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3:55 pm Thursday, 11th March, 2021


This is a completely true story, apart from Laura not being her real name.  Although she is deceased, I changed it out of respect to her remaining close, and her memory.

I consider myself very fortunate to have spent twenty-five years with this truly wonderful woman.  It would have been so good to have grown old together, but it was not to be.

I clearly recall every detail of our first meeting.  It was love at first sight for me, and, as I learned later, it was for her too.  It took only around three months for us to move in together; it felt so right, as, as history showed, indeed was.  This is not a sickly roses round the door fairy story; we didn’t agree on everything, and occasionally had rather loud rows as is almost inevitable when two people live together!

During the first few weeks I told her as much as I could about myself, and in particular that I was a naturist, because it was, and still is now, important to me.  I was amazed, and delighted, to find that it was something she had long wanted to try, but her ex had flatly forbidden it.

We were in the UK, so I waited for a beautiful weekend, packed a picnic complete with bottle of wine, and took her to an official nudist beach.  By the time we left she was a committed naturist!  I was very happy.  We went on to have a number of wonderful naturist holidays in the south of France.

Over time she was equally open with me, and admitted that I was the only man she had ever been faithful to, and, also very honestly, said that the only real reason for that was lack of opportunity!  This was a need driven by her love of, and appetite for, sex, and was not indicative of dissatisfaction with her partner.

I was always very impressed by the lyrics of a Sting song ‘If You Love Somebody Set Them Free’.  If you restrict and imprison a person, they will run away and escape; give them freedom and they will always come home.  With this in mind I explained to her that I loved her dearly, but I couldn’t tolerate being deceived.  It is deception that is painful and destructive.  I gave her my blessing to live her life her way, but to do it openly.  It worked because as it turned out she found that she liked to recount her sexual adventures to me when she came home, or the next day.  Needless to say, this quickly developed into a swinging lifestyle, with, surprisingly, some of our closest friends!

We also had fun with some of our naturist acquaintances, and life was good.  There are no ‘ifs’, ‘buts’, or ‘untils’ to take the shine from this story.  Our relationship was strengthened rather than weakened.

We often spent weekends with our special friends, a couple who I will call John and Beryl.  Sometimes it was at their house and sometimes at our home.  On one occasion, we went away to a hotel for a weekend together.  It was magical; we had exclusive use of the sauna and jacuzzi suite, and took full advantage of it! 

At other times we would go to dinner at a local restaurant or pub, getting home by about 10.00 pm.  I’d set the music playing, and get us all a drink.  Maybe John will ask Laura to dance, and she accepts.  We all know this is an opening move.  I ask Beryl, who joins me for a short while, but is not big into dancing, so we sit down.  After dancing to a couple of songs John pulls down the zip at the back of Laura’s dress and helps her to step out of it.  She never wore a bra, but often would reveal stockings, suspender belt and exquisite panties.  Eventually we all ended up naked, and enjoyed uncomplicated sex together in the same room.  It was beautiful.

There was a time when I had to work nights.  Fortunately for Laura she had a friendship with a man in the next town, so would spend some of the lonely nights with him, and found him very sexually satisfying.

Of course, there were other swinging experiences and threesomes, plus a few other men Laura had to herself, but not without my knowledge and blessing.

Life remained good until a bombshell medical diagnosis which lead to her having major surgery.  After a few years the condition resurfaced, and I lost her, but what incredible memories I have of twenty-five years with a true soul-mate.

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Want Friends for Roman Orgies! (And many other experiences!)

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