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My first encounter in virgin lands.................

1:17 pm Saturday, 24th April, 2021

When I entered the room my cousin was lying on the top of maya, clasped in a tight embrace, a pair of large white legs crossed over his back, and from the heavings and motions of their bodies, I perceived that they were enjoying themselves in a manner altogether satisfactory; and so intent, and enraptured were they, with the exercise they were taking, that they did not notice my having entered the room.seeing the two on the bed in that manner I was so amazed that I stood at the door watching them till he raised himself off the girl.He got up, standing with his back to me, while Maya still lay with her eyes closed, her petticoat and shift thrown up, her thighs wide apart, revealing to my ardent gaze a round white belly, the bottom part of which was covered with a large growth of jet black curly hair, and lower down, between her thighs, I discovered what I had so often heard of, but never before seen - a cunt; from between the locks of curly hair that grew over the mount above, and around the dear delicious slit, I could perceive two fat and rosy lips slightly gaping open, from which oozed out a little whitish-looking foam.My senses were so confused with what I saw, and the strange emotions which had been called up in me, that I stepped forward towards the bed. The moment my step was heard Maya buried herself under the bedcovers, while he came to meet me, and taking me by the hand led me up to the bed, saying,- "what have you seen? how long have you been in the room?" I answered and told him I had witnessed their whole performance.He then threw the cover off the girl, and raising her to a sitting posture, with one arm round her waist, said,- "You who have never tasted the pleasures to be received in the arms of a pretty girl, do not know what it is to resist the temptation of making use of every opportunity and means in one's power, to gratify the appetite, and see what a beautiful, charming mistress Maya is; who could deny her? Having done me the honour to invite me to her chamber last night I could not but return the courtesy this evening, and know the sequence."I replied, "Yes, she is very charming," and feeling a desire to get an insight into the pleasures derived from the conjunction of the sexes, I laid my hand on the bare knee of Maya, who still sat on the edge of the bed, her clothes scarcely covering her cunt and thighs, and slipped it under her chemise, till it rested on the hairy mount that overtopped the delicious slit beneath. But my cousin stopped me, saying, "Excuse me, cousin, but Maya is mine, at least for the present, but as I see you are anxious to initiate yourself in the mysteries of the Cyprian goddess, I think that with the help of Maya I shall be able to find you a companion for the night; can we not Maya ?" said he, turning to her."Oh, yes," said the girl, jumping to her feet, and assuming a smiling look, "we will get him my little sister Priya , who I am sure is a much prettier girl than myself, and she has larger and whiter breasts than I have," said she, covering a pair of fine round white globes, which I was greedily devouring with my eyes. "I am sure," she went on, "that you will be pleased with Priya, when we bring her to you tonight."Telling Maya that on condition she brought her sister at night to my room , I would be secret and mention to no one what I had seen, I retired and left them.Going to my chamber early in the night I spent an hour in a fever of excited expectation till Maya entered the room, leading her sister by the hand. was a most beautiful girl, and the moment she entered the room and the door was closed, I sprang forward, caught her in my arms, and led her to a sofa, where I sat down and drew her to my side. I unpinned the handkerchief that covered her breasts, and clasping her again in my arms covered them with burning kisses. This caused Priya to blush exquisitely and struggle somewhat to release herself from my embrace, when Maya stepped before us, saying, - " Priya was never in company with a man before now, and of course is a little backward, but is very willing to remain with you, and by yourselves you will, I am sure, find her all you wish; is it not so, sister?"To which Priya replied, "Oh yes," and hid her face in the cushion of the sofa.Maya told me that as wine was a great reviver of the spirits and provocative of love, she would go and bring me some, telling Priya to ply me plentifully with it. She went, and soon returned with a tray of wine, cakes, &c, and retired, wishing us "a happy night of it."When Maya went I locked the door, then drawing up a sofa to the table I led Priya to it, and seating myself by her, endeavoured to put her at her ease by not proceeding to any liberties at first, till I had plied her with some half-dozen glasses of wine. After she had drunk pretty freely, the natural vivacity of her character began to show itself, in her open and free conversation. I now put my arms around her waist and neck, and pressing her close to my breast, imprinted burning kisses upon her rosy pouting lips. I then slipped one hand into her bosom, feeling and moulding her firm round bubbies. After dallying thus awhile I stooped and slipped a hand under her chemise, raised her clothes up on her knees. Squeezing and playing with her legs, I slid my hand along her thigh till my fingers rested on a bunch of silken mossy hair, which overhung the entrance of her virgin cunt.Playing with the silken curls, twining and twisting my fingers through them, I dropped one finger lower down, and putting just the tip of it between the lips, I titillated her so well that she began to wriggle about in her seat. I could stand it no longer. I was on fire; the blood was boiling through my veins. I raised her on her feet, and began stripping her, fairly tearing her clothes off in my haste, till she stood perfectly naked before me. Ye Gods! what beauties, what charms, were exposed to my ardent fiery gaze, what delicious breasts, how firmly moulded, small, yet so round and firm. I press them, kiss them, take the nipples in my mouth, I draw her to me, till feeling her naked body against me, I drop on my knees and transfer my love kisses to the lips of her luscious little hairy slit. I was in a perfect frenzy, I burned, I raged. In a trice I threw off everything, and clasping her body to mine, I raised the trembling girl in my arms, and carried her to the bed.Placing a pillow on which to rest the plump, luxurious cheeks of her backside, I lay her down, springing on the bed by her side. I open wide her thighs, and my prick being up in arms and eager for the fray, I lay my length on her. With the tips of my fingers I unclose the pouting lips, and with the utmost trouble insert the head of my virgin rod into the entrance of her no less virgin cunt.No sooner did I feel the head lodged aright than I drove and shoved in with the utmost fury; feeling the head pretty well in I thrust and drove on, but gained so little that I drew it out, and wetting it with spittle I again effect the lodgement just within the lips. At length by my fierce rending and tearing thrusts the first defences gave way, and I got about half-way in, but had become wrought up to such a pitch that the floodgates of love's reservoir gave way, and I sank upon her breast in a delirium of transport as I oiled her torn and bleeding cunt with a perfect flood of virgin sperm.Poor Priya had borne it most heroically, keeping the bedclothes between her teeth, in order to repress any cry of pain, whilst her hands clasped my body to hers, or even handled the shaft of love to assist its murderous intentions on her virginity.As I lay panting and gasping on Priya, glowing with the fierce excitement, my eyes dartingforth their humid fires, the stiffness which had perceptibly remitted, returned with redoubled vigour, and I again began to make headway into her. The sperm that I had spurted into her cunt had penetrated and oiled the dark and narrow passage, making my further entrance somewhat easier. I now recommenced my eager shoves, my fierce lunges, and I felt myself gaining at every move, till with one tremendous and cunt-rending thrust I buried myself into her up to the hilt. So great was the pain of this last shock that Priya could not suppress a sharp shrill scream, but I heeded it not; it was the note of final victory, and only added to the delicious piquancy of my enjoyment as I buried myself, if possible, yet further within the soft, luscious folds of her love sheath. We lay for a short time in the closest conjunction with each other, so that the hair on both of us was interwoven in one mass....

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I'm 33 years old, living in the Pune region.
I'm interested in meeting a woman or a couple aged between 18 and 49.

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