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My online encounter, second part

6:02 pm Sunday, 7th March, 2021

As soon as Suzie walked in to the restaurant I recognized her, and she, me. She looked around for a few seconds, saw me, waved, and proceeded to thread her way through the tables of diners toward me.

I studied her as she walked toward the table, and I was pleased by what I saw. She was fairly short, perhaps five feet tall, and looked exactly like her picture. She had advertised herself as having 'a few extra pounds', but looking at her I decided that it must be a cultural thing. To me she appeared just slightly zäftig and nicely curved, but compared to the many very thin and wiry Asian women I had seen she might consider herself to be carrying a little extra weight. Her blouse had a roundness that promised pleasant sights should I see her naked, and at one point she turned sideways to allow someone to pass, and I saw that her bottom had the potential to be very pleasant too. I made no secret of my regard, and allowed my appreciation to show on my face, so that by the time she made it to the table she was blushing furiously.

She did not look like a typical twenty year old student. She was wearing a nice blouse and modest, knee-length skirt, and instead of the ubiquitous backpack she was carrying a satchel/briefcase, well-made and expensive. I could see right away how she might not fit in well with her student compatriots. She looked more like a businessperson.

I got up as she approached and put my hands on her shoulders, giving her a peck on the cheek (more intimate than a handshake, I thought, without being threatening) and she smiled in return. Her smile was warm, and I was pleased to see that it spread to her eyes. I think she was genuinely happy to see me. I felt I had made a good first impression, and my cock stirred at the implications.

The server came over with menus as soon as she saw that my expected companion had arrived, and Suzie busied herself examining it as I examined her. I had already selected my meal from the menu posted at the door. Suzie was not really pretty in the expected sense, but she had nice, regular features and very smooth and delicate skin. The thought of discovering just how much of her was that smooth was so erotic that I had to forcibly remind myself to keep things friendly, at least for the first while.

When our meals came we had a nice chat as we ate. Suzie had very proper table manners. We had been messaging for some time, but it is always harder to express yourself in text than in conversation. At first there was polite small talk, but slowly the conversation turned toward BDSM, and the sorts of things she was interested in versus what I had previously done. I could see her getting more apprehensive the more pointed the conversation became, at one point noting that her hand shook when she picked up her coffee cup to take a sip. I went to great pains to reassure her that, whatever happened, she would find it pleasurable, and swore that if anything started that frightened her or made her anxious, all she would have to do is say 'stop', and I would stop.

I also noticed that she kept glancing around at other tables. 'Are you afraid of being overheard?' I asked. She nodded. 'A little', she replied. 'It's kind of embarrassing'. I suggested that, although it wasn't the usual practice with meetups of this kind perhaps we should retire to my apartment and continue the conversation there, with the guarantee that the only thing that would happen would be talking. I told her I thought that it might help her to become more comfortable should she ever return to my place for 'other encounters'.

As we were finished our meal I signalled for the bill, and we soon found ourselves in my car. I lived in a high-rise not too far off campus, so it was a short trip. I gave her a tour of the apartment, including the bedroom. Then I made more coffee ad we sat on opposite ends of the sofa to discuss specifics of what she would like to have happen on her first visit for erotic purposes. She made it clear that she would be up for a little 'enhanced lovemaking' featuring perhaps a little light bondage, but that spanking, whipping, edge play, breath play, anal penetration, or any more advanced BDSM practices were off the table for now.

I reassured her that as her Dom it was my responsibility to take her limits seriously, although as a good Dom it was also my role to push them, perhaps a little, using my experience and remembering the things that other women had found pleasurable. In the end she seemed much more relaxed and agreed that it had been a good idea to see the apartment and get comfortable in it, and as I drove her back to campus we agreed that we should meet for lunch again the following Wednesday and return to the apartment with intent of 'staying a little longer'. Her deep blush assured me that she knew very well what that entailed.

I dropped her off with a hug and peck on the cheek, agreeing to meet at the same restaurant at the same time one week from today.

'Meanwhile', I said, 'we can go right on chatting'.

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