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A quick feminization fantasy

7:23 pm Monday, 3rd August, 2020

I came home from a very long day at work. Missy wasn't home yet so I had a few moments to myself, or so it seemed. I fed the dogs, and went to bedroom to change no need to shower I just wanted to relax and unwind today. Then I saw it there at the foot of the bed.
A white lace bra and matching panty, laying by her favorite Pink Floral dress. Next were a pair of white thigh high boots, and a hot pink clutch undoubtedly filled with make up; hand picked by her to match the colors of the outfit. Finally, there was the infamous pink chrome collar. Every thing was folded and displayed very neatly and orderly. Even scented a little with perfume. It was not intended for her, it was intended for me!
My stomach sank, heart raced and I began to sweat from the over whelming panic. Could work have seriously gripped me, such that I for forgotten about tonight?!?!? Tonight she wasn't Missy, my beautiful caring girlfriend. The person I turn to, when I'm in need. Tonight...she was Mistress! All knowing, All Power! Awe inspiring! Mistress couldn't any care less about the crumbling state of affairs work. She only cared about one thing. Extracting every last drop adoration and servitude from me.
I bolted! made sure the dogs were outside, the house was clean no dishes. I lit scented candles to make the house smell nice. I put on her favorite show, and paused it right were she left off. I cut up some chicken and put in the oven as quick as I could, so that I may have her favorite chicken salad ready when she got home.
Maybe I could curry favor, and get out of it today. I thought, after all I passed up my last 2 nights of Master, in favor of more vanilla style nights. I really do love just cuddling with her and watching movies from time to time. We had date nights, I took her out, I spoiled her. Maybe .. just maybe her sentimental side would take over. I couldn't take any chances!
I raced to the shower. She had laid out all of the various personal cares she intend me to use, from hair to skin care. There was definitely no way out. I finished up quickly, and darted back to the room. She could be home at any moment and if I wasn't ready and presentable ...I had to put that out of my mind. I had to breathe and calm down lest I start sweating again and need another shower. I had to be absolutely perfect. Everything had to be perfect.
I grabbed everything off the bed and put it on the order it was intended. The bra, panties and extracting the submissive parts of my brain as the familiarity of my normal clothing was lossed. Heels of the boots raised my feet and took away most of my balance. The foundations of my agency fleeing with it. I put on the dress, it was loose over the shoulder, tight at the waist but then puffed out at the hips. The perfect dress to hide the feature of my male body, while giving me a more hourglass like figure. Concealing the tendencies of my male mind. Inside the clutch was a light pink nail polish, the most difficult for me to put on perfectly. This was going take my upmost effort, and I had no time to do so!
I sat in front of the mirror and put on my make up. Covering up the last semblances of my normal self behind a mask of feminimity. My presences getting smaller and my movements more fluid. I did surprisingly well, practice makes perfect I guess. Then I heard it!
The door knob cackling as if it were laughing at what was to come. The panic shook me so hard I jabbed my eye with the mascara, my eye filled with tears and pain! I ran to the bedroom to put on the last remaining part; the most important part. The Collar, locking me into this state of submissive feminimity; only to be taken off and released by Mistress her self.
I took a deep breath the last of my agency gone. I needn't worry about fighting the tears from my mascara'd eyeball, or if I was presentable anymore. I didn't care anymore about the dogs or the house being up kept. It was all in Mistress' hands now. In that surreal liberation I knelt in the doorway of the bedroom. "Oh pet, where are you hiding?" I heard mistress call tauntingly from the living room. With a final deep breathe, and my voice cracking from the nerves I managed to squeek out, "In the bedroom mistress."
"Good girl! stay there." She said, clearly inspecting the house. "Wow you even made me chicken, and remembered my show? How thoughtful of you." The sound of heels on the floor reverberated through my entire body with every step she took. "Did you lite these candles? Wow what a good girl you are today!" She said with an ever growing condescendance in her voice. "I hope it pleases you Mistress." I said, my heart warming a touch, nerves relaxing just a bit. "It does...very much so!" she said, finally making her way to the bedroom.
My heart synced to her pace, pounding more and more intense with every step growing more and more louder. "Oh you look sooo cute right now kneeling in from of me, but what happened to your eye?" she said with a sadistic smirk. "Thank you Mistress, you are looking absolutely divine with your beauty today. I nicked my eye with mascara." I said with a quivering voice. "That's too bad, you were almost perfect, but you know what Pet? Since you've been such a good girl doing such good job, I'll let it slide. ....Just this once!" she said with a genuine smile, running her fingers through my hair.
To my utter shock, she leaned in and ever so gently kissed my cheek leaving behind a leaving behind a bright red imprint of her beautiful perfect shade of lipstick. My heart filled with overwhelming love and adoration for Mistress, she was way too kind. I blushed a little. "There's your good job sticker, but should you act up it'll be a target." she said. I replied "Thank you Mistress you are the most gracious ever!" She smile and clipped her leash to my collar say "Now come, you can sit on the floor next to me while I eat my chicken and watch my show, you can even lay your head on my lap. Then you will kneel in front of the mirror while I change. I've got a very...very special reward, and a very...very fun night planned for you!"

8:34 am Monday, 17th August, 2020

Great start to the story, would love to read about "The Special Reward "!!! and the rest of the story!

10:36 pm Monday, 24th August, 2020

I want 2 meet u

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