping of groceries and as luck would have said i bumped into the gorgeous Anwesha today she was in her tracksuit completing a workout at a nearby gym she was collecting some groceries and walking towards the billing counter i picked up two cans of revive an energy drink that actually does what it claims it was a long line and she was sweating , she must have really worked out hard i walk towards her and say well a burst of energy would do a world of good to you and i dare you to run out of the mall without getting caught, she just looks stunned and i grab her basket and run towards the nearest exit dodging one guard and avoiding another guard i slide through the gate and she is left gaping but something hits her brain and she runs too trying to catch up with me i had made sure that she did not carry any articles so the moment she ran out of the gate there was no alarm she ran towards me huffing and puffing i open the can of Revive and hand it over to her , she looks at me and says you are crazy and i reply yes for you and slowly walk out of the mall , she looks at me and at the gate i wave at her to come she joins me and looks at me and says i have seen you somewhere ....... i say i know i meet you regularly in your dreams and then walk towards the road carrying her stuff , she said what you did inside was crazy , i said i know but life is crazy and then we came to halt at style mantra the place where i had to bid her off the heart did not want to leave but then the time was not right she picked up her stuff and said , i never thanked you , i asked for what today well it was a crazy fun i need to thank you for being a sport , she smiled her sweet smile and said no for the bucket of nuggets at kfc and shyly walked away I was stunned and stood at the place not knowing that an amazing feeling in my heart was making my heart beat faster beyond my imagination , she climbed the last stair turned around smiled and said i dare you to meet me tonite
The game was on Not one to shy away from any challenges i waited at the door just to see what obstacles i may encounter , the tricky part was that the building was 3 floors and i did not know on which floor did the most amazing girl stayed , I began to think and i was scratching my hairs i could feel a bunch of hairs not allowing me to scratch properly which lighted my brain and an inspiration stuck me , i stepped inside Style mantra and asked for an appointment for a haircut , luck favors those who dare to challenge and it did the lead hairdresser was free and he asked me to come into the cubicle , i sat on the dressing chair and he asked me that do i need a shampoo after my cut , time spent more and a rising bill is directly proportional with the friendliness of the hairdresser its a universal truth so i told him i would need a styling cut an oil massage and a shampoo too , there was a sly smile on the face of the Hairdresser slowly he whispered in my ears gotta date tonight dont worry she will be flattered , i laughed and said dude are you a mind reader cause you got each and everything spot on , the ice was broken and as in any conversation the openess of talks had started questions and answers on where did the person learned Hair dressing how come he came to this city how come he works here after some time the question was how long has he worked here and the answer was the day it started , then the question was is this a bought out place or rented , it was a rented place the first floor belonged to the landlord , the second floor belonged to the daughter of the landlord and her husband they lived and worked in it field were rarely at home and finally the third floor was let out as PG to two really sweet girls one was Anwesha and other was xxxxx ( anything spoken beyond the angelic name Anwesha fell in deaf ears , so pardon my not knowing the other name ) the guy told that Anwesha was a real sweetheart she would get her hairs done at Stylemantra regularly loved chocolates and would party once in a while loved drinking whiskey ......... mission gathering intel was finished but a lasting impact needed to be made to complete the second part of my plan so i prolonged the conversation and asked for a facial too longer the time spent was worth the intel i cleared the bill and went and said by byes to the Hairdresser leaving him stunned with a generous tip making sure that a freindship is formed.I went away from that place and went straight to Torque picked up a bottle of JD and then went straight to the chocolate shop i knew which chocolates Anwesha liked so i picked them and packed them properly i knew Stylemantra closed at 10 pm and that today was the Hairdresser's full shift so i wore my best dress and reached style mantra in a huff at 9.50 the hairdresser was just completing the checkouts and almost everyone had left i asked him if he could help me with .............. he said sure and he completed the first half and asked me to go to the restroom i completed the job in restroom and made sure that the Hairdresser was not too careful he was busy on the phone and i went to the cash counter left the money and went back to the restroom after few min i gave him a call and said that i have left the cash and tip on the table and had rushed out while he was speaking on the phone his mind did not question much and he closed the saloon making sure everything was closed , after 15 min i opened the back window of the restroom and squeezed myself out of it once in the back i looked for the rear pipes and started climbing up i had been a very notorious kid in my childhood especially breaking into houses through pipe climbing the same had grown as a passion and hobby and was a very useful skill ( not for me in my adolescence but for my friends who wished to meet their gf's , but today it was my life saver to finish this dare ) i climbed all the way to terrace and slowly landed on it fortunately the terrace gate was opened as the accesability to terrace is possible only through main gate and the same was locked i went to the third floor , a skill that i had learnt out of fun came in handy lock picking slowly i worked my way and opened the door i entered the house and now i needed to know which was Anwesha"s room both the rooms were locked from in and the only way to make them awake was to make a less audible noise i knocked on the first door with no response a little louder knock and i could here some mumbling slowly the door opened and a light is switched on the most beautiful girl in the world walked out wearing a sleeveless tshirt and loose shorts i sneaked in before she could notice and she walked to the fridge to get a glass of water , once she came in and closed the door , i siad hello gorgeous you werent expecting me , she turned around looked at me in a stunned manner then smiling she said i never doubted you for a moment but felt the dare was a little too much , she shouted something in her native tounge and there was a lil hustle and in came her room mate with her bf and two other girls and shouted party time , now it was my turn to get stunned she came close to me and whispered in my ears i never doubted you and i was dead sure you would come , i had met with the Hair dresser in the evening and he was in a super mood telling me everything that you guys conversed he was literally over the moon as no one had tipped him so much before, i was sure you wouldnt give up i took my chance and organised a party . I looked into her eyes that was full of mischief and then smiled and said what is a party without drinks removed my jacket and uncorked the JDs i had bought now this was a beautiful surprise as no one expected this, i removed the other box and gave her , the chocolates with carnations whispered in her ears some surprises are truly what we desire , her smile was wide and she gave me a tight warm hug.

A hug can do wonders and that's what happened the moment Anwesha hugged me as if a new life line was there for me, a new purpose to live and look forward to i slowly clasped my hands around her a little firmly unwilling to leave the sight left the others gaping and the bf of her roommate whistled softly and the blissful trance was broken the trance may have broken but the eyes kept on their conversations and that conversation was like a melody of love something that only will happen if true love is blooming all around , i slowly open the bottles and pour a drink for Anwesha and few cubes of Ice suddenly there was the doorbell and both the girls were scared, I said relax the four girls should go together to the door , they opened the door and it was their landlord he said girls did you order for food its been delivered , Anwesha smartly said yes Sir we have ordered we are having a sleep over with two of our friends , oh okay here is the food and he handed over 2 bags in it contained the favorite bucket that always gets a smile on her face well the party started and everyone was enjoying finally one of the other girls ( i really did not care for any other girl's name except for my angel Anwesha ) said lets play truth or dare Anwesha's roommate and her bf wer cuddling each other and wer getting into groove when the guy started to burrp and it was evident that he would vomit , i lifted him off immdly and put him on shoulder letting the thing settle and carried him into the bathroom where we made him puke out and i asked one of the girls to make warm water with lime and salt we madthat Anwesha e him drink that stuff and few minutes later it settled down we put him in the bed and Anwesha's room mate stayed back with her bf , now the four of us played truth or dare first round was of truth and the bottle came towards me , i was asked a question that Anwesha asked me the dare you pulled off in the mall was a planned one or spontaneous , i thought for a moment and said it was spontaneous ( un known to all was the fact that it was a store owned by a very close freind who is like a bro , the reason i could pull off was cause everyone knew me in the store very well and it had done a good help in changing the lousy security system at the store ) Anwesha smiled and said i really enjoyed that dare well then it went to the other girls and their responses again fell in deaf ears as i was locked in a divine eyelock with Anwesha finally it was Anwesha's turn and i asked i know such a hot girl like you must have lots of guys following you , but are you a virgin she slyly smiled at me and say what do you think and winked at me , i got my answer and the other girls were gigling the second round was a dare round and like in some ways luck should not favor you the same thing happened i had to do the dare , the dare was the three girls would be topless and i would be blindfloded i had suck Anwesha's tits only if i went to the wrong girl i would be spanked real hard and the word is kept that if i am able to kiss her breasts i can suck them as long as i want , tempting yet difficult but i wouldnt wanna miss the chance but then something stuck me and i said okay , they blind folded me and rotated me both clockwise and anti clockwise and then let me be for a minute like that and then said you can come now i walked slowly towards one end went close by and then changed my direction walked few steps and again changed my direction walked slowly and felt someone standing i inhaled deeply and kissed the breasts i was sure it was her and the moment i kissed there was a soft moan i unclasped the blind fold and looked into the face the gorgeous Anwesha was looking at me with lustful eyes i went slowly to her boobs and started sucking them i sucked them slowly pressing the nipples of the second one with my thumb teasing her aerolas sucking and biting alternatively changing the breasts and making sure both the nipples are drenched in my saliva the sucking and teasing caused her moans to grow louder heroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs were resounding in the room her voice was soft and lustful but her lust was growing in her womb begging her to release unknown to the two of them the scene had caused the other two girls to turn nymphomaniacs and they were fingering each other the scene was like that of an orgy , Anwesha held my hairs and pushed me more towarsd her breasts i trapped her aerols between my lips and sucked on them and making her feel the heat of lust and then in a soft motion bit her nipples making her moan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy godddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddties moan was quite loud it was like a wake up call to everyone but ten te ecstasy had taken over and the fluids were drenching her pjs the control which she had was lost she pulled me up and started biting my lips and then both of us were on a kissing spree and the lust was overpowering both of us were trying to disrobe the other and the passion was really wild and when a girl is in heat she has the power to suppress anyone she pushed me on the bed and started unbuttoning my pants letting my cock free her vigour was too much and the moment she caught hold of my rock hard cock she looked at me and said you did this for me and she started pulling my skin downward the girth of the cock covered her palm fully and the pink knob was mushrooming her lips made her way over my cock and she started to suck on it as a child sucks on an ice cream cone this was making me go mad and i held her hairs and made he go deeper the gagging was choking her and she was unable to take the whole length i removed her from my cock and kissed her hard and pulled off her top and started to squueze her tits she was moaning ohhhhhhh aaahhhhhh my goooooood thhhhhhhhis issssssss so good iiiiiiiiiiii ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm looooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvinnnnnnnnggg it her pjs also had come off my handiwork and her short sweet panty had a wet patch clearly showing how much she needed me i pulled off her panty and atttacked her clean shaved pussy lapping all the juices and making her moan even more oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gooooooooooooooooooooodddddddddddddddddddddddd and my tongue caught her g spot making her go wild in lust she pulled the bed sheet and stuffed it in her mouth not to scream of joy with lapping up of her pussy her control was lost and she let out her juices which was like the divine nectar it was the best thing i had ever drank and it was truly the nectar of love she held me and said in soft tone baby i need you make love to me I said let me wear a condom but she held me no dear please cum in me i want your cum and dont worry its my safe days , this words brightened my mind and i slowly carried her on the bed spread her placed my cock at her pussy hole and slowly pushed in the grith of my cock streched her pussy lips and she hugged me tightly biting my lips and saying darling it is gonna tear me up and i whispered no dear i am gonna make love to you tonight and started kissing her on her neck and shoulders while slowly pushing in and out her pussy though she was wet the grith was stretching her out and she was feeling a heavenly joy with a final push i was truly in she was about to scream but my mouth covered her mouth and now she started pushing upwards this motion of to and fro went on for minutes and she climaxed and hugged me tight she looked at me and smiled and said its the best that she has ever experienced and i said darling more is to come she smiled coyly and decoupled from me and kissed my cock and said i wanna enjoy you till my last breath and went on all four and said make love to me from behind doggy style has been my favorite i slid my cock from behind her and then the ride of my life started with every thrust she was feeling an heavenly bliss the joy was beyond her imaggination this went on and on and the time was flowing finally i said darling i am about to release and she said baby do it in please i am also gonna cum and with one last jerk i shot spurts of my load in her pussy and she shuddered realisingg hher juices the mixing of two sets of juices was like the sangam of river and ocean a joy of un imaginable feeling ...................it was a new beginning .......

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