We have found interacting live or chatting is harder than previously thought is it fear or just lack of experience, absence of experience, fear is more an emotion that is set into the mind long before trying something the brain would not allow unless what? Experience is more of which to define this small problem, We both when together have found we are more daring and open than when the moment strikes to chat. Why?
For us it is being authentic in the moment will come with certain failures because being authentic in moments in which is comfortable because of experience.
How to move forward?
Just do it and learn from it to be in the moment a person cannot be small in the moment or turn away from the moment. My girlfriend wants to find herself in the moments we talk about privately and I encourage her to do so, I will be with her chatting or if she feels better doing this by herself because she only knows what to say when the feeling will hit her then she will respond and not react.
Does reacting come with emotion only without learned experience or very little, responding comes with learned experience with very little emotion?
She is 48 and I am 56 looking for the right couple or person with which to play.