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Our Story, and entry to the world of Swinging

6:53 am Friday, 14th May, 2021

We have been part time swingers now for about 20 years, Never fully getting into it or out of it, Just kinda skimmimg around the edges

We were about 35 when it first happened, My best mate was sleeping in the lounge and my wife and I were having some fun in the bed,

I remember casually saying, I bet D would love to be here with you, The wife said, no he would not.
I took that as a challenge, so I immediately texted my mate and Invited him to the bedroom. He walked in without so much as a thread on.

That was our first time, D stayed with us for a few months more, joining us on a regular basis, till he got his own place.

The next friend to stay with us was Narelle, She’d been kicked out of the house she was living in.
One night my wife says Do you want Narelle to join us, Kinda pointless askin so yes, she was a lot more shy, but we played.
Eventually she moved in with my mate and we didn’t see them for a while. She eventually found another Guy and my mate another girl (20 years his junior), he sometimes still plays, but she is not interested.

For us it was about just being with others. Sometimes we just cuddled sometimes more, it wasn’t just about sex.

A few years passed before another female friend of mine let us know she was seeing a few guy’s, we let it slip that we had been with others and she joined us a few times.

It was then that we joined a website. We met a couple of people on there and yea played a bit, But we felt it was just about sex, and we wanted more of a connection. So we stopped for a while.

Every now and then D would have a few too many and was unable to drive home, so he shared my wife and I. He was not afraid of playing on either side of the fence.

We now have a small group of friends that we can go to their place and Drink around the fire and sometimes we play or not, or at our place, Its relaxed and fun. One of our friends took my wife to a Shed 16 and I stayed with his wife for the night. Sometimes we end up in his Spa and play,
again its not something we go out of our way to do, it just happens naturally.

We enjoy the Sharing, we enjoy the company, the Sex comes in second most times,
We are both now in our 50’s, and have Joined this site, hoping to find some more people we can firstly be friends with and if something further develops, then so be it. Not looking for sex on mas, just a cosy few that are comfortable around each other.

Hope you enjoy our Story

1:38 am Wednesday, 29th December, 2021

We really like how it panned out for you both xxx

4:48 am Sunday, 30th January, 2022

Great story thanks for sharing lobe way you guys think seem very down to earth 😊

4:49 am Sunday, 30th January, 2022

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