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Real adventure Happens when:

8:03 pm Tuesday, 21st July, 2020

The bed doesn't feel the same alone. But it doesn't feel lonely, either. He's always with me, and I can always feel him. 
What an exceptional partner - my paramour. I don't know that he will ever really be able to believe who he is and what he means to me. Still, that's okay. His modesty and sincerity is endearing. His irritation with others at times, as he apologizes for an outburst and reminds me again how he feels. I secretly chuckle inside at the ways I see him battling himself. 
But I choose and hope to believe that I actually get the WHOLE man, the full and complete being. Let him get angry. Let him feel annoyed. And then let him find peace wherever he has to. Let him admire the things he loves in others. Let him speak his mind and embrace it. Even if it doesn't agree with me, it doesn't have to. Because it's him, and I wouldn't change anything about him. 
I'm sure he expects it will happen. It's life. At our age, most everyone has had to face trying to "fit" into a relationship. But it is SO MUCH SEXIER to just see HIM for who he is. 
My bed might not have his body, but he's shared his mind and experiences - good and  bad - with me. He is a protector, a lover, a hero. He is a fighter. He's jaded. He's naive. He's experienced and he's learning. Every day is another contradiction about him that makes my heart feel full - and my bed complete. Other's may lay beside me, beside us...but he's the only one I see and feel. 
If we all stop looking at the rough times as difficult, and consider them the seasoning for life. Love what is different. Love everything about each other. And don't look at sex as something dirty or sordid, or deviant because of the different fantasies. LOVE THOSE and USE them with each other. TALK about what you like, and don't like and where you are curious...they don't have to be bedroom fantasies. Explore!  GO out and adventure!  Run in the rain and ravage each other beneath the stars!  Write your own stories, page after page and look back in fondness for each memory you've stored. Take only the good with you, and keep each other close when it matters. 

And here. The final detail. Don't ever lose yourself in another. You can be whatever you want to be, but be who you are for yourself and watch others fall in love with that confidence and zest for life. 

Now go away!  I'm thinking of him, and getting high on his memory.

Blog Introduction

We are searching for couples like us to share discreet sexual adventures. We are creative and fun we just need to find you to play with. Don't be shy, we are new to this, and excited by the prospect of what is to come.

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