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My very first encounter.

12:18 am Sunday, 12th July, 2020

Stars danced like Diamonds on a black velvet sky, on a warm breezy night in the month of July.
It was the usual Saturday night at a time in my life before life's responsibilities had bogged me down. Just a few years out of High School in my early 20s, I peddled my 10 speed over to a friend of mine who had a little place of his own on the outskirts of town.
During the warmer summer months he always thru backyard bonfire parties and for whatever reason, had a bad habit of attracting a younger underage crowd, who made a ritual out of drinking around the fire.
I didn't know who she was, I never seen her or met her before, but for whatever reason, she caught my eye and excited me. Not that she was anyone who was all that attractive either.
Infact, she was a pretty loud spoken, rough kind of TomBoy type who filled out those tight fitting blue jeans of hers with what appeared to be a pretty sturdy frame.
For more than an hour I eyed her from the other side of the fire pit, thinking how long it would be before she caught the attention of some guy feeling his beer muscles.
Sure enough, it wasn't much longer after that she found herself in over her head, feeling heat from a couple of guy's she knew from her neighborhood.
Forming a circle around her, shoving her back and forth, her loud mouth voice began to quiver, as she knew she was in trouble.
I couldn't bear to hear that quivering crackle in her voice and felt compelled to step in and do something... But what ? I was outnumbered 3 to 1 and these guys were all pretty well built and looked like teamates who all played on the same football team.
Heated anger began welling up in me, so I walked over to them until one of them addressed me with the usual smart ass question.
" Who the F--k R-U and what the F--k do you want ?"
Smiling back at him, I simply replied; " I see you all met my Cousin... You Boys play kind of rough, dont cha ?"
At that point, they all stopped shoving her and took a couple steps back, opening up a hole in the circle they formed around her.
Wide eyed and terrified, she looked at me, not knowing what my next trick would be.
Reaching in to grab her hand, I announced to her and everyone there; C'mon you, time to go home. Parties over, atleast for now it is."
To stunned to say anything, she followed my lead, bowing my head as we stepped from the crowd; " Gentlemen." Is all I said, as I walked her over to the driveway.
My friend stored my bike for me, down in his basement until I came back for it later on the night.
I told him I was going to walk this girl back home and that I would be back later on that night.
Or so I thought.
She was a pretty scrappy gal, A shoulder length Brunette, about 20 years old. 5ft5 and a very solid 120 lbs.
As we walked in the moonlight, she explained to me she lives at home with her divorced Mom. Her Dad passed away in a car accident years ago, so apparently this girl found alot of different ways of getting herself into trouble.
She had an adorable giggle and was easy to make laugh.
She lived in a suburb, more than a mile from the party, but because she did not drive and walked everywhere, she knew a few short cuts that lead us across an open field. About half across the field, she took me by the hand and stopped me to thank me for saving her.
Right there in the middle of the path, out beneath a full lit moon, she pulled me in close to me to thank me with a 💋.
It was a kiss that was irresistible.
Like something right out of a Bob Seger song, I thought of the song; Night Moves.
That kiss lasted more then just a few minutes and she her traveled hands tried undoing my belt, right there in the moonlight.
I stopped her right there, thanking her for her appreciation she was showing me, but I really think we need to get you home. She took a step back, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, and agreed. At that time, I did not know we were only 10 minutes from her house, and that her Mom was spending the weekend with a friend.
Walking her to the front door for one last kiss, she plunged her tongue half way down my throat, pushing me up against the brick wall behind me, feeling the body heat rise between us, she broke away for a moment, to tell me; C'mon in, we've got the house all to ourselves.
My Mom wont be back until dinner time tomorrow.
By that time, she had me so hot and horny, I wasn't about to disagree or say no. Her bedroom was down in the lower level of a Bi level 3 bedroom 3 bath
house. Fixing me a drink, she excused herself so she could take a shower and slip into something more comfortable.
Half way through my drink, I say this vision of naked femininity step out of the downstairs bathroom door.
Not wearing a stitch, she was bare assed naked as the day she was born. Walking over to me on the couch, curling up in my lap, she took the drink from my hand and asked me if I needed a shower.
What are you asking me ? I thought to myself, but decided to play along.
What I didn't know was, this was her way of getting me out of my clothes, and while I was in the shower, she snuck into the bathroom, gathered up all of my clothes and hid them on me.
Wearing only a towel, I stepped from the bathroom walking in the direction of the TV area where I had originally come from, when I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat from behind me. Turning around, I looked and there she was, standing inside an open door at the end of the hall. " This Way." Was all she said to me. Following her lead I did like she said and walked towards her.
Grabbing hold of my towel, wanking it off as she let it fall to the floor, eyeing me up and down like something right off the menu; " What R-U, shy ?" Well lets see what we can do to get you over that." 
Pulling me inside her room, physically over powering me, pushing me in the direction of her bed, one final shove and she had me sitting buck naked, on the edge of her bed.
Drawing her focus down to my pipe hardened errection standing at full attention at her, she seemed very pleased.
Standing naked in front of me with both hands on her hips, she noticed how much I was getting off on being bullied by her.
" Ohhh, you seem to like this when girls are in control. Dont you ?"
Truth be told ? I didn't know how to respond, all I know is I was liking the attention she was giving me, and with everyone of her advances I continued growing impossibly stiff.
" I - I - I have never done anything like this before." Is all I could tell her.
Eyeing me over, she seemed to enjoy what she saw. Muscular legs and thin waist line, from all that bicycle riding I'd been doing.
Tackling me in bed, she sat on top of me, telling me all the things she was going to do to me. I was so pre-occupied, I never even noticed her tying my outstretched arms to her headboard with her nylon stockings she had on hand.
It was my first experience at kink. What made it even more unforgettable and more difficult to resist was her young and deliciously wicked mind.
I wasn't seeing anyone steady at that time, so this new experience became a fetish by her insistence we continue this little game we were playing, week after week. Using that wicked tongue of hers to tease and edge me time an time again I agreed to things with her, I normally wouldn't have agreed to.
Tying me to her bed, both feet and hands, she surprised me when she shaved off all my pubic hair, officially claiming me as hers.
I was to embarrassed of taking a chance of being seen this way by anybody else, so naturally I agreed to play along with her perverted little game.
Teasing me with her tongue everytime, she easily subdued me into letting her take the top.
Whenever she did, she would tie me back down and smother my face, riding herself to glory.
It has been more than 20 years ago this happened, she eventually became bored with me and moved on to other relationships.
Me ??? It took me a good six months to a full year to grow back all my pubic hair, before I could start dating again. It had effected me so much so that during that time I was left alone, all by myself on weekends, to play with myself and fantasize about my next encounter. If it would ever come.

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Cant fight this feeling anymore

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