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Acceptance is Wonderful

5:47 pm Wednesday, 7th November, 2012

Your comments fill my heart with joy and my eyes are tearing up as I write this. Thank you all for the love and support you have shown me. We need to be supportive of each other because the lives we have are some of the most difficult any human being can be given. Soon I will be taking part in a series of talks as a form of community outreach through our local LGBTQ center in an effort to inform the public of what life as a transsexual is like. I look forward to this opportunity because it is something I have wanted to do for a long time. I don't know how many people I will be able to reach but if I can change one mind or get one person to question his or her's preconceived notion about transsexuals then I will have accomplished my goal.
It is so hard to wake every day, look into the mirror and see a body you know is not right for you, but you play the hand you are dealt. And when I look in that mirror I also realize how far I've come and I'm amazed at the beautiful woman smiling back at me. I still have far to go and I don't know how many steps the Goddess will allow me before me time is up, but I will make the most of every single day and opportunity.
I recently started electrolysis and only completed two treatments because my electrologist, a very nice transwoman, said it would take as many as 100 hours to do my whole face and at $100 an hour there is no way I can do that, so I've decided to try another approach. You always have to look at things from many different perspectives. I am not giving up on getting rid of my facial hair. There is a product I've seen advertised on TV which I believe I'm going to try. I'll let you know how that works. Speaking of changes, some are out of reach like height. For a while I hated my 5 feet 11 inches because I felt I couldn't ever wear heels, but then I decided the heck with that I'm going to wear high heels anyway, because they make my legs look so sexy and I've been told as much by women and men. So, I throw caution to the wind and strut down the street in my heels whenever the mood strikes and hold my head high. I tell myself it's not my fault the world is full of short people, that's their problem. Well we just elected our president and I'm very glad because I think he is the right man for the job. On a side note I believe the world is missing out on all the potential we as transsexuals have to offer because of our unique position. I feel we could make much better leaders if given the chance then cisgendered people. Well there is always tomorrow.

6:16 pm Wednesday, 7th November, 2012

Such heartfelt words and integrity, rare and beautiful....

Always be yourself.

GG xx

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