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Planning My Best Show

8:58 am Monday, 14th September, 2020

Greetings one and all! Hope you’re all doing good.

Now, I mentioned in one of last week’s posts that I was in the process of producing a dinner show now that I’m getting back to gigging and I’m determined to make it my best show yet! I did a dinner show in the same hotel last year and it was my best gig to date - We touched on it in my ‘Favourite Gigs’ video. It was such a fabulous night! Enough costume changes to make Cher proud, an amazing set list full of divas, some high, heavy camp, oodles of glitter and sequins, AND it was sold out over a month in advance! It left me on such a high. Having lighting, months to rehearse, dancers, a cosy and spacious backstage area with space to lay each costume out ready, having a dress rehearsal and a technical rehearsal, all made me able to do things that I can’t do in a usual bar or club gig. I could make this a full on production, which is what I’ve always wanted to do. The success of last year left me with one question: How do I top it this year?

The hotel and I had spoken back in February about another show and we were pretty excited. We’d set up a meeting to discuss in March and then, of course, the world went to shit and Miss Rona came for a visit. I just hate that one party guest who arrives uninvited and just pisses all over everything – there’s always one! But, of course, there was nothing we could do, so we hunkered down and we got on with our new day to day lives. The actual lockdown period went far too quickly really – as you’ll know from my previous writings, I managed to keep really busy with sorting things at home, cooking, writing, making videos and all sorts. At the time, I couldn’t wait for real life to come back, but now that life has sped up again, I almost miss the slower pace. At least there was less to worry about.

Where I live, we’re lucky enough to be Covid-free, thanks to the joy of having sea around us and the right lockdowns and restrictions at the right times and borders still being mostly closed, with quarantines for anyone coming in, so we’re in a pretty pleasant place where musicians can get back to doing what we do, albeit only in our little sandbox rather than internationally, but many of us here have found ourselves really busy, which is great! So, when hotels were able to start putting on events again, I was the first my regular partner hotel called, which was lovely.

So, there’ll be a dinner for all the attendees, like last time, then the show will begin. First thing was having to pick a list of songs that are going to be in the show. This is always hard, as there’s so many I love singing but also so many I want to do. Then there’s the question of how much of last time’s songs do I put in? I obviously want to give a fresh, new show, but at the same time, there’s certain songs that people expect me to do that I feel should be in, so it’s a matter of striking the right balance. For example, Tina’s ‘Simply The Best’ has to go in towards the end. It’s always my thank you to the crowd that have come and at this point, a bit of a tradition. Obviously, some Cher songs will feature, because it’s me and there will always be Cher. There’s some Kylie and this time, I’ve slotted in some Belinda Carlisle and some Madonna (from when she was still good), so it’s divas a-go-go!

Then there’s figuring out the order everything should go in. What makes sense flowing from one song to the next, how to create a moment for the trademark quick costume changes, which last count was nine. Then there’s solo numbers for the two dancers which are there to showcase their talents, but at the same time give me time to change. Working out the running order was one of the longest steps, which I’m still occasionally having a little tweak at from time to time, but it’s mostly locked down now. Hopefully.

With just over a month to go, new wigs are starting to arrive and I’m steaming, ironing and repairing costumes, as well as trying to get some last minute bits. I’ve got lighting bits on order and the little ball of chaos is now starting to come together. Unfortunately, due to not being able to travel, I’m making do with costumes I either already have or can adapt, as I can’t get to my usual costume place, which is driving me crazy. I’m still confident that between myself and the girls, we’re going to make it absolutely glorious, plus we’ll be properly launching some of my merchandise at the show, like t-shirts, aprons, key rings and stuff. I’d been hoping to have a single ready to launch, but so much has slowed down, it just wasn’t meant to be this time. It’ll happen, it just might take a little longer. That’s one thing I’ve learned during all this. If you’re sure your plans are right for you and something gets in the way, don’t take it as a cancellation, take it as a delay. It’s way Lea depressing that way. Even better, be thankful for the extra time. It might be a gift that makes your plan or project even better than you’d hoped. That’s what I said about my music, about shows getting delayed and about our first Pride getting Covid’d. Just be thankful for the extra time, you can add even more glitter that way!

Putting a show together’s a lot of work and running it can get a little stressful at times, but I’m just really happy to be doing it again. It may be tough, but we’ve got this! You’ll see in the pictures some pics from last year’s show and I can’t wait to share some from this year’s one once we’ve pulled it off!

So, back to the grindstone with me, I guess. All this work isn’t going to do itself! So til next time, stay safe, stay sane and stay…. Vidalicious!

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