‘I’d been injured and was kept in the medical centre for observation for 48 hours. I connected with a nurse, who was a commissioned officer, Captain, and I was a JNCO, Corporal. ‘So any relationship was a military crime on two levels, she was an officer, I wasn’t. She was a nurse and I a patient. ‘We’d had some heavy petting my last night in the medical centre but it was too risky to go further as the Doc and the medics slept in there. ‘We made a plan to do it covertly elsewhere. We arranged to meet near the phones and then make our way to one of the Warrior armoured fighting vehicles. ‘It was January and got dark very early. ‘We snuck into my Warrior and disabled the power so the hydraulic door wouldn’t open. As we were having sex, which was amazing, the camp came under attack from both mortar and 107mm rockets. ‘The vehicles being a very safe place to be we kept going. With the sound of alarms and explosions we continued to go at it as though the world were about to end. ‘It’s a special memory.