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5:37 pm Thursday, 11th February, 2021


This three part adventure with Louise and Peter took place just before Covid-19 struck, but has only just been shared with me. All names and details that could give a clue to identification have been changed, as is true, where appropriate, in any of my blog posts.

Louise’s mother had been very sick, and it caused quite an upheaval in their life, as they had to leave their lovely house in Cyprus to spend an extended period of time in the UK. Fortunately, she eventually responded to treatment and made a full recovery. Louise had taken the brunt of the pressure, of course, but Peter had been an unwavering solid support for her. Both feeling mentally and physically drained, they were glad to be in a position to book a flight back home.

The story starts at a local library in the south-east of England where they are using the internet to book their flight. Peter types in the details on the airline booking site, and as soon as the page opens Louise spies an advertisement in the side pane. ‘Stop, Peter’ she says ‘click on that.’

What she has seen is an offer for a last minute one week stay in a top Maltese hotel, including outward and return flights for a ridiculously low price. The catch is that the flight is the very next morning!

‘I need a holiday, and I’m sure you do too after being my prop for so long’ Louise added ‘book it - quick.’

He did. ‘We won’t use the return flight, but it’s very cheap, so doesn’t matter’ he muttered. ‘What we do need, though, is a flight from Malta to Paphos at the end of the week.’ He searched 'Malta to Paphos' – nothing. Then tried ‘Malta to Cyprus (any)’, and, bingo, a flight was available to Larnaca most days, including the day they needed to depart.

As they are to fly the next day, they go straight back to pack. Her mother is so pleased she insists on making a generous contribution to the cost, as a thank you for all their help.

The taxi ride to Heathrow Airport Terminal 4 the next morning is the start of the journey to their next erotic adventure, but they don’t know that yet!

The Air Malta flight obligingly departs on time. Leaving a cold and grey UK December, they head for the relative warmth of the Maltese archipelago. Their allocated seats on the aircraft are next to a friendly and attractive lady that Peter guesses to be about forty-five. She introduces herself as Sandra, and explains that she and her husband live in Malta, but she’s been back to the UK alone because her daughter had recently given birth. Louise tells of the worry with her mother, but emphasises how happy they are that she ultimately made a full recovery, and are taking a well earned holiday before going back to their home in Cyprus. They get on well, and the conversations relieve the usual tedium of flying.

As they near their destination, and the captain announces the commencement of their descent into Malta, Sandra enquires as to whether Louise and Peter would like to join them for dinner at their house the next evening. ‘My husband, Ted, will pick you up from your hotel at 7.00, if that’s ok. You’ll meet him as we leave the airport, so you’ll know what each other look like!’

‘Actually’, Sandra is thoughtful for a moment, ‘have you got transport arranged from the airport to your hotel?’

‘No, apparently it isn’t far, so we’ll take a taxi’ Peter replies ‘there’s bound to be plenty available.’

‘You don’t need a taxi, we’ll drop you off. It’s easy for us to go that way,’ asserts their new friend.

And so it is that soon they are in a car with Sandra and her charming, handsome husband, Ted. After helping to get their bags from the boot, Ted shakes their hands, holding onto Louise’s just a fraction of a second longer than strictly necessary, tells them he will see them at 7.00 pm the next day, and says not to dress up, as they are always extremely casual, and emphasises the ‘extremely casual’ by saying it again.

‘What did you make of that?’ Peter asks Louise as they settle into their room.

‘I can’t be certain, Peter, but if I was a gambler, I’d put money on him fancying me!’

‘I thought that, too’ he agreed, ‘and I got some encouraging eye contact with Sandra; did you notice?’

‘Well, sort of, but not totally sure. To be honest, I don’t mind; they seem really nice people and we’ve just gone through a long barren patch. And they are both very good looking. If we’re right, is it ok with you if we sort of........’ her voice tails off, and then finishes with ‘........go with the flow?’

Peter doesn’t answer; his look says it all!

They have an excellent dinner and take a walk around the locality, before turning in for the night; they are both exhausted and sleep soundly.

Awakening to a sunny and quite warm morning, they make plans for the day ahead that include a visit the magnificent capital city. Valletta is a beautiful and beguiling place with narrow streets and lots of steps, and they greatly enjoy exploring it.

Feeling a little peckish by 1 o’clock, they find a cosy cafe to stop for a drink and snack. Looking for a table their eyes meet the gaze of Sandra and Ted. ‘I think we’re destined for each other’ Ted ventures with a knowing grin ‘come and join us.’

‘We only want a light snack’ Peter replies ‘otherwise we’ll spoil our appetite for dinner.’ Chatting awhile helps them to feel comfortable and at ease with each other, dispelling the possibility of any awkwardness later.

‘Good to see you again. We’re looking forward to seeing more of you later’ Sandra gushes wickedly as they all leave.

Back at the hotel Louise asks Peter what he thinks she should wear, bearing in mind they have been told not to dress up. He suggests the skin tight jeans he likes so much. December in Malta is not summery enough for shorts, especially in the cool of the evening. She selects a clingy top that will emphasise her nipples if she goes braless, and she agrees with Peter that she should, to help indicate that they are interested! That will not be noticed, of course, until they get into the house because a coat is necessary. Peter decides on loose jeans which will easily drop to the floor to reveal that he is wearing no pants! Teamed with a zip fronted knit under a jacket, he is ready. At ten minutes to seven they wander down to the hotel lobby; in a few minutes Ted’s car pulls into the access road and stops by the door.

They are pleased with their choice of attire as Ted is also in jeans.

He greets them. ‘Sandra’s in the kitchen doing the finishing touches, and is very much looking forward to this evening, as am I!’

Being a tiny island, Maltese town houses extend over several storeys in order to occupy a small ground area. Ted drives into the garage beneath the house, and they go upstairs to the living space. The kitchen and dining area are on the ground floor, and the table is exquisitely laid with flowers and candles.

‘Lots of candles’ Sandra informs ‘no electric lights while we dine; it creates a more conducive atmosphere.

’Over a delicious meal the conversation explores all their various backgrounds and, as the effect of the wine takes hold, moves on to interests, hobbies and pastimes.

‘I think we may have a common interest’ Louise looks intently straight into Ted’s eyes. He confirms that he feels the same. Sandra and Peter look at each other and smile.

Once the table is cleared Ted brings round glasses of a very good brandy. ‘You’ll like this, it’s even smoother then me’ he laughs.

Meanwhile, Sandra leans over to the sideboard to take a pack of playing cards from the drawer. ‘A good way to break the ice at parties – are you game for a game?’

‘We’re all on the same page’ Peter asserts ‘so let’s learn the rules and consequences. Neither Louise nor I are much good with card games, but I think we’ll quite enjoy losing!’

Ted takes over, ‘I suggest, then, that we keep it very simple, and just have to predict whether the next card turned will be higher or lower than the one displayed.’ Perfect. Louise is feeling involuntarily excited and her nipples are showing erect and proud against the delicate clinging fabric of her top. She is aware that it has been noticed, and says she will hardly look different when she takes it off. This is the first direct mention of undressing, and the sense of relief all round is tangible.

Back to Sandra, ‘If your prediction is right, or the card turned has the same value, nothing happens, but if you are wrong one piece of clothing has to come off. An ace counts only as one, a pair of shoes is one item, as are socks, and you may not remove any jewelry! Do we have a volunteer to go first?’

‘Yes’ says Louise, raising her arm. She shuffles the pack. Peter cuts it and brings the bottom to the top. Sandra turns over the first card. It is an eight. ‘Lower!’

Ted turns the next card, and it is a Jack! Following unspoken protocol, she removes her shoes. Ted is next and confidently predicts lower. He is wrong too, as a king is revealed. More shoes! Sandra can’t go wrong, knowing it’s got to be lower. It’s a four. Lastly it is time for Peter to guess. He opts to swim against the tide and chooses lower. His shoes join the others on the turn of a nine!

On the next round all four are wrong, so Sandra’s footwear comes off, Louise loses her tiny thin socks, and Ted and Peter their thick ones.

Sandra grins; ‘now it gets more interesting because we will be losing major items; I’m not wearing socks! In fact she is looking very chic in casual trousers and baggy tunic top.

Faced with a seven Louise doesn’t know which way to go, so plumps for higher. As it happens, she is only just wrong, turning a six! She is happy to release her boobs from the garment, and proudly exposes them. Ted is mesmerised; ‘gorgeous’ he mutters.

Once again they all lose. As Sandra was also braless, all are now topless. Soon Peter has to take off his jeans. Sandra gives a gasp of delight when she sees he is wearing no underwear. Louise and Ted are safe, but Sandra’s trousers are lost. ‘Just a thong at twilight’ she sings! Almost immediately Louise has to be parted from her jeans. They are so tight that she asks Ted to pull them as she sits on her chair. He loves it.

Ted and Sandra are soon naked, and Louise, who has on just a minute g-string, is the winner.

‘Well done, Louise, you have triumphed, what prize would you like?’ Sandra asks her.

‘Um, er, shall we all go to bed?’ she suggests, coyly.

Up two floors to the master suite they troop, where they find a huge six feet wide bed. Louise climbs into the middle of it. ‘Ted, please, take this string off me, and make me feel nice.

’Slowly he slides the lace patch over her knees, and on seeing her glistening, open entrance, his cock rears up. She lays back; quickly he starts to sample her juices with his tongue and she climaxes almost at once. It is her first for a long time. Ted doesn’t stop until she’s had another, slower, three! She returns the favour, taking his rigid shaft into her mouth and cupping his hairless balls.

They were watching, but Peter and Sandra are now making their own entertainment, falling to a 69 beside Louise and Ted. Sandra squeals with delight as her natural lubrication washes over Peter’s face.

With their new partners they change position many times over the course of an unhurried couple of hours. Finally the girls are side by side kneeling on the edge of the bed, while the men stand on the floor and enter them from behind. Both girls look at each other before kissing passionately on the lips.

‘Are you ok with Peter cumming inside me?’ Sandra asks Louise. ‘Yes,’ she smiles, and, turning to Ted, ‘you can cum in me, too.’

It has been so good that nobody really wants it to end, but the guys have held out so well while the girls have lost count of their orgasms that they deserve the relief they soon feel. Ted is the first to let go, and Peter is only seconds behind. Louise and Sandra turn, lie back, and open their legs wide to show the men the cream oozing from their two perfect shaved pussies, before indulging in an impromptu ‘cream tea’ with a two girl 69!

After showering, they all dress. Ted calls a taxi as he has had much to drink and will not drive.

While waiting by the door Ted asks if it might be possible to have a rematch before they leave.

‘Oh, yes please!’

‘Why don’t we come and have dinner with you at your hotel, I know the restaurant is good, and have a look at your room for a while’ he winks, ‘then all come back here, sleep together on the big bed and see what happens in the morning?’

It sounds like a good plan and is arranged for the day after next.

In the taxi Louise asks if tomorrow they can look for a shop that sells sexy lingerie and clothes to use for the next party. ‘Love to’ Peter enthuses.

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Want Friends for Roman Orgies! (And many other experiences!)

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