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Excited for Autumn!!

9:54 am Tuesday, 22nd September, 2020

With September upon us, Autumn is finally on its way (though you wouldn’t know it by the weather we had today as it’s been the sunniest and hottest it’s been here in weeks).

For some, the end of Summer is something to be sad about and, while Summer is usually pretty fun as it means plenty of time outdoors, warmer weather and possible adventures, each season has its fair share of things to be excited about, so here’s some things to get excited about for Autumn!

1: Pumpkin Spice everywhere

Yes, it’s become a little bit of a cliché now, but the warm, soothing autumn beverages will be back any day now. Pumpkin Spice has become a huge thing in recent years, with the flavour seeming to be omnipresent not only in our cups, but also in the form of candies, candles, air fresheners and just about anything else they can ram it into. Pumpkin Spice condoms, anyone?

But the great thing about Autumn beverages, not just Pumpkin Spice, is that they’ve got a cozy, comforting thing about them. I personally like a good hot chocolate with either chai spices or peppermint syrup. As the temperatures start getting colder, it’s nice top wrap your hands around a warm mug of something sickeningly sweet.

Speaking of wrapping up, that brings me nicely onto the next one…

2: Autumn Wardrobe

It’s not quite winter, but the temperatures will be starting to dip, so it’s time to think about getting the Autumn/Winter wardrobe out. That means your favourite sweaters, coats and scarves and all sorts of lovely, smooshy cuddly things. The great thing about the Autumn/Winter wardrobe is more pocket space – no more wondering where you’re going to put all your pocket things that you couldn’t fit into your shorts in summer!

Also, all those guys we’ve been checking out (admit it, you love guy-spotting as much as I do) in their shorts all summer sending our pulses through the roof with their lovely, beefy, hairy thighs will soon be swapping them for grey sweatpants! Of course, this is good news, as…. Well, all I’m saying is if you’re a guy in sweatpants, I’m programmed to look, sorry (not sorry). They should make sweatpants observation an Olympic sport! Bring on Autumn!

3: Blankets ands coziness!

Following directly on from the wardrobe bit, as you probably store them in the same place, it’s time to get the blankets out! Who doesn’t love an evening or a lazy Sunday wrapped up on the couch watching your favourite film, all tucked up with a blanket and some nibbles and a hot chocolate? Single, coupled or throupled, everyone loves cozy time as we start getting into what I like to call ‘cozy season’

4: It’s actually quite pretty

One of then things I love about Autumn is the beautiful, golden scenes as the leaves start to turn orange, red and brown and blow off the trees and around, yes it means someone has to clear it up, but it’s actually really pretty. While all the seasons have their splendour, Autumn can be absolutely stunning sometimes. Plus, it’s just before the period of ‘Christmas is coming’ so you can enjoy the scenery and the coziness before the panic of preparing for Christmas gets in the way.

Usually, it’s still fine enough outside to go for plenty of walks and really appreciate how beautiful Autumn is, then come home and have some nice, warm, hearty Autumnal cooking, which is another great thing about this season! We’re allowed to have all the nice, hot, heavy stews and stuff! Yay!

5: Halloween

Obviously, this list about Autumn was going to feature Halloween, or as my friends like to call it ‘Gay Christmas’ – the one night of the year when we can dress as total whores and not be shamed for it! Or just the chance to wear what we want, whatever. Halloween takes many different forms and can be as loud or as quiet as you like. As a child, I remember bobbing for apples whereas now, I’m found in nightclubs hoping to be bobbing on something else! I still find myself visiting strange houses under the pretence that I’ll be given a ‘treat’ though. Don’t judge.

So, what do you love about Autumn? Why not sound off in the comments and let us know YOUR favourite things about this season? What are you looking forward to the most? Maybe you live somewhere where Autumn is different and means something else to you – why not tell us?

I’ll be off now to dig out my favourite scarf and sit outside a coffee shop with a Pumpkin Spice Latte and look at guys jiggling in their grey sweatpants now. Til next time, stay safe, stay sane and, as always, stay…. VIDALICIOUS!


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