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A Different Halloween This Year

10:28 am Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

With everything that’s going on in the world right now, there’s a pretty good chance that Halloween is going to look more than a little different this year. With restrictions on just about everything social, hopes for Halloween parties are dashed, trick or treating smashed and the need for costumes crushed. So what are are options this year? Have we had enough of masks or are you eager to don one of a different type?

Well, there’s the cliché we’ve got used to in recent months…. The virtual party! You can even skimp on the costume and just do half an outfit if no-one’s going to see you from below the top half. Hey, if RuPaul can get away with wearing sweatpants behind the Judge’s desk on Drag Race (according to rumour) then you can too! If it saves money, time and effort, I’m all for it!

Parties are a staple activity each year and it’s sad that we can’t this year, but at least there’s less panic about what your outfit is going to be or if you have to make it or spend money on it, so that’s almost a blessing. Adult or child, we all love a party, so it’s a little disappointing this year, but it won’t be forever. Cutting back on the Catherine’s in the short term is what’s going to get us out of this in the long term! Plus, with less need for costumes, maybe we can dodge the articles about what costumes someone has decided are ‘inappropriate’ this year – Something which gets on my tits more and more every year!

Or perhaps, a group video chat party isn’t up your street. Don’t worry, for reasons I’ve discussed before, I can’t stand video calls, so that idea’s out for me too. If you’re alone, the simplest option is often the best. A night with some horror movies, snacks and a blanket is certainly the cosiest way to spend Halloween or maybe try some funnier, light hearted Halloween movies like Hocus Pocus or Elvira instead of Heavier Horror movies if that’s not your thing.

Another virtual idea that (thankfully) doesn’t involve being on a video call, could be a virtual bake off! There are tons of Halloween themed recipes out there ranging from simple things to a much more advanced things, including a giant, hand-shaped meatball I saw a video of yesterday! You and your friends could pick a recipe for you all to separately try and then at the end, share pictures of your creations and see who cooked it best! It’s something to do and appeals to everyone’s inner competitiveness!

If you’re lucky to have housemates, you could always do a mini Halloween party and just dress up with each other and have some party nibbles or whatever.

If none of these ideas float your boat, there’s always the excuse to just do absolutely nothing. This might actually be my favourite, as I spend time dreaming of just having time to do that. Take the time, just have a nice sit down and really enjoy it. Am I getting old? Maybe, but who cares?

Maybe, you just want to treat it like a normal day and forget it’s even happening. At least this year, there shouldn’t be the constant knocking on the door from eager trick-or-treaters. You’d hope not, at least. I’d suggest that with everything that’s going on, just lock the doors and don’t answer. You’ve sort of got to feel sorry for the kids missing Halloween this year, but it’s for a greater good. You could still go through the motions of buying all the candy, except ignore the door and just eat it yourself!

So, what are your plans? Are you virtual partying? Are you going it alone? Are you barricading the doors to defend against the zombie horde? Share your ideas in the comments and give us all some inspiration!

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