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First casual encounter

12:21 pm Thursday, 13th August, 2020

Here we are with our first experience of swinging with the couple who became our first friend here. It was a casual meeting over a cup of coffee, yes a cup for each one of us, na na We didn't share the same cup😜. Spent good an hour or so together n chatted about everything including sex as well. That's why we met. Right. It seems like we clicked after seeing two friends chatting who would have met after a decade. We means both male never felt that ladies have met for the first time😃😃. They both made us believe that along with hell lot of fake profikes n pic collectors there are hell lot of genuine profiles are also available. What we need is to verify accordingly n don't share pics or anything with anybody without confirmation of your choice. It could be anything like voice/Cam confirmation. Could be something like 2-3 pic of your choice which includes a pic with the their hub idalong with date mentioned on it. Something like that, I have lots of weired ideas with me to verify couples. It seems like we found a couple to give swap a try very soon. It was a mutual decision to postpone the idea of getting naked altogether seeing the situation all over. With the promise of meeting soon we called the meeting off. Check out our another blog which might be of our first encounter of swapping. Till then Be safe n keep hunting. Cheers!!

3:41 pm Thursday, 13th August, 2020

Very nice sir keep up the good work sir

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Let's meet n spice up the bedroom scene a lil

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