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A four day adventure (part Three)

1:22 pm Monday, 12th April, 2021

I keep my head down, even though I'm not blindfolded even I know better than to look up. He continues to stroke my hair. playing with my pigtails. The men all continue talking, from where I'm sat, I think I can make out 4 other people, So 5 men and me. I don't hear the man from earlier, which is good. I try and keep up with what they are all talking about but I think some of it is from nods and gestures and I'm still too nervous to look up. Through all the voices I hear one, its strong, commanding yet smooth and calming. I try and concentrate on that voice. I feel my whole body relax as I do. I think the man at my side notices as he chuckles. He leans down to me. "now your calmer would you like a drink little one, the drinks are not sealed but I can assure you they are safe" I nod and whisper " yes please Sir, if I may Sir" He pats my head and stands, shit he is leaving me here. I freeze. He walks across the room and leaves the room, returning only a few minutes later. He hands me a glass; it has a straw in it and the liquid in it is pink. It looks like juice. I take a sip....Not juice. this will help. fruity, strawberry. its yummy. I sip some more and start to relax. They all continue to chat. I try to concentrate but all the chat gets muddled together and I can't follow it. That's when he puts his finger under my chin and tilts my head up. "Do you like to be kissed little one" he says. I feel all relaxed now and I nod and smile sweetly at him. It's the first time I have seen him. He is just as I had imagined him from his voice. "Good girl, Uncle Peter over there would like you to go and sit with him, off you go" I turn my head in the direction he has indicated this "Uncle Peter" is and I see a tall man smiling over at us patting the seat next to him. I look back around and I can see from the look that I don't have a choice. I stand and straighten my skirt and turn to walk over to uncle Peter. I feel all eyes on me. clutching my glass, I carefully sit in the seat indicated. Manners insist I turn slightly to face the man that speaks to me. Uncle peter, he is the one I heard earlier. The strong voice that is so calming. "hello little one" he greets me with a smile and rests his hand on my knee. "hello Uncle Peter" I reply and he rubs my leg gently in response. I take another sip from my juice. "How about you say hello to uncle peter properly" With that he moves his hand to my chin and lifting it slightly moves his head forward to kiss me. Just a gentle kiss on the lips. Then he moves back licking his lips. Then he moves forward again, more dominating this time. I open up and he takes no time at all pushing his way into my mouth. He controls the kiss, leading me. He pulls away and I feel flushed. He smiles. "I think Uncle Jack would like to say hello now" I realise I have turned to face Uncle peter and hadn't noticed someone had come and sat next to me the other side. I turn to face uncle Jack and he takes no time grabbing the back of my head as he pulls me towards him plunging his tongue into my mouth kissing me hard. I feel Uncle Peter behind me move closer and feel his hand curl around my waist gently stroking my breast through my blouse. He is right behind me and I can feel his breath on my neck. He pulls me back so I'm sat on his lap. Uncle jack tilts my head back more and deepens the kiss. His hand slowly running up and down my thigh inching further and further under my skirt. Uncle Jack breaks off the kiss and I'm left panting. "greedy girl" I'm told.

My juice cup is taken from my hand and I am helped to stand by both Uncle Jack and Uncle Peter. They are both very tall but then again, I'm only 5'1" so most men are taller than me. I think its how close they are standing that make them feel so tall. Taking my arm Uncle Peter leads me across the room to a chair. Uncle Jack sits in the seat and I realise I'm about to be spanked. "Hands on your head young lady" I do as I'm told and move to the stool next to the seat. kneeling on the stool I lay myself across Uncle Jacks lap, my head resting on the cushion the far side of him. Uncle Peter helps lift my skirt. My panties are left on. Uncle Jack starts to rub my bottom and I can hear the others in the room move to watch. That's when I spot the monitors. Up on the wall are four screens. One showing the bedroom, one the cage, one is the bathroom and one is the shed. They are all playing previous recordings of me. He was not only watching me he was recording me too. Each one is on a loop. there is no sound but I don't need it. Everyone here has seen me, seen what has happened today. Noticing that I have seen the monitors Uncle Peter leans down and whispers in my ear. "My favourite is the forced orgasms, over and over again" I feel myself going red and the room laughs. I bury my head in the pillow. I feel the first blow and then a second, then it just fuzzes over. Uncle Jack continues to spank me, not too hard just enough to warm my bottom. He stops and I feel him rubbing my bottom. His hand moves down and under my panties and I still. His fingers finding me wet. Removing his hand, I am helped to stand. I'm led back to the sofa and someone hands me my juice cup, it seems fuller. I take a sip anyway. Once again Uncle Peter is behind me and I am sat leaning against him, his hand round my waist once more. This time someone new sits to my other side, he introduces himself as Uncle Mike. Uncle Mike takes my hand and rests it in his lap. I realise what is expected and I begin to move my hand gently up and down over him. I take another sip of my juice through my straw, and then another. All the while I'm rubbing my hand over him and I feel him getting bigger. Uncle Peters hands come up and brush my nipples that are hardening and I am sure can be seen clearly through the white blouse. Another sip and my cup is gone again. This time it's just Uncle peter who helps me up. He guilds me just in front of Uncle Mike and with a hand on my shoulder pushes me down onto my knees in front of Uncle Mikes lap. He has by now freed his cock from his pants. Uncle Mike perches on the edge of the seat as I take his cock in my hands. I lick my lips and then use the tip of my tongue on the tip of his cock. swirling round and then taking just the tip into my mouth. looking up at Uncle mike as I do, I can tell he is pleased. Slowly I lick and tease him slowly taking more and more into my mouth. Like a little girl with a lolly pop. Whatever that drink is it is making me brave. My head bobs up and down. It doesn't take long before Uncle Mikes hand is in my hair and I'm being held deeper on his cock. Just a few more deep thrusts and I feel him start to pulse in my mouth. I look up at him as he cums in my throat, swallowing every drop and licking him clean. Someone hands me a wipe and I clean my face and hands. I'm helped back to my seat again by Uncle Peter who seems intent on looking after me. My drink is once again handed to me and I sip from it until it makes that annoying noise with my straw. The room falls silent and I look around. I've displeased him. In just two strides he is in front of me. I look up at him towering over me. He holdout his hand. Not understanding I go to hand him my cup. Uncle Peter takes my cup from me instead and I am suddenly pulled up from my seat.

I'm being held by my hair as I'm pulled across the room towards the sliding doors, the room is informed we will be back shortly as he clicks the door lock, slides the door open and I'm pulled outside, its dark. A hand goes to my mouth quietening me. At the shed door he releases his grip on my mouth and hair and I stand still as he unlocks the door and pushes me inside. The door shuts and he clicks the lock. A few more seconds and light fills the room. Without the blindfold this time I can see the room. on the far wall are canes, whips, and other such things, I see the hook hanging in the middle and that's where I'm pulled to. From nowhere he somehow has a zip tie. He loops it round my wrists with ease and lifts my arms so I'm hooked again. pulling on a chain I'm lifted so I'm on tip toes. He takes a step back. Flicking a switch, I realise he has turned off the recording camera. He walks over to me and brushes my cheek with his hand. "Good girl". He leans down and kisses me, deepening it. I open up for him, letting him take as he wishes. He pulls away "I've wanted to do that all evening" He walks over the a drawer, he looks back at me and smiles. He takes something out of the drawer moves back in front of me. he clicks the chain and it lowers so my feet are flat on the floor. using his foot to indicate he has me opening my legs wide. Opening his palm, he shows me what he has. It's not big. but it's also not small it's a round object. with one hand he lifts my skirt and moves my panties to one side. His fingers rub against me and we both know he is going to find me wet. He is pleased. With one hand he opens me up and with his other hand he pushes the object deep inside me. Pulling the panties back in place and he straightens my skirt. He is smiling. He walks back over to the drawer and takes out something else. Looking over at me I suddenly realise what he has put in me. With a touch of a button, I feel it. a low hum. This is to be my punishment, at any point throughout the evening he can set it off. He flicks it off again and quickly unhooks me. My hands are still bound by the cable tie but he makes no attempt to free them. He pulls on the binds and I am pulled out of the shed again. He shuts off the lights and locks the door then leads me back towards the house. He slides open the door and I follow him inside. Head bowed. He announces to the room that my bratty behaviour has been dealt with. I led to the corner where there is a cushion and I'm told to kneel facing the wall. I do as I'm told.

I'm not in the corner for long before I feel someone behind me, its uncle Peter again. placing his hand on my head I calm almost instantly. "Has little learnt her lesson and ready to come and join us again" I nod and he helps me stand. He leads me to an arm chair this time which he sit down in and indicates for me to sit on his lap. I do as I'm asked; the chair is big and I am able to curl up. Uncle Peter gently rubs my back and I feel so safe as he and the others chat. After a while I am handed a drink. I look around and see Sir smile. Then I feel it.. I jolt and Uncle Peter looks down at me. I try to act like nothing is wrong but I see him smile and look over at Sir. I try to block out the feelings between my legs. after a while it stops. I look up at the screens and see the bedroom scene from earlier. I can't seem to look away as I watch myself being taken by that other man and then I watch as Sir takes my arse for the first time. I see myself still as I pass out and I watch as he continues to ram my arse once twice three times more. He pulls out clearly realising I am not conscious. I see as he pulls the dildo out and checks my breathing. Clearly happy I'm okay he turns and clicks something and the screen goes blank then the loop starts again, back to that first time in that room when he made me cum over and over again. I realise then that he could have taken advantage and done anything he wanted, but he didn't. He made sure I was safe. A hand comes up and brushes my cheek, Uncle Peter had been watching me as I watch that scene. I turn and face him, his hand in twines in my hair pulling me closer as he kisses me. His hands start to wander up my thigh to my bottom the other moves down caressing my breasts through my blouse. He deepens the kiss. and as he does, I feel the thing start to buzz again. I groan into Uncle Peters' mouth. The buzzing stops just as uncle Peter's hand moves to the front of my panties. Hooking his fingers inside my panties he finds my clit and gently rubs I'm close to cumming already. I don't know if I'm allowed. I start to panic, uncle Peter lifts his hand to my face, "shhh it's okay little one, don't be afraid" I look up at him. "Please Uncle Peter, I don't know if I'm allowed" I whisper. He looks over towards Sir and then he smiles. " your allowed little one, we all want to watch you. Watch me...what does he mean watch me. I look around and we are being watched but everyone. " I think she should lay on the cushions in the middle and show us all what pleases her." Sir says. Show them! oh god he wants me to play with myself in front of everyone. Uncle Peter lifts me and suddenly I'm standing. "Go on little one" he encourages.

I step forward then further and then I kneel on the cushions that are in the middle of the room. As my knees hit the cushion the buzzing starts and I gasp. In unison all the men turn and look at Sir. He just shrugs and holds up the remote. There are a couple of laughs and Sir clicks it off and drops the fob onto the table next to him. Sir walks over to me and crouches down next to me. taking my chin, he whispers "you may remove it now and in the chest behind you are toys, use what you wish. From this point on you can cum as you wish as many times as you wish without the need for permission. Every man in this room intends to use you. Myself included" and with that he takes a flick knife from his back pocket and I'm freed from the cable ties and he stands again and returns to his seat. I look around the room, everyone is looking at me. Chatter starts back up as the men start to chat to one another. Once I think no one is looking I reach inside my panties and pull out the toy Sir had put there. Placing it on the small table next to me. Rolling onto my tummy I open the chest in front of me and peer in. Oh, my there are a lot of toys to choose from. I rummage through and find a mini wand. It's not as big and powerful as the one Sir used earlier but I think it will be enough. Closing the chest, I turn the wand over in my hand as if I'm trying to work out what it is for the first time. I find the button and I turn it on. A low hum. I block out that there are people around me and my hand moves down to my panties, it slides inside, I'm already wet. I rollover so I'm on my back. my hand still inside my panties I bring the wand down and touch myself with it through my panties, omg that feels good. I take my hand out of my panties and continue to tease myself with the wand, my hand going up and sliding into my blouse teasing my nipple. I close my eyes and I just play. Over and over, I brush the wand over my cunt. I know if I hold it to my clit, I will cum hard, I hold off a little longer and then I brush my clit once, twice and then hold it there as I cum apart. As I start to cum down, I'm still stroking myself. I'm no longer alone on the cushions, I've been joined by the one man I haven't greeted yet. "Uncle David liked that" He says....

Let me know what you think of my blog/story so far.. I'll post part four soon..

6:06 pm Monday, 12th April, 2021

very good blog. erotic

1:00 pm Friday, 16th April, 2021

Love  it I’m so turned on 

7:21 pm Tuesday, 17th August, 2021

Wow……..  speechless! And if you knew me baby girl you know that was a first… Ever top marks, however I’d like to adjust it from being a story to some sort of real life position for you  to fill, sounds like you’d be perfect princess xx

9:54 pm Monday, 1st November, 2021

The things dreams are made off. Xx

1:52 am Wednesday, 3rd November, 2021

Very good blog and I’m sure Sir will be very happy and well done 👏 little on

5:52 pm Tuesday, 8th March, 2022

Heart pounding stuff

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Sub looking for Dom for real meets. UK

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