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An Excuse To Be Lazy - Autum’s Time To Indulge!

8:42 am Wednesday, 30th September, 2020

It’s been a funny old year and I can’t believe we’re sailing into Autumn, but hey, a new season could be just the ticket to make us feel a little better. You know, a change is as good as a rest. Different outfits, pumpkin spice stuff, better TV, it could be a welcome distraction to everything that’s going on.

So, in the UK, it’s looking like the current situation is going on a little longer than we’d all hoped, but now is not the time to be forgetting to look after yourself. If fact, with the seasons changing, you can mix up your self care with some new, non summer activities. I prescribe a little solo date-night with yourself at least once a week, but now, you get to do it with cozy blankets and hot chocolate!

Sometimes, we just need to shut out the world for a couple of hours and reconnect with ourselves. Even turning off the TV is a good idea, as I’m sure you’ve noticed that the news isn’t exactly the most cheerful and uplifting thing right now. Obviously, I’d never recommend shutting yourself completely off, but having some nice ‘me-time’ is really important. However, if you’re going to be in a bit more, use the time to stay in touch with family and friends. Apparently they expect that. The one thing you have on video calls that you don’t get at family gatherings is the ability to mute them, or even pretend the signal’s gone, which I find ever so handy with a couple of the racist elderly relatives.

So, at least once a week, set aside time to actually pamper yourself. Some of the men are immediately doing to huff at this idea, but hey, self care isn’t just for the ladies, it’s for all of us! You don’t even have to tell anyone, but honestly, try a long bath and a face pack, you’ll love it – Plus your skin will thank you! Honestly, it’s so nice to just exhale and let it all go for a bit and end up smelling and feeling lovely afterwards. And men, if this sounds too fancy for you, you can always take an hour and have an extra long wank. Same. But you won’t be as clean after this as you would have been after the ‘fancy’ option.

We’re going to be indoors more as the weather gets colder, but hey, I’m quite fond of indoors – it might give me time to get through some of my list of things to watch! Especially as Bake Off is back now – we can get our baking fix without having kitchens overflowing with banana bread, as everyone seemed to be doing during early lockdown. For me, cold and wet weather is a great excuse to be a little more lazy, so you’ve got a perfect excuse to dial it back a bit! As soon as I find the time to be lazy, I’m well and truly grabbing it by the balls and not letting go! We’re also not as worried about fitting into swimwear – and, let’s face it, we’re not going on holiday, so who cares if we indulge a bit? Obviously, I’m obliged to say “as part of a balanced lifestyle” but, Autumn food is great. It’s all about comfort food! Summer is all about nice salads and fresh fruit and light things (so I’m told), but now you’re allowed – no, expected – to be all about the hearty soups, stews and casseroles and all sorts of stuff!

We’ve also got Halloween to come, though just reading a newspaper will give you all the scares you need at the moment. You can always pretend you’re stocking up of sweets for the trick-or treaters who certainly shouldn’t be coming to your door this year, but you can eat it yourself ‘so it doesn’t go to waste’ – plus, should the neighbourhood come and pester you over Halloween, you’ve got the perfect excuse not to answer the door!

See, it’s not all doom and gloom, there are some silver linings! There’s your checklist: Stay in touch, be more lazy, have time to yourself, indulge and let everyone know you’ve got the perfect excuse for it! You know it makes sense!

So, what are your favourite ways to unwind? What are your indoor plans now the weather’s getting colder? Got a secret hot chocolate recipe? Tell us all about it (especially that last one!)

Keep Looking after yourselves – in fact, do more of it! And stay safe, stay sane and stay… Vidalicious!

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