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The Night Visitor (A Gay Themed Vampire Tale) Part One

11:38 pm Saturday, 5th September, 2020

It had been incredibly hot and humid for nearly a fortnight so the thunderstorm, with its attendant heavy winds and downpour of rain, was something of a relief. I stood by my open bedroom window watching the trees outside sway to and fro, enjoying the smell of falling rain on freshly wet earth. I rented a small flat that was located at the top of a square tower in a large Victorian house set on the outskirts of a small country town. It was true that the main reason for me taking it was that compared to others in the area it was relatively cheap, most people not relishing the four flights of stairs necessary to reach it, but I did also enjoy the quite magnificent views from my bedroom windows. My bedroom had windows on both the north and east side of the tower. On the east side could be made out the lights of the town and on the north the darkness of open countryside. I had the lights off in my bedroom, partly so I could better see what was going on outside, and partly because the bedrooms very large windows had sills at mid thigh height and I was naked except for a tight t shirt that barely reached my waist; I had no desire to shock my fellow tenants or neighbours unnecessarily. In fact I usually slept completely naked but ironically it was the heat that made me decide to wear the t shirt. The heat was causing me to kick the covers off in my sleep and I was then awaking in the middle colder part of the night with cold shoulders.

I was just about to leave the window and get into bed when I thought I saw a thin dark shadow flit amongst the trees on the other side of the road. Although there was no actual street lighting there were two Victorian style lamps at the entrance to the house and they cast a dull yellow light across the road. I strained my eyes but the shadow had gone. Convinced that it was just a trick of the light I turned and got into the huge bed that dominated the room. The flat had come fully furnished and the bed, like all the other furniture was big, heavy and very old. I rather suspected that it dated back to the house. Once installed nobody could be bothered with the hassle of replacing it so it had just stayed where it was. To be fair the kitchen and bathroom, although small, were relatively modern.
I lay in bed, grateful that it was so much cooler than it had been; perhaps now I would get a good nights sleep. I pulled the covers up and turned over, burying my head in the pillow. I shut my eyes and awaited the advent of sleep. Sleep, however, would not come. I was strangely troubled by the sight of the fleeting shadow I had seen in the trees opposite. Cursing my own stupidity I leapt out of bed and went to the east side windows. I would double check both sets of windows, confirm that the shadow had been nothing but a trick of the light or perhaps my imagination and then get back into bed satisfied I could now give myself to sleep.
I looked out of one of the open east windows. As I had expected there was nothing and no one to be seen. Satisfied I moved to the north windows and did the same thing.To my surprise and slight apprehension standing under one of the entrance lamps was a tall dark figure, his long coat flapping in the winds. I stood back a little from the window, convinced that in the darkness of the room I couldn't be seen. To my shock and great trepidation the figure looked up at my window and grinned. It was a hideous expression on a ghastly face. The man, for I supposed it was a man, had a completely hairless head, with deep set eyes that seemed to glow a fiery red from a pale skeletal face. The grinning mouth had very full red lips with white teeth that seemed very sharp, particularly the two front teeth which were, most unusually, long and pointed. At this distance from my window I was not completely sure whether these were his actual features or some fearful creation of my imagination.To make matters worse the strange creature began to slowly walk towards the house. I could hear the faint sounds of his feet crunching on the gravel drive, his eyes continually fixed on my window, his mouth perpetually set in that fearful grin. I watched in strange fascination as he made his way to the base of my tower and stopped. I let out a sigh of relief. He'd made no attempt to beak in through the front door and there were no windows on the ground floor of the tower. Unperturbed the creature raised up his left arm and with his long bony fingers grasped at the brickwork. To my utter horror and amazement he then began to climb he tower, making a rapid ascent like some monstrous spider.
'Oh my god!' I muttered to myself as the strange creature drew nearer to my window. I was filled by a strange sensation which I couldn't explain. My logical mind screamed at me, 'Just shut the fucking windows!', but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Whether it was the paralysis of terror or some other strange effect the creature was having on me, instead of doing the logical thing, I found myself retreating backwards away from the open window. The back of my knees hit the edge of the bed and I fell backwards. Using my feet and hands I propelled myself backwards until I could reach out and grab the bars of my brass bedhead. I gripped on as tightly as I could, my hands above my head, as if I somehow knew that I'd have to have hold of something to face the ordeal to come.
So there I lay, stretched out on the bed unable to move, my legs pressed together and crossed at the ankles. In spite of the terror which seemed to manifest itself as a great weight in my stomach, I couldn't help but recollect that someone once told me that crossing your ankles was bad for the circulation; as if that would be the least of my problems. Not that I could have uncrossed them even if I had wanted to!

5:45 pm Wednesday, 7th April, 2021

Wow can't wait for the next episode

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