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Halloween Goregasm: Chapter 1

2:29 pm Monday, 26th October, 2020

08:30, Friday 30th October

The alarm clock chimed loud and shrill at exactly 08:30am to break the cold, still silence of morning and jolt Nora unceremoniously from a deep sleep, cursing under her breath as she wrenched herself from the warm bed to go about her morning routine. The snooze function had rang out on her husband’s own alarm clock no less than four times before Nora was almost ready for the day, slamming down a first to silence it once more as she barked at her husband “Oh for heaven’s sake Fred, it’s almost 9 - don’t go thinking i’m running the desk on my own again this morning!” as she swept from the private quarters in a flurry to fix herself some breakfast.

The Hubhorn Hotel was a grand, old building that had been in the March family for over a century, passed down for generations and the age was growing increasingly apparent in the decaying decorum throughout the once-ornate and austere building. It was all-too-apparent in the dwindling number of guests that frequented the hotel these days also, though that did not deter Nora, the elderly landlady and owner, from making it to check-in before 9 every single morning - even if the hotel was now just a shadow of its former glory and grandeur.

Five minutes later, her husband Fred finally arrived to accompany his wife at reception as she flipped through the barron booking pages until she landed on the correct day. “Okay, October 30th”, she breathed, before running her finger down the page to pick out the name of the first guest who was set to arrive, “Okay so, we should be expecting Miss Kirkham soon enough, she’ll be across the hall from Mr. Carlton - did you prep room 4 last night like I asked, Fred?” she enquired to her husband while checking the time on her watch. “Yes dear, all set”, he replied grumpily, as she nodded in silent approval and continued to scan the page. “Then we should have Mrs. Reyes arriving not long after that and she’s going into Room 2, which I prepared myself so that’s good to go as well. Oh and don’t forget to have a look into the faulty radiator for the Bowden sisters in room 1, okay? They must be freezing in there. Well, big day for check-ins, Fred - two before lunch!” she proclaimed in a sarcastic tone, though there was a palpable sense of sadness in her voice as she closed the book and gazed quietly around the empty foyer.

A few silent minutes had passed before the front doors burst open and a frenzied young woman all-but fell across the threshold with no less than five bags of luggage and flyaway blonde hair. Once she had regained some composure, she took a long, surveying look around the hotel foyer with some degree of disdain before noticing the old couple behind the desk and dragging her abundant luggage up to greet them. “Hello, I have a reservation under Cheree Kirkham…this is the Hubhorn Hotel, right?” she spluttered breathlessly. “Yes dear, the very same - welcome!” replied Nora with a warm smile, grabbing an old, worn key from a set of hooks behind her. “We have you down for a single room, 3 nights, no breakfast - is that correct? You’ll be staying in room 4, on the second floor” said Nora, her eyes darting to the copious amount of luggage Miss Kirkham had with her, silently questioning the necessity. “Yes, that’s it. Thank you”, Miss Kirkham replied with a long sigh, scooping up her bags. “Which way is the bar? I’ve been driving all night and could use a drink or two”, she explained with a wry smile as she took the room key from the counter. “Oh I am sorry Miss Kirkham, unfortunately the bar is currently closed for refurbishments! I do hope this isn’t too much of an inconvenience for you, dear” she replied looking up as she spoke, her warm smile faltering as her eyes met the fiery, fierce gaze of Miss Kirkham staring back at her. “Please, please tell me you’re joking. You are joking, right?” she barked, her voice rising in ferocity with each word as her eyes darted from Nora to Fred and back again. “I… No, Miss Kirkham i’m afraid that the bar has been under refurbishment for some time now. We do hope this doesn’t impact your stay with us in any way, please accept our-
Forget it. Just forget it. You’ve ruined an already shitty morning, and likely my entire trip if I can’t even have a drink! Thanks SO much. Can’t wait to spend three whole days in this shithole! Someone will pay for this...” slammed Miss Kirkham, cutting across Nora mid-sentence and storming off across the foyer to the stairs up to her room, still muttering under her breath and glaring back at them once or twice. “If looks could kill…” muttered Fred after several awkward seconds of silence before returning nonchalantly to his morning newspaper, seemingly unfazed.

Before Nora even had time to process the confrontation, the front doors were thrown open once more and a slightly older, exotic looking woman walked into the hotel foyer and stopped to scan the room with a slow, surveying stare before locking eyes on the reception and headed straight towards it with a slightly alarming pace. “Hola, my name is Veronica. I have a room for the night” the young woman said in a purposeful, sultry voice. “Ah yes, Mrs. Reyes I presume?” asked Nora, grateful for the return to seemingly normal proceedings. “Your room is just up the stairs, room 2. We hope you enjoy your stay!” said Nora, smiling kindly as she handed over the key as she watched Veronica dart up the stairs without saying another word. “Well, Fred, never a dull moment…” sighed Nora, as she resigned once again to her chair and snatched the morning paper from her husband’s grasp with a smirk. “Looks like they still haven’t caught that fugitive Fred, best remember to double-check the locks tonight!” she muttered to her husband, scanning the front page. “Yes, dear” sighed Fred sleepily, his eyes falling to a close once again.

To be continued...

Part 2 and 3 to be released over the coming days, so keep your eyes peeled - if you think you know the murderer... comment who and why below and ONE lucky member will win a spooky, sexy prize!

Read Part Two!
Read Part Three!

11:39 am Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Sounds good 

11:40 am Wednesday, 28th October, 2020


11:48 am Wednesday, 28th October, 2020


11:48 am Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

alright done

11:52 am Wednesday, 28th October, 2020


11:54 am Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Thanks my dear 

11:56 am Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Ok let's see what happens next 

11:59 am Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Ok let's see what happens next 

12:07 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Ok see next

12:07 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020


12:12 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Looks like Otto Luck did it

12:13 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Nice Start

12:13 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Hi iam prasant

12:14 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

I think perry chute did it

12:15 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020


12:15 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020


12:18 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Not knowing any more details at the moment. My first thought would be Veronica reyes.. Reason one nite stay. No luggage..

1:04 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020


1:19 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Yes ok

1:45 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Iam not sure yet maybe next chapter

1:45 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Iam not sure yet maybe next chapter

1:55 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020


2:09 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Very good

2:43 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020


2:44 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Oh nice one still I am on the story

2:54 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Not bad cant wsit til next chapter

3:25 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Very good 🙏🙏

3:29 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Not yet get the heat let us waiter upcoming episode

3:36 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020


4:50 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

I intrastat 

4:55 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Quite interesting 

5:03 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Nice and interested

5:11 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020


5:55 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020


7:05 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Interesting and waiting to read 2 more episodes to solve the mystery.

7:32 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Cool,.. a goreqasmic story to get the juices rolling. I personally think it's Nora. However I am only putting in my 2cents. I'll wait to read the rest.

9:32 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Fugitive, Huh? Ok, I'm listening....

11:42 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2020

Nice start 👍

12:23 am Thursday, 29th October, 2020

Nice and interested

12:56 am Thursday, 29th October, 2020

No ones dead yet😂

2:08 am Thursday, 29th October, 2020

The butler did it!!!

4:34 am Thursday, 29th October, 2020

I’ll wait till later to say who I think it is.

4:36 am Thursday, 29th October, 2020


5:12 am Thursday, 29th October, 2020

Hay I wanna fuk u

6:57 am Thursday, 29th October, 2020

I like to be part of  this events

6:57 am Thursday, 29th October, 2020

I like to be part of  this events

7:03 am Thursday, 29th October, 2020

i like to be part of this 

9:38 am Thursday, 29th October, 2020

Nice and eager👅😘

11:34 am Thursday, 29th October, 2020

Waiting in anticipation! lol

11:50 am Thursday, 29th October, 2020

I'm waiting 

5:50 am Friday, 30th October, 2020

Nice and conclusion

7:40 am Friday, 30th October, 2020


11:14 am Friday, 30th October, 2020

Hello beby

5:45 pm Friday, 30th October, 2020

I'll okay I'll waiting for you

1:22 am Saturday, 31st October, 2020

Get in touch 

8:35 am Saturday, 31st October, 2020

Nora is the murder of Fred

2:26 am Sunday, 1st November, 2020

Hello dear sorry for late

11:07 am Sunday, 1st November, 2020


5:26 pm Sunday, 1st November, 2020

Hi friends

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