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A story about spanking and fucking an air hostess

1:15 pm Friday, 21st August, 2020

In the days i used to travel I also used to kill time by writing some very erotic spanking stories. Here's one of them - it gives a pretty good idea of how my mind works regarding spankings:

Fly MeI was flying from Vegas to New York on the redeye when I first noticed her. Tall, slim, auburn haired, efficient. She was the first class flight attendant. I’d always had a weakness for women in uniforms – but she was something special, although maybe the three g&t’s were colouring my judgement as I lay back in my seat trying to grab some sleep. But my mind kept on returning to the attractive lady whose job was to look after my every need – and those of the other seven first class passengers on the flight. OK, maybe the ‘every need’ was wishful thinking.We’d had our principal meal service, and I’d been fighting a losing battle with my idea of sleep. I got up to stretch my legs in the darkened cabin. The other passengers were all asleep or trying to sleep. I walked to the galley at the front of the cabin to ask for a drink of water and hung around to chat.Her name was Kate and she lived in Vegas and was in her thirties. The talk turned into a mild flirtation – well sometimes these things do. Lots of direct eye contact to the extent that I felt there might be something interesting here. I am married – have been for thirty years – and while the marriage is a comfortable relationship it is largely sexless these days and I feel relatively free to play around a little as long as no-one gets hurt in the process. Extensive travel gives me certain opportunities in this respect – and certainly helps make business trips much more pleasurable in more ways than one!Anyway, I digress. At some point Kate bent down to extract something or other from one of the galley compartments. Her skirt stretched tight across her butt and she saw me staring at it. She smiled. “Nice butt huh?” she said unselfconsciously. I gave her a broad smile back in agreement.“I’ve been told by one guy I met that it was ‘very spankable'” she said. “Do you consider that a complimentary remark?”I could hardly believe my ears and my heart suddenly seemed to beating a little harder. There was a noticeable – to me – twitch in my loins. That was hardly an unsuggestive remark – she certainly wasn’t that naïve. How should I respond. I suppose to someone who wasn’t interested in spanking it could have been taken as a flirty throwaway remark. But I am interested in spanking. I find having a lady’s bare bottom over my knee, and turning it pink an extreme turn-on. To me spanking as foreplay is one of my favourite activities.I guess my smile just widened. I must have been like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. “Oh, I’d definitely agree with that statement” I said – and yes it is definitely complimentary.She looked deep into my eyes, smiling all the time. Her eyes were green and gorgeous. My loins did a little more than twitch. Her eyes travelled down my body. She saw that I was getting aroused and smiled again.“Looks like I’ve hit the spot” she said with a broad smile. I, on the other hand, was a little embarrassed.I looked back down the cabin to see if anyone was listening. No-one was stirring and we were keeping our voices down.“Well I’d certainly love to spank it” I said, almost choking on my words. “And much more I added” sotto voce. She just smiled at me again. “Are you staying in New York?” she said.“Yes, I’m at the Marriott Marquis on Times Square” I replied. “How about you? Do you stop over?”“Yes I do. I’m there ’til early tomorrow morning and we also stay over in Manhattan. You can buy me lunch if you like?”I had planned a quiet day ahead because of the redeye. My only business meeting was to be in the afternoon and as it was with a good friend I knew it could be rescheduled at short notice.“As long as I can get into my room OK so early, just give me a call and come over whenever you like. All I had planned was a nap this morning – and meeting you would be so much more interesting than that.”“OK” she said.I really couldn’t believe my good fortune. I was heading into New York. I already had an assignation with a very attractive lady who certainly appeared to be interested in being spanked – and in my book that usually meant was interested in a long drawn out spanking and sex session.The call bell buzzed – one of the other passengers needed servicing. I grinned to myself at the thought that hopefully I was going to get well and truly serviced when I got to New York. What an airline!While she was off attending to the passenger I checked in my pockets and found one of my business cards and the hotel details and scrawled the number of the Marriott Marquis on the back. When she came back I gave her the card – “Just so you don’t forget” I said. “And, of course so you know my name if, and hopefully when, you call me.”“I know your name Mr Carlisle” she said. “You are in First Class you know – not just another anonymous passenger”“Charles” I said – “not Mr Carlisle”“Oh, I think for a spanking you should be Mr Carlisle” she said “Maybe Charles afterwards though” The smile cut through me again and the green eyes flashed.Well even if nothing came of it and she turned out to be a tease, which I didn’t think she was, it would still have been an enjoyable and stimulating flight, I thought.Passengers were beginning to wake up and want coffee etc. so Kate got a little busier. I returned to my seat with a coffee and sat contemplating the day ahead. Kate served breakfast with a smile – complete with a glass of buck’s fizz ‘to help set me up for the day ahead’ she said with another of her broad smiles. I was in heaven.We landed at La Guardia – already chaotic at around 7 a.m. and after saying goodbye and a whispered “see you later” to Kate I caught a cab to the hotel. As I rode up to the sixth floor lobby at the Marquis I was praying that the hotel wasn’t full and that I wasn’t going to have to wait for a room to be cleaned before I could occupy it.As it happened, check in went smoothly and I was quickly into my room on the 28th floor. Not large, but it had a nice king size bed and was comfortably equipped – even had high speed internet access available I noted. I had hardly started to unpack when the phone rang. It was Kate.“You’ve got a room already? Great. I haven’t” she rushed out. “The hotel we stay in is full – they don’t think we’ll be able to get into our rooms ’til 11 at the earliest. I’m only about three blocks away from you – can I come over now and use your shower? I really need a shower to get me going for the day”Talk about manna from heaven. I gave her my room number and had just about enough time to call my friend’s office and put my afternoon appointment off before I heard a knock at the door – and there was Kate in her uniform, towing her flight bag behind her.I let her in. “Glad you could come” I said rather stiltedly.“Oh I hope I’m going to cum lots” she said with a wide grin.“You’re a wicked lady” I said“So spank me” she replied pressing herself against me.She rubbed even harder against me as she felt how aroused I was.I closed the door and pulled her and her bag over to the bed and had her over my knee in no time at all. I told you women in uniforms were a turn on for me anyway and to spank one still in a uniform (even if not for long) – well that was a true delight.She lay over my knee having kicked her shoes off. I started spanking her over her uniform skirt with my hand and quickly moved to lift her skirt up and continued a little harder over her pantyhose. She moved her legs apart and I rubbed her between them. She sighed. I moved my hand up and slid it down inside her pantyhose rapidly finding the wetness between her legs. I probed and massaged with my fingers gently rubbing her clit until she came hard and loud. I carried on massaging and she stayed on a high, writhing across my knee.I stopped and stood her up. “These are going to have to come down” I said. “Yes Mr Carlisle sir! She replied as she undid her skirt and stepped out of it and then took down her pantyhose. She wasn’t wearing panties. I could smell the slightly musty smell of arousal on her as she stripped off her lower garments and stood before me smiling as I looked at her naked from the waist down. She was shaved and her pussy lips were bright pink and flushed.“And the rest” I said.She took her blouse and bra off unselfconsciously and stood before me completely naked apart from a gold chain round her neck and another one round her left ankle.She had a great figure and knew it. Her breasts were small to medium in size and firm with large areolas and her nipples were standing out firmly. I stood up and kissed her on her nipples. I felt her shudder as I did this and she sighed. I eased her back over my knee and spanked her naked butt a little harder and gave her some more pussy massage. She came again and then again almost immediately her legs writhing and tightening together between orgasms.“How hard do you like?” I said“Hard” she replied. “I like to know I’ve been spanked”I stood her up again.“OK” I said. “I’m going to spank you in 20s and I’m going to use each of these implements in turn. Its going to hurt and I’m not going to stop until you’ve had your 20 and then we’ll have a little break and some nice massage” I went to my suitcase and returned with my favourite implements – a light stingy hairbrush, a rubber soled karate shoe and my long bamboo Chinese shoehorn.I put her back over my knee and spanked her hard with the hairbrush until she was wriggling around and her bottom cheeks were glowing. Ten each side. “Ow,ow,ow,ow” she said at the end, but didn’t attempt to move from over my knee. I massaged her through to orgasm again and she seemed to come even harder this time and again stayed up on a high for a long long time. I just love reactive women like this!!Next was the karate shoe. Now this looks innocuous, but can be nasty. It has a hard rubber sole with little raised knobbles all over it and HURTS. After 20 with that she turned and looked at me. She had tears in her eyes. “God that hurts” she said. “Too much?” I replied. “Almost, but not quite” she smiled back, wiping away a tear.It did take a little longer to get her to orgasm this time, but when she came this time she shouted out. I hoped they weren’t trying to nap in the next room!Her bottom was now almost scarlet all over with one or two purple patches where it was beginning to bruise. Well she did want a spanking she’d remember and this would definitely be one of those.“We’re going to take a break from spanking your bottom” I said and lifted her off my knee. I laid her on the bed on her back. She was smiling through the tears.“That’s the best spanking I’ve had for years” she said. She felt her bottom and grimaced a little.“Oh, I haven’t finished yet” I saidI kissed her on the mouth and she responded hard. I started playing with her nipples as I kissed her. I stroked them, squeezed them gently, kissed them. I could feel her responding. She started gasping. I made her orgasm just by playing with them. Not the first woman I’d come across like that, but so nice when it happens. I found I could keep her highly aroused for ages this way. A gentle squeeze here, tonguing them there, rubbing them between my tongue and my teeth, playing with my fingers on one nipple and my mouth on the other. She moaned and writhed as I did this. I guess she quite liked it!!! Female sexuality never ceases to amaze me. Sometimes I really wish I had this kind of capability. It knocks the male variety right out of the ring. Female orgasms can last and last it seems and be much more intense than male ones – and for those who achieve multiples they seem to go on for ever.Well Kate certainly achieved multiples. I lost count. I couldn’t tell where one finished and the next one started. I didn’t like to stop keeping her up there, but I had something else I wanted to try.“I’m going to give you a pussy spanking” I said.She looked at me and just smiled.I moved her legs wide apart and picked up my long bamboo shoehorn. I understand a pussy spanking can be very painful. It is a very sensitive area, but I am also told it is extremely arousing as well. I don’t spank hard there, but the shoehorn stings and is an ideal implement.I gave her a couple of very light taps with it and she wriggled delightfully and then a couple of harder swats with it which made her draw her legs together and up in the air, before obligingly moving them apart again inviting some more. Instead I massaged her there until she came again – quickly. “That spanking makes it so sensitive” she gasped as she came.I let her come down again and gave her a couple more spanks and then told her I was going to ‘kiss it better’. I went down on her taking her whole pussy in my mouth tonguing her clit until she bucked and tossed as she came and came again.I stood up and took my own clothes off. My penis stood out as I knelt beside her. I took her hand and put it on my penis, she fondled it and fondled my balls, drawing me to her, sitting up and closing her mouth over it delightfully. She licked the tip and slid her mouth up and down.“You don’t get out of the rest of your spanking that easily” I said with a smile. She pouted. I pulled her up from the bed, sat down and hauled her over my knee again. “Only another 20 to go” I said as I picked up the shoehorn again.The shoehorn is not really a vicious implement, but does sting nicely and I laid into her already sore bottom quite hard with it spreading it from the top of her thighs to the middle of her bottom. I could tell it hurt as she almost tried to wriggle off my knee. “If you do that I’ll start again” I said warningly. She still wriggled as each blow fell, but didn’t try to get away.After she’d had the promised twenty, she just lay across my knee. I could feel her sobbing gently. I picked her up and kissed the tears away from her eyes. She hugged me tight. “Thank you, thank you” she sobbed.I massaged her breasts and her pussy and kissed her. She responded rapidly again. After she’d come two or three times more I made her bend over the bed, put on a condom and fucked her slowly from behind to prolong the pleasure for me – and for her. She wriggled her sore bottom against me as I moved in and out until she came again.“Tell me when you’re going to cum” she said “I want to cum with you”I wasn’t ready yet, but close. It was so lovely being inside her I wanted to keep doing it, but wanted to come too. At last I knew I wasn’t going to be able to contain myself so I told her I was going to come and as I did she did too with another loud shout. I came too, hard and long – every muscle seemed to tense and relax in sympathy. When I’d finished I just stood there inside her pulling her bottom to me, enjoying the feeling of intensity.At last I eased myself out and we both lay on the bed in each other’s arms. After what seemed like a delightful age she pushed me away. “I came here to shower” she smiled, but somehow we seemed to get diverted”“Best diversion I’ve had in years” I saidWell we ended up showering together taking pleasure in soaping each other all over and then drying each other down. I was amazed to see it was almost 2 pm and she’d arrived at my door at about 9.45. We were both feeling hungry so we went to the coffee shop to eat and chat and hold hands.At the end of lunch she looked at me again and said “I want you to spank me some more” ….But that’s another story!

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Experienced spanker but willing to receive

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