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Return To Gigging - It's Good To Be Back!

4:18 pm Friday, 11th September, 2020

This past weekend I was lucky enough to have two gigs, one on Friday and one on Saturday. The only thing is, I’d forgotten how tiring ‘double gigging’ is. Maybe I’m just out of practice!

For example, I’m a fuller figured kind of gal and two whole nights in six-inch stilettos is NOT what god intended for me, even though I totally rock them. By the end of the weekend, my feet were killing me and I was as stiff as a board, though strangely, my back always feels better after wearing heels for a night. There I go again sounding all old, talking about my back, but hey, the struggle is totally real!

The thing is, after months of uncertainty and missing it all, I just didn’t care at all about the pain. This is the life I chose, after all, but more than that, getting back to doing what I love, seeing smiles on faces and feeling that thrill again was more than worth any foot pain – in fact, a thousand times over. As I’ve discussed before, I do this because it’s what I love and I knew I’d missed it, I just hadn’t realised how much. It was cathartic, emotional, stimulating, terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time. It was just… nice. We’re still surrounded by much uncertainty, but it was nice to feel like me again, doing that thing I’m meant to do.

As is my thing, there were many outfit changes on both nights, as I’m clearly from the Cher teachings of drag, where you never stay in the same outfit for more than twenty minutes. Well, a gal’s gotta keep them on their toes! There was my black and turquoise take on Cher’s Burlesque outfit, then there was the jagged edged short black and silver sequin dress accompanied by my very fancy new blue hair, which may be my biggest yet and my oversized feather showgirl collar, then there was the giant red coat and a fancy nude illusion bodysuit covered in rhinestones and exquisite dangly beadwork.

Music wise, Friday’s gig was Moulin Rouge and Burlesque themed so the obligatory ‘Welcome To Burlesque’ was my starting point, followed by Madonna’s ‘Open Your Heart’ and later in the night, a fabulous orchestral version of Kylie’s ‘Can’t Get You Out Of My Head’, followed by Patti Labelle’s ‘Lady Marmalade’ along with several others. It’s was great to finally let loose again and even better to share the stage with one of my beloved Burlesque sisters, as I never get to see them in action first hand as I’m always backstage during their bits when we do a show! It was an absolute treat.

Saturday’s was a nice pub gig where I get too DJ for the night as well as belt out as many numbers as they want from eight til midnight. It’s always great fun and gives me the chance to test ride new backing tracks too, to see how a crowd reacts. Handy, as I have a fabulous dinner show coming up in the not too distant future and I’m determined to make it the greatest, most fabulous thing I’ve ever done, even going as far as to get my mittens on some illuminated rainbow wings, some new lighting and some stuff to make the greatest outfit reveal I’ve ever planned during an opening. Let’s just hope that last part goes according to plan! That’s what rehearsals are for.

We may be a little was of ‘normal’ but it was nice to have a little of it for a weekend, even if I am absolutely exhausted now. One thing it has shown me is that I’m going to do some more exercise and shift some lockdown weight as soon as possible. Not just even for the big show either, but for my health too. It’s time to step my pussy up and be everything I can be, because my god, I’ve missed this so much! One thing that this year has taught me is that we never know what’s around the corner, so I’ve made the decision that I’m going to do it as good as I can do it, hit as much of my potential as I possibly can and squeeze every bit of enjoyment out of it all while I can. Shows might get rehearsals, but life unfortunately doesn’t, so it’s up to you to live it!

It’s good to be back!

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