Home > Blogs > canemas723 > I moved here from the UK where I was an accredited caner on the BDSM scene there. Now looking for young ladies of all ages who want to experience a genuine headmaster s caning. Email me with your desires so we can discuss further. > Blog Post

Draft Sunday, September 13, 2020 9:27 PM

3:51 am Monday, 14th September, 2020

I read her profile and request with great interest. She said that she wanted to be restrained and caned and during the process edged to near orgasm so it would drive her crazy and be begging for completion.

Just the type of girl I like, having previously caned many young ladies and been an accredited caner on the BDSM scene in UK. Second only to actual sex, my greatest pleasure is wrapping one of my flexible English rattan school canes across the tightly stretched bare bottom of a young lady.

I replied to her posting and whilst the replies from girls on BDSM sites are far greater than on straight dating sites where the majority of listings are fictitious, it is still well under 10% so I had no real expectations of a reply. About two weeks went by and just when I was thinking she was definitely yet another one that never replies, a message appeared into my in box from her.

Over the following two or three weeks we built up a rapport through text, email and finally over the phone. I learned that she had split about six months previously from her partner of twelve years, who could never satisfy her in bed and would not go to the extremes of BDSM she wanted to indulge in.

We discussed the basics of what she was looking for but agreed to go into full details after we had met face to face and were happy with each other.

We agreed to meet at a fast food restaurant somewhere near where she lived, and as I normally like to do, I arrived about 10 minutes before the agreed time. I chose a seat in a booth facing the door. She arrived a minute or so before the agreed time and I recognized her immediately she walked in, (at least the photo she put on the listing was taken recently and not one from many years ago as so many women think they can get away with). I was just about to wave to her when she recognized me and walked over and sat down by the side of me instead across from me as I expected.

She was quite slim, about 30 years old and wearing a checked woollen top with a straight blue skirt. “We can talk more quietly like this” she said in a soft voice, “Lots I want to know about you and what we are going to do.

Have you got your canes with you?”“Not here, but in the car”, I replied, “Did you want to bend over in the aisle and get a few strokes in here?” I joked.“Not really, I think we would both get arrested”, she laughingly said, “What have you got in mind for me to enable me to get the scenario I want?”

“We’ll do whatever you want”, I told her, “But first of all you must confirm to me that you really want to be securely restrained and really want a real hard caning”.

“I want a real hard English Headmaster’s style caning like I have read about on the web and you say in your listing you like to administer, and I want to be securely restrained and get six good strokes. No safe words, a real Headmaster’s caning like I was a genuinely naughty schoolgirl, nothing held back and given a humiliating lecture re my misdeeds I am being punished for”. I was informed.

We discussed what I needed to get her secured in the position needed for both a good caning and me being able to play with her and enter her between strokes to get her to the edge many times to near orgasm as she required.“Sounds just what I want” she said, whilst snuggling up closer to me, planting a kiss on my left cheek and putting her hand on my left thigh in the process. Her fingers went over the top of my leg and down into the inner thigh with her just making contact with the end of my penis.

“Is that what I think it is?” she asked. I nodded clasping the index finger of her hand and slowing tracing it back along the tip she had just touched to where it ends in my groin.“Oh my God, that must be about four times bigger than what my partners’ was”, she tells me.

I replied, “He must have only had about two inches then. He can’t have really been that small”. We laughed.

“Let’s go and have some fun” she said, “Can’t wait any longer”. She pulls me out from the booth, I throw $20 on the table which would have easily covered bill and she pulls me by the hand, out into the car park.

We got in our cars and I followed her to her house. It was a small single storey property that was actually a lot bigger inside than it looked from the outside.

“You can take the chairs from the front room into the bedroom, I’m going to change” I was told.

It had been agreed I would need two dining chairs for her positioning, so I took them into the bedroom, and put them back to back about three feet away from the end of the bed. I tied the two rear legs of the chairs together each side with some of the rope I had brought and took the five canes out of the gun slip I had brought them in and laid them on the bed.

She came back into the room and ‘Wow’ did she look great. Very schoolgirl like, dressed in a white silk blouse, pleated knee length navy blue skirt and dark stockings.

“Choose your cane”, I invited her, “I’ll undress as required”. (It had been agreed I would be naked from the waist down to make things easier when I entered her between cane strokes.

She picked up each cane in turn, flexed it between her hands and swished it though the air a couple of times. (just like every headmaster does every time before administering a caning I thought).

She decided on the longest straight handled one. Not the thickest there but also not the thinnest by any means. “A good choice” I told her, “you will enjoy seeing the stripes that leaves across your bottom for many days”.

“Let’s start” she said, “I’ll back in five minutes” and left the bedroom, shutting the door behind her.I picked up the other four canes from the bed and put them across the dressing table at the other end of the room, just leaving the one on the bed she had selected. I re-position the two chairs so they were at a slightly different angle, when she knocked on the door.

“Enter” I said in a stern voice. “I take it you know why you are here, Victoria? Due to that disgusting situation in the park by the school, where you were seen with a boy with his hand up your skirt”. (I use this the majority of the time as my ‘Headmaster’s lecture’ as it depicts a situation I was personally involved in when at school many years ago).

“Such deplorable behavior can never be tolerated, it brings the whole school into disrepute and must be severely punished.

"Go over and stand by those chairs”.She did as I demanded.“Now take you panties off and bend over the chair. For your punishment, I’m going to cane your bottom”

She walked over to the chairs, turned around to face me, lifted the hem of her skirt at both sides until it was high enough to get her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and pulled them down, let them drop to the floor, steps out of them, picks them up and casually throw them onto the bed.

She stood astride one chair as I had described to her, spreading her legs across the seat and down the sides to the rear legs, bent over the top of the backs of both and brought her hands down by her ankles. I bound the lose ends of the ropes that held the chair legs together around her left wrist and ankle followed by the other side, so she finished in the classic, ‘touching her toes situation, albeit with her legs wide apart but firmly attached to the chairs for support.

I picked up the cane and swished it through the air. “Now shall start with pain or pleasure?” “Pain” swish or “Pleasure” swish. I repeated the two words several times each time followed by a swish of the cane through the air.

“I think we shall start with pleasure”, I said throwing the cane onto the bed.

I raised her skirt up over her back. My hand went between her legs, my forefinger gently stroking her lips, front to back, first along the left one, then the right, then left again, then right and then left again about ten times each. My fingers then entered her gently, just enough to find her clit and rolled it around the tip of my finger a few times and finally a gentle squeeze on it between my fingers.

I then entered her sexually for the first time. Slowly in, slowly back, slowly in and so on until I had been deep inside her six times as we had agreed the maximum between cane strokes would be.

I picked up the cane. Got my right distance away from her bottom and ensuring I was at the right angle for the cane to land cleanly across the whole width of her bottom at the same instance. A blank canvas to start is always best, so with no previous cane stripes to avoid, the first stroke can be as hard as possible, with no real regard for pinpoint accuracy.

I tapped the cane across her bottom three or four times where the intended target area was. I drew it back, far behind my right shoulder, bending back myself slightly and then brought it forward with absolutely full force, twisting my body just before it landed, as I have learned makes a far heavier impact.

‘Crack’. It sounded like a rifle shot in the room as it landed, leaving a deathly white stripe across her bottom, which within seconds turned to two thin parallel red stripes, which then merged into one wider red stripe, the width of the cane.

Back to pleasure. Stroked her lips for about three or four minutes, followed by more clit stimulation. Not just rolling it round the tip of my finger, and a little squeeze. This time also some rubbing back and forth and a little light tug on it at the end.

I entered her sexually for the second time. In and out six times again, only this time somewhat quicker.

I pick up the cane and administer the second stroke. Plenty of clear skin still, so the same force as stroke one which lands about two inches below the first one with the same results. This time she cries out when the cane lands, but not in a real painful way.

My stroking of her lips is more forceful this time, with my finger constantly just entering, which was almost impossible to avoid even if I wanted to with her legs wide apart and her lips well open as well. I found her clitoris for the third time. Now getting bigger and firmer as it gets engorged with blood at her sexual arousal and excitement, (they don’t call it the female penis without due reasoning). Round and round and round it my right forefinger went for minutes only interrupted a few times with a little pinching and tugging on it.

I would have loved to lick and nibble it, (it was near enough to the opening and large enough to be nibbled for sure), but I would have had to have been a contortionist to get my mouth there with the position she was in. (Later I thought. I love giving girls oral, they love it so much, many more so than actual penile penetration).

Third entry time and by now she is moaning with pleasure when I pull it out after the sixth pump. She’s also starting to get very wet. I had expected this and brought a small towel in from the bathroom. I had to wipe my right hand to be able to grip the cane properly and at the same time wiped my penis and between her legs. “Thank you”, she whispered softly.

Now’s the time for the third stroke and the cane is now becoming more pliable due to use and getting warmer. Another full force stroke resounds across the room as it lands squarely across her bottom about one inch above the first stroke. She cries out again but more in a pleasurable way than in a painful one.

I repeat my finger work on her as before until she is wet again. I enter her for the fourth time, but she is so wet I slide fully in without any real friction and remind my self to wipe her before entry next time. Six more pumps, this time at the end of the sixth pump whilst fully inside her I twitch my penile muscles a few times, which has her moaning in pleasure.

I pick up the cane for the fourth time and not only is it becoming more pliable with use, I feel that I am now fully warmed up. (I remember back at school, we all agreed that the fourth, fifth and six strokes were always more painfully and delivered harder than the previous three, as by then the Headmaster was fully ‘warmed up’ into the caning).

Another good, loud ‘Crack’ as it lands perfectly half-way between where strokes one and two have landed. I play with her with my hand as before and give my hand, my penis and between her legs a really good wipe with the towel. This time there is more friction as I enter and everything feels far nicer. She’s now moaning with every pump and says, ‘Oh No’, when I pull it out after the six agreed pumps.

Stroke five lands well where it should do, right between where strokes one and three have landed. Same results as each time previously. First a deathly white stripe as the blood below the skin is forced inwards by the impact of the cane, followed by two thin red lines, which merge into one thick red line.

I stroke her bottom from top to bottom and back again. Very similar to stroking a piano keyboard with the raised throbbing stripes left by the cane, taking the place of the black keys.

My between stroke play is much the same as it was between strokes four and five, having learned how good a wipe dry makes for better feel during penetration.

I pick up the cane for the last time. Now a decision; above the existing five strokes, or below? I decide on the former and bring the cane down with the same force as the others across the top of her tightly stretched bottom.

I throw the cane onto the floor across the bedroom and go to her, I kiss and lick the cane stripes across her bottom for a few minutes.

I then bend down to her left side and undo the restraints that have been holding her left wrist and ankle together. She does not move.I move around and undo the restraints holding her right ankle and wrist and she slowly straightens up, her pleated navy-blue skirt falling down over her well cane striped bottom.She spreads her arms wide, bending back, with an unbelievable look of ecstasy on her face as if she has just experienced the best orgasm of her life.

She brought her right leg over the chair so her legs were together and looked at me.“I had enough of edging, now we proceed to completion”, she tells me and walks over and we embrace and kiss passionately.

We part, she kicks off her shoes, unbuttons and takes off her blouse, quickly followed by her bra. She turns back to the chair she has been bending over and puts her left foot on it, lifts up her skirt, undoes her left stocking from the suspenders and rolls it down her leg, takes it off and lays it over the chair backs. Then she does the same with the right leg. She stands up, turns around to face me, Un zips her skirt and lets it fall to the floor, then un-clips her suspender belt which drops to the floor on top of her skirt.

We embrace and kiss passionately again. I can feel her firm breasts against my chest and I know she can feel my hardness pressing into her.

We lay on the bed, kiss some more until I leave her mouth and start kissing her body leading down towards her breasts. First onto her neck and then down her chest to the right breast that gets my attention first. I put as much of it as I can get into my mouth and slowly squeeze it out between my lips. My tongue traces around and around the nipple and then I flick it back and forwards over the nipple tip. I grate my teeth gently over the nipple and then hold the tip of the nipple between them whilst I flick my tongue over it again many times.

I repeat what I have just done on the right breast to the left one and then proceed downwards, proceeding to kissing her body in a line downwards, each kiss about two inches below the previous one until I get to the top of her labia lips. I just stick my tongue between the top of her lips for a second and then move over to kiss the top front of her left thigh. I move over to the right thigh and kiss that in the same place, then back to the left about two inches lower and then the same to the right, slowly working my way down to her feet and finishing by giving each big toe a light bite between my teeth.

Now I start at the inside of her legs, first at the ankles, left then right alternatively, slowly working my way up her legs and slowly spreading them wider as I proceed upwards. At last I reach her jewel and see it in all it’s glory for the first time. It’s a pretty one, neat lips already well parted exposing a lovely wet pink line of the entrance to her vagina.

I lick each lip slowly, from top to bottom and then from bottom to top, the latter way about twenty times with her moaning in pleasure constantly.

I enter her with my tongue for the first time, finding her clitoris, I wind my tongue back and forth across it and then around and around it whilst she squirms and cries out in pleasure. After doing this for about five minutes or so I grate the front teeth on my lower jaw along her clit.

She screams in pleasure. “I’ve cum, I’ve cum, can’t stand anymore, need you back fully inside me”.

“Not yet” I tell her, “I like to give my girls not just six of the best with my cane, but six of the best with orgasms, four by tongue and two by cock”.

“Fuck that for today”, she replies, “I want you in me now”.

I get on top and start pumping away. “I’m coming again” she cries.

“Your turn on top” I tell her, “Let me have a rest”.

We roll over on the bed and she starts pumping. I reach up and tweak both nipples at the same time. She screams again in pleasure.I put my hands on her bottom, feeling the six raised parallel cane stripes, I concentrate on the most prominent one and give it a pinch.

This time she gives out a painful yell but more importantly her vagina tightens to the extent it is almost painful for me in the way it constricts around my cock. She carries on for about ten minutes.

“My turn again on top” I say, and we roll over back again.

“Raise your knees, so your legs are bent, I want maximum penetration”

I start pumping again, absolutely fully in and almost fully out for about ten minutes, with each pump, in or out giving upwards pressure so it rubs on her clit best, then tell her, “Right, now it’s my turn to come”.

I continue pumping, ramming it in as absolutely deep as it can go and then start to cum. For the next ten pumps I empty the contents of my sac as deep inside her as I can get until I’ve got nothing left to give.

We lay on the bed with her on my right side, her head on my chest, with my right arm over her left shoulder down her back. Her right arm is across my stomach. “You can grip the joy-stick if you want” I tell her and with my left hand pick her right hand up and put it on my penis.

She squeezes it gently several times, whilst I gently trace the raised lines across her bottom with my finger. She relaxes her grip.

“You can grip it stronger if you want” I say, but she did not hear me. She was fast asleep with a really wide grin on her face.

Blog Introduction

I moved here from the UK where I was an accredited caner on the BDSM scene there.  Now looking for young ladies of all ages who want to experience a genuine headmaster's caning.  Email me with your desires so we can discuss further.

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