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A weekend in New York

3:11 pm Monday, 24th August, 2020

This is based on a real event - perhaps somewhat embellished but that's a blogger's privilege. The lady in the blog was a psychologist and she'd travelled some distance to meet with me. She was going to get married in a month or so and i guess she wanted to get this particular fantasy behind her before the due date:

Sally could feel the butterflies churning in her stomach as he held the hotel room door open for her. This wasn’t reality. It wasn’t happening to her – she was watching from some disjointed plane.
Here she was – sensible Sally – at the age of 40 going into a hotel room with a virtual stranger who she’d onlycorresponded with by e-mail and met in the flesh three quarters of an hour ago downstairs in the hotel bar. Sure he seemed nice enough, but to virtually commit oneself to what was certain to comprise some quite severe pain and heaven knows what else on the strength of a long time fantasy and a few e-mails. Surely this wasn’t really her.
He seemed to sense her worries. “Are you OK?” he said solicitously. Sally forced a smile and nodded her head. She’d come this far and she wasn’t going to back out now. She’d had a fantasy about being spanked for years and this was her opportunity to experience it. She convinced herself that Charles was OK really. Really.
The hotel room was well equipped and spacious. Orangey brown decor and the window looked out over the city. There was a large king-sized bed, a sofa and an armchair, a work desk and an upright wooden chair There was what seemed to be a large armoire which housed the television and a minibar/refrigerator. There were prints on the walls. Not bad for central New York she thought and somehow the good vibes from the room calmed her fears a little.
She saw his computer on the desk – the means by which they had been in contact for the past six months off and on. This was the first opportunity they’d had to meet.
“From now on there’s no turning back” he said smiling. She nodded again.He stood in front of her. She knew the scenario that he’d outlined to her was starting. She steeled herself.
“Well Sally, do you consider yourself a nice girl?” he said. The questionsurprised her a little. “Yes, I suppose so” she replied tentatively. “Suppose so who?” he said sharply. She didn’t know what he meant, then all of a sudden realised. “I suppose so, Sir” she said. “That’s better. Remember to address me properly” he said.“Yes Sir, sorry Sir” she responded automatically.
He looked her up and down. “If you were a nice girl you wouldn’t be in a hotel room with a strange man would you?” he said.“No, Sir, probably not” she replied“Do you know what happens to women who go into hotel rooms with strange men and lie about being nice?”“They get their bottoms spanked Sir?” she replied tentatively.“Yes, and much more besides. You are a pretty lady and I am sure you know just what a man wants from you don’t you? And if you’re alone with a man in a room who controls you you know what’s going to happen to you don’t you?”“No Sir” she said“Well you’re going to find out aren’t you?”“Yes Sir”
“Undo your blouse” he ordered her.Sally did as she was told. She was wearing a camisole underneath and no brassiere. He eased her breasts out of the camisole and fondled them gently and kissed her nipples. A red hot current swept from her nipples to her groin as they hardened under his touch.
“You like that don’t you?” he said.“Yes sir” she replied. Her knees were shaking and she felt herself getting wet between her legs.
“Turn round and take off your tights and panties and show me that bottom I’m going to have to spank” he said.She did as she was told and heard him sit on the bed behind her. She stepped out of her tights and panties.“Come close to me and lift up your skirt so I can see it” he said.Again she did as she was told.
She felt him run his hands over her bottom stroking it. His fingers traced a path between the cheeks, lingering briefly on her anus and then down towards her pussy. She gasped as he touched it and fingered her clitoris briefly. She almost came there and then.
He took his hand away.“Turn round and face me” he said. Sally did so.“Lift up your skirt and show me your pussy”Sally hesitated before doing what he told her.“That hesitation is going to cost you a pussy spanking as well” he said grinning. Sally gasped. This wasn’t something she’d anticipated.
He stroked her pussy with his hand, massaging it gently around the clitoris. Sally gasped out loud. He felt the moistness and smiled.
“Now come and lie over my knee” he said patting it. Sally did so with her head resting on the bed and her feet on the floor. So it was really about to begin. How much was it going to hurt? How long was he going to spank her for?
He started to spank her over her skirt, all the time telling her the kind of thing she was letting herself in for arousing the desires of a mere mortal male. And she could feel he was indeed aroused.
The spanking so far was fairly gentle and rhythmic, alternating from side to side. She could feel it getting harder and it was beginning to hurt just a little.He stopped.
She felt him ease up her skirt so it was lying over her back. He began to massage her bottom again. It felt warm and comfortable under his hand. Again she felt it move down between her legs which she obligingly moved apart. She could almost sense him smile as his fingers probed her vagina and stroked her clitoris again. She started gasping and came there and then – a very powerful orgasm. “The first of many” she heard him say
.He stroked her bottom some more and then recommenced spanking it, his hand on her bare flesh. He seemed to be spanking harder. It was beginning to hurt and she could feel her bottom glowing red. Nothing she couldn’t handle.
He stopped again and started massaging her bottom again. It felt delightful.Again she moved her legs wide apart.“So you want to come again already?” he said “So greedy”“Yes please sir” she said.
His fingers started their massaging paying particular attention to her clitoris again. It took a little longer but again she achieved as intense an orgasm as the first.
“You will find there’s no pleasure without pain here” he said. “Each time you come I’m going to spank you a little harder. If you come as much as I think you’re going to you’re going to be spanked pretty hard by the end” She shuddered at the thought, but didn’t care. So far this was terrific.
She felt something cold and smooth on her bottom. “What’s that?” she said.“What’s that Sir” he said and simultaneously she felt a shooting pain in her bottom as whatever it was was brought down sharply on it.
“It’s a hairbrush” he said “No I lie – its actually a long handled clothesbrush – much more effective”
Sally suddenly started to think that maybe this wasn’t such a good idea…….He gave her ten more spanks with the back of the brush, taking his time – maybe a couple of seconds between swats. Each one stung like mad and Sally began to wriggle around. He seemed to cover her whole bottom and the last two strokes, on her upper thighs really hurt.
Sally bit her lip – she wasn’t going to cry – yet, and pride was stopping her asking him to stop – not that she was certain he would anyway.
“Now young lady, you’re just beginning to learn the consequences of allowing a strange man to spank you. Now there will be pleasurable parts of this..” He massaged her bottom some more seemingly absorbing some more of the sting. He took longer on her bottom this time, presumably because it was a little more sore. He traced his fingers round her anus and then his hand began its inevitable move towards her pussy, stroking and fondling all the time. Again she stretched her legs apart easing its path and moved with it as he massaged her again between the legs, taking his time. Fingers probed and rubbed. Sally seemed to take an age on an orgasmic high before she came yet again. How much more could she take?
“Stand up” he said. “You can go and look at your bottom in the mirror if you want”.“Thank you sir” she replied and did as he suggested. Her bottom was bright scarlet all over with a couple of slightly more vivid spots as a result of the spanking with the hairbrush.
“How are you feeling?” he asked her“My bottom’s a little sore”… “Sir” she added quickly, “but the orgasms have been unreal” “Worth it?” he asked.
“So far, yes, Sir” she said, but she wasn’t sure about the next stage, whatever it was going to be if each spanking was going to be harder than the one before it. She wasn’t sure if she could take much more – but the orgasms…… She couldn’t remember coming so often or so strongly in a single session for years and there was a promise of more to come. That is if she could stand the pain of the spankings which would accompany them.
“Take all your clothes off now” he said.Well he’d seen everything and there was nothing more to hide – and besides Sally was quite proud of her figure. So she stripped naked.
He walked toward her. She could see the shape of his penis stretching against the front of his trousers. He bent down and kissed her nipples again and at the same time took her left hand and moved it down so it was on his erect penis. She massaged it through his trousers. He groaned a little.
“Go and lie on the bed with your legs wide apart” he said as he went to pick something up from the desk. He came back to the bed. She looked questioningly at the object.“It’s a Chinese bamboo long handled shoehorn” he said noting her interest. “It stings beautifully when applied to the bottom, but it is also an ideal shape for your pussy spanking” he said with a nasty smile.
At the thought Sally involuntarily drew her legs back together.“I wouldn’t do that if I were you” he said.She slowly moved them apart as he knelt down on the bed beside her. He rubbed the end of the shoehorn up and down her pussy. It was cold, but at the same time exciting. Sally just didn’t know what to expect from this. She’d been able to visualise her bottom being spanked, but not her pussy.
He raised the shoehorn up and brought it down – not very hard – right across her pussy. Wow it stung, but at the same time shot a huge fire across the whole genital area. A very strange sensation. He smiled at her. “Make sure you keep those legs apart” he said “or I’ll do it hard and that will really hurt”He spanked her with it a couple of times on the inner thighs which stung,but was bearable and then commenced stroking her pussy with it again. Sally quivered from the pleasurable sensation. Then he lifted it up and brought it down a little harder. The sharp pain struck again and Sally’s legs closed immediately. She drew them up to her waist. Her pussy was on fire, but the sensation was great as well.
“Put your legs apart again” he said.Sally shook her head.“I warned you” he said, forcing her legs down and apart and spanking her even harder with it.Sally let out a small shout. “Put them apart” he said.She did. He bent down and gave her pussy a little kiss. He looked up and smiled. “Is that better?” he said. Sally nodded, but it was still very painful.
He kissed her again and this time she felt his tongue licking her clit – God it was sensitive. She moaned and got close to orgasm, but somehow she couldn’t quite come. He lifted his face from her pussy and kissed her on the lips. She could taste herself, but didn’t mind. She responded moving her tongue into his mouth. She felt his hand stroking her pussy. The whole pussy area seemed as sensitive as her clitoris. She stayed on the orgasmic high for an age yet again before coming with an intensity which caused her to shout out loud.
She lay back on the bed feeling exhausted. She shivered a little. How long have we been in the room she thought.
He caressed her body paying particular interest to her breasts and nipples. He kissed her gently on the lips again. She began to feel sensation back in her loins – so soon? she thought. He sat her up. Her bottom was sore, her pussy was sore but she felt terrific regardless. What more was to come?
“Strip me” he said.Sally undid his shirt and eased it off his shoulders. She undid his belt and let his trousers drop to the floor and slowly removed his briefs. His cock sprang out erect almost like a jack-in-the box. She wanted to stroke it and play with it, to put it in her mouth.
She knelt down in front of him and eased it into her mouth, fondling his balls. She heard him exhale and he made small panting noises then she felt him take her by the hair and pull her off him.“There’s plenty of time for that later” he said. “But first we’ve got at least another spanking to go” she shuddered a little – the last one had been pretty tough to take.
“Kneel on the bed with your bottom in the air” he said as he picked up the bamboo shoehorn.She did as she was told, but keeping her legs a little apart. She knew he was going to stroke her pussy again, and wanted to make that easy for him. She smiled to herself.
He did stroke her pussy almost immediately with the end of the shoehorn. She shuddered again as the cool bamboo started the sensation in her loins up all over again. He gave her pussy a light tap with it and then she felt his hand on her bottom and then down between her legs once more. He massaged her almost to the point of climax and then stopped. Next moment she heard a swish and a very sharp sting across her bottom – a very different sensation from the brush and not altogether unpleasant.
He gave her another nine strokes with the shoehorn – hard – but each was interspersed with more pussy massage keeping her on a high so it was very bearable. Somehow the pain seemed totally dissipated as she was so close to orgasm for the whole duration of this series of spanks.She didn’t want them to stop.
But when he did stop he moved her over on herside and lay down beside her, nuzzling her breasts and stroking her pussy some more. She fondled his very erect penis and his balls which seemed inflated. This was a delight.
He held her close to her orgasm for what seemed for ever and ever. She was bucking and shaking and almost crying out for him to let her come. God the noise she was making was surely going to cause complaints from the next room! And she did come – this time even stronger than the last if that was indeed possible.She lay back as he continued to caress her and stroke her and kiss her all over.
“Right – one more spanking and then I’m going to show you exactly what men want of you” she shuddered. He got up and picked up a black slipper. Good she thought – that looks pretty innocuous. Then he showed it to her. It was a rubber soled karate shoe – and the sole was covered in little knobbles.“Not as innocent as it looks” he said.He sat on the side of the bed. “Over my knee again” he commanded.
This time Sally was not allowed to rest her head on the bed. He moved his right leg out from under her and used it to pin her in place over his lap. He raised the karate shoe and brought it down hard on her bottom. It made a sound like apistol shot and it really did hurt. She realised this was the hardest spank she’d had yet. She shot her hand back to protect her bottom – but he easilyheld it away with his left hand“You’re now getting a proper spanking” he said “Everything up til now’s been relatively gentle and he proceeded to ruthlessly spank her already sore behind.This time there was no pause between spanks. A straight thirty without respite – and hard.
Sally struggled unsuccessfully. She was firmly pinned over his lap and had to endure. At the end she was gasping for breath with tears in her eyes. She just lay there across his knee – her bottom throbbing and glowing. If the lights weren’t on, she thought, my bottom would probably be sufficient to light up the room.
He picked her up and held her in his arms, pulling her tight to him. He kissed her gently on the mouth. “Roleplay over” he said. “You’ve survived your spanking. But now I’m going to do what I’ve wanted to do since I saw you downstairs for the first time”
He laid her back on the bed and she saw him take a small packet off the bedside table, open it and ease a condom over his still erect penis. But even now he started to stroke her pussy and kiss it and stroke it more until she came yet again – and then build her up some more before he eased his penis inside her.
Her bottom was hot and throbbing and so was his penis it seemed. He eased it backwards and forwards within her until she came again – how many was that? He carried on gently moving in and out of her.He started moving a little faster. She raised her legs right up in the air up to his shoulders. He moved faster and faster. She didn’t believe it but she was going to come again and as she did so she realised he was coming too. A just reward she thought.
When he was spent he collapsed beside her, embracing her more for what seemed like a long, long cuddle. She was smothered in kisses.Even though her bottom was quite sore – and her pussy was still on fire from its spanking, Sally smiled to herself. I am glad I did this she thought – but I don’t think I’m ever going to get another spanking like this.
After about half an hour of cuddling and stroking he got up and went to the bathroom. She heard him start up the shower. “I’m having a shower” he shouted somewhat unnecessarily Are you coming in too?”
She got up and joined him in the shower. They soaped each other all over. He even managed to make her come once more and she felt him start to come erect again under her own manual attentions.
“Hold on” he said. “We’ve still got the whole night together and I want to keep something in reserve” He smiled – his blue eyes looking directly into hers. She smiled back.
Yes they would have the night together – and the morning. She began to get wet between her legs again at the thought. What a way to spend a weekend in New York.

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