It has started. It has become a viral trend. I’m working from home, It’ll be hard and takes great will power not to. Nahh, I can do that , I’m sticking by the rule, that’s what I thought.
One day in, I’m going to keep myself engaged. Im reading books , watching movies, sleep. Poof!! One day over. I’m getting there...
Second day, few hours in, I’m doing great. Im alone at home, only maid is there. She’s new , she’s shy. Got a bouncy bum. I’m in the Hall working, she brought tea , wasn’t wearing a bra I guess . Her Nipples struggling to stay inside her white top. Asked me to call her if any and went to the kitchen. Oh maaan! I’m having an instant boner.Hoping to stay by the rule,trying to be smart, start researching what’s no nut November.I find a loophole, yay! I can watch porn , have a boner but not nut. I can live with that.
Starts watching porn, one led to another to another. Searching didn’t stop, now I’m in the page 807. Still no. Searched maid porn to go with the flow. Yeahhh that’s what i am looking for. I’m not wearing underwear, it’s hard and brushing on my shorts. Pulled my shorts down. It’s wet and 90 degrees up. Im not jerking. I’m pulled in the porn , imagining the guy in the porn as me and living the moment. Few moments later , I feel I’m watched. I’m slightly turning my eyes to catch her watching me through the windows of the hall.a bit shocked. I’m pretending I didn’t see her, slowly pulled my short taking time without doing it immediately so I can act as I didn’t see her. Slightly turned my eye to see her leaving. It made me a bit uneasy and thinking of it made me more horny. She comes to the hall to take the tea cup. She smiled and talked as if nothing happened. I’m relieved.
This moment is running back and forth in mind. IM SO HORNY!!!! Trying to stay by NO NUT NOVEMBER, managed to pull my all will power and ended the day.
Next day, same thing happens, she leaves a cup of tea. Confused in mind, whether she was enjoying yesterday, pulled my shorts down and pretending my attention is on the screen. I get this feeling again, slighty turned my eye to find her. Pretended I didn’t see and same thing happens as yesterday . She comes and takes the cup and leaves with the same smile. I have now confirmed , she’s enjoying it . I Like this feeling, I’m enjoying exhibiting.
To add more fun, I went to wash room and asked the maid to bring my towel saying I forgot , little did she know I was getting her attention. She gave and left . I got naked , turned on my shower, left the door half opened. Im expecting her to eye on me. Would she come watch? she comes. Trying hard to peek at me. Watches,hides behind., watches hides, behind. I’m intentionally flexing my ass, showing all angles of my erected dick pretending as I don’t see her. In some time , I don’t see her peeking, I sneaked out like a thief taking small small steps to find her fingering. She didn’t feel I was there, her eyes are closed, bottom is below knees, fingering standing against the wall. Goodness. Should I just watch? I’ll go fuck her?? I’m on no nut November, duh!! Who cares?? Nooo I can finger her and still stay by not fucking or jerking or let her touch. Heyy before that , would she let me touch her?? All this goes on my mind.
She’s fingering with no sense of my presence. I get in there near her sneaking, I was naked, With dripping wet hair , not wiped , just outta shower. Touched her pussy sensibly , she opens her eyes, shocked and restless, and tries to lift her panties. I said shush in a sexy way, and rubbed her pussy with my two fingers up and down building the heat while she’s against the hall. She got in the mood , I can see her eyes closing , breathing heavily and enjoying. Bite her ear and told her, I know you have been watching me lately. She started grinning, pulled my waist against her ,I removed her top and threw it . Started licking around the nipple sucked it all while rubbing her pussy. Pulled her nipple with my teeth. I can see her moaning. She’s trying to touch my dick. I’m liking the tease, not letting her touch , licking her pussy so hard , she’s reaching the climax, she pushes my head against her pussy , moaning, legs starts to shiver with excitement. She hugs me and says best day everr.
She took me to the wash room, soaped me watered me and wiped with a towel saying I’d do this everyday. Best day of my life too.
Waiting till December to fuck her.
4:12 am Thursday, 5th November, 2020
Share your view guys |
4:16 am Thursday, 5th November, 2020
Wow!! Loved it |